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Wally Balls

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Posts posted by Wally Balls

  1. 4056538.jpg


    Who are you? And, lest it appear I'm taking sides in the EMHE-Pbone showdown - why'd you post a picture of EMHE?


    I'm Raceman Sposs, but that's not the answer you're looking for. I've only been posting "consistently" for the past month or two, so I have no idea what you're talking about after the "Who are you?"


  2. Man it's gonna be so fucking weird to see Kerry Collins pass Montana for all-time passing yards this year... if he can stay healthy that is.


    I know that this has been mentioned before, but it's not like Joe Montana put up overly-impressive numbers. He won 4 Super Bowls yes, but his regular season numbers were merely average.

  3. Also added,(according to prowrestling.net); Mayrse vs Melina, and Jericho vs Kingston in a MITB Qualifier. Should be interesting to see how they handle The MITB Qualifier. Maybe a legend(s) cost Jericho the match, finally giving us who he'll be facing at W.M. Or not.


    I'm fairly certain that Kofi will win the MITB qualifier. After all the interaction with the legends over the past few weeks, there's no way he isn't involved with the legend(s) at WM.

  4. My brothren Team Korea beat Japan 1-0


    I'm hoping for a USA/Korea finals. I'll be terribly indecisive on who I want to win, but it will be great.


    Oh, and I've been looking for the 2009 Team Korea WBC hat for a few days now. I can't find it anywhere.

  5. Oh I get it, Roho exists outside of the wrestling folders. I thought he was just some guy who showed up during Raw to complain about the PG direction of the company. Carry on.


    That's just plain false. I've never complained about the PG direction of the company or the like. If you can point out specific examples of me doing this, I'll leave forever.


    "Melina just made a sex reference about Maryse, she can't do that with the PG rating can she?" or something like that.


    Admittedly it's hard to read internet tones, but everytime I read you as saying something like that, I take it seriously. I don't know why.


    Understandable. I misinterpret text messages/posts sometimes because I can't understand the tone behind the message. But I wasn't complaining, just poking fun about the situation.

  6. I was going to say goldengreek until Spaceman Ross posted what he just posted.


    You should probably be more specific.


    You and everyone else here doesn't like me. I get it. The difference between you and some other posters, is that some of them have an original thought and come up with more than just clever one-liners like the one above.


    If I'm going to be banned, then I think I deserve a better reason than "Spaceman Ross is horrible" or something along those lines.

  7. Oh I get it, Roho exists outside of the wrestling folders. I thought he was just some guy who showed up during Raw to complain about the PG direction of the company. Carry on.


    That's just plain false. I've never complained about the PG direction of the company or the like. If you can point out specific examples of me doing this, I'll leave forever.

  8. If you honestly thought I was being serious with the Benoit/Submission wrestling comment, you may want to consider a vasectomy or tubal ligation. I thought you internet guys were smart and could differentiate between sincerity and facetiousness.


    Scroby, if only I had oral hygiene practices (or lack thereof) and your vast wrestling experience and knowledge, maybe I could be a more competent internet poster for you. After all, you've worked numerous indy shows from what I've read. You must know everything there is to know about everything ever.


    Spaceman Spiff, I changed my name in tribute to you of course. I thought you would be appriciative of such a show of respect. Oh by the way, I was kidding. I should probably point that out more often so some of you don't get confused.


    Brother Mouzone, you're black and Canadian so I really don't have to listen to anything you say.


    Czech Please!, To answer your question, I'm not sure "who I'm crappin'". For someone as articulate as you, as well as your massive vocabulary, I would think you can come up with a better catch phrase. Oh by the way, you're not funny nor are you insightful. You're just annoying.


    909, in reference to my post in the NFL offseason thread, you said my list of team rankings was awful and that you would make your own list later. You never posted such a list. I'm assuming it's because as soon as other posters berated my list and the idea of my list in the first place, you decided to not post one after all. God forbid you make a "dumb" post as a moderator. Why don't you roll over and let the posters stomp on the other side of your face?


    Oh, and seeing how Venk thinks I'm guilty of copyright infringement, maybe I'll change my name again. I was thinking something along the lines of Nonsensical Retarded Asian or maybe Asian Romo. Unfortunately, nonsensical and retarded are already prominent traits of a lot of you, so maybe I'll pick Asian Romo, or maybe I'll just stick with the name I have.

  9. I've been out of the wrestling loop with the exception of last Monday, but I thought this "Cena isn't over" "Turn Cena heel" garbage had gone away.


    Who would some of you rather have in the top face spot? CM Punk? Fuckin Evan Bourne? Compare Cena's reaction to CM Punk's reaction. They don't even compare. John Cena is the face of the company and will continue to be the face of the company for the next few years. People can hate on John Cena all they want. They can point out his supposed lack of "wrestling" ability and his marshmallow, vanilla character, but he makes the WWE money and that's all they really care about. This horse has been beaten to death, dug up, and beaten some more.


    Cena brings in a SHIT LOAD of fans. I don't care if you think his only fans are prepubescent girls and little kids. He works hard, draws a crowd, and most importantly, makes a lot of money for the WWE. It's like the Lakers getting rid of Kobe because some people don't like them. I don't know if any of you have realized it, but it's pretty obvious that the WWE doesn't care about the IWC's opinion and they won't listen to you anyway.

  10. It's the main reason I hate T.O., to be honest with you. If you watch that whole clip though, it's incredible how much he's changed. I wonder if he was taking meds or something and just goes off of them every once in a while? Because he seems like he can be normally pretty well adjusted and then one day blam, he goes off the deep end. And everyone always talks about what a model, nice guy he was coming in to the league and all that.


    Based on what he's said, of course he's brought a lot of it on himself, but it would be naive of me to think that the media didn't antagonize him and twist some of his statements. I don't know him so I'm not going to call him a terrible human being. He stilll manages to make friends everywhere he goes and many of his teammates end up being on his side.


    Even with this new beginning in Buffalo, he still has a dark cloud hanging over his head. Even if he plays his ass off, gets along with everyone, and shows that he can be a team player, the media will still find something to blame him for, and you know they're just waiting for him to fuck up. He really can't win when it comes to his portrayal. I mean, on NFL.com they're already talking about when they think T.O. is going to explode on the sidelines for this team underperforming.

  11. The Cowboys have also released safety Roy Williams, according to ESPN.


    He might have fallen off of the wagon these last few years, but he was always my favorite player ever since he arrived in Dallas. Dude made opposing recievers think twice about going across the middle and if they did, he would make them pay for it big time. I'm probably the only one who will miss him though. He missed a great majority of the 08-09 season and the defense still had troubles. Blaming all of the pass coverage woes on Roy Williams is a little unfair. I'm also certain that the Ravens wouldn't have busted out two 70+ yard runs against Dallas had he been there and healthy. I think he can still play, it just remains to be seen. He's been to 5 pro bowls and I think he still has the ability to go to a few more.

  12. I can see one of two things happenening


    The Cowboys will make a deep playoff run, possibly Super Bowl appearance and the media will eat T.O. alive blaming him for everything that went wrong in Dallas.




    The Cowboys will fall apart, miss the playoffs, and have a losing record and everyone will criticize the release of T.O. and speculate what could have happened if he were still there.

  13. Five favorite singers/voices


    1. Freddie Mercury - Queen (Will never be replaced as number one)

    2. John Lennon - The Beatles

    3. Thom Yorke - Radiohead

    4. Whitney Houston (Will never be replaced as my favorite female voice)

    5. Kurt Cobain - Nirvana



  14. I hope to Jesus that Tampa ends up resigning Jermaine Phillips and Phillip Buchanon. Should they do so, I could go into our so-called rebuilding phase feeling like only the defensive line and (of course) the quarterback position were areas of extreme doubt.


    At least the defensive line has Gaines Adams to build around. Chris Hovan and Styles G White aren't god awful. Another good defensive end opposite Adams would help out a lot. Im suprised they didn't try to sign Chris Canty or Antonio Smith.
