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Wally Balls

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Posts posted by Wally Balls

  1. If they don't look bad on paper, which is all they can be judged by at this juncture, why are they the antepenultimate team on your list? Who you crappin'?


    Because when you see the players they have and what they've done, one might think that they can play better than they do.

  2. My subjective rankings for 2009 as of right now, regardless of the draft coming up.


    1. Pittsburgh Steelers - They're returning just about everyone and the way the defense played last year, there isn't any reason to believe that they can't win it all again.


    2. New York Giants - Don't know what happened to them in the playoffs. They suffered the same fate as Dallas did the previous year.


    3. New England Patriots - Tom Brady is coming back, and even without him they manged to go 11-5 this past season. Let's not forget that they're only a year removed from 16-0 and being hailed as one of the best teams in the history of football.


    4. Dallas Cowboys - We all know that they are as physically gifted as any team out there. The question is if they can use their talents to their full potential. They missed the playoffs, but I hope this season was a wake up call for them because they can be as good as anyone else. Their AFC opponents are the AFC West, which will be much better than playing the Steelers and Ravens. I expect them to go 3-1 against the AFC. They'll lose to the Broncos or Chargers, but I'd like to hope they can beat the Chiefs and Raiders.


    5. Baltimore Ravens - Joe Flacco showed a lot of potential, but their defense is what wins them games. Bart Scott won't be missed too much.


    6. Tennesee Titans - Albert Haynesworth wasn't the only reason this team was good. Look out for them to be contenders again.


    7. Indianapolis Colts - Knocked out of the playoffs early, but as long as Peyton Manning is healthy, they have the potential to win every game they play.


    8. San Diego Chargers - They really underachieved this past season, but still rallied late in the season to make a playoff run. Like Dallas, they have all the tools, they just need to use them properly. Merriman coming back will help out a lot.


    9. Arizona Cardinals - I know that they almost won the Super Bowl, but I think it was the momentum and underdog role that really kept them hanging in there. We don't even know if Warner and Boldin will return to the team. With that said, they still play in one of the weaker divisions, so they'll probably be headed to the playoffs again, but I wouldn't expect another Super Bowl appearance.


    10. Philadelphia Eagles - Don't know what to think about them. The Eagles can be a team that can dominate, or they can be a team that ties games with the Bengals. They have gone to 5 NFC Championship games under McNabb and Reed, so they definitely have shown that they have the talent and experience to contend for a Super Bowl, but they're getting older and other teams are looking to break through to the top tier of the NFL.


    11. Atlanta Falcons - Showed a lot of promise this past year, but it's hard to stay consistent in the NFL. Especially when you have a young team like they do.


    12. Minnesota Vikings - The defensive line and Adrian Peterson are enough to keep them a contender.


    13. Carolina Panthers - Jake Delhome's tank might be on E. They'll be heavily reliant on the running attack.


    14. Washington Redskins - Albert Haynesworth, okay great. What are you going to do about the other issues?


    15. New Orleans Saints - The offense is one of the best in the NFL, even without a great running game. The defense is okay enough to keep them in games.


    16. Miami Dolphins - Had a great turnaround season, but I can't picture them mirroring that same kind of success. Especially with Tom Brady coming back to kill them.


    17. Houston Texans - Even with Sagecopter at QB, the team showed some promise. If Matt Schaub can stay healthy, then this team can suprise a lot of people.


    18. Tampa Bay Buccaneers - These guys are odd. I mean, Jeff Garcia can still play, they have a good group of running backs and recievers, and a defense that can play lights out. They just couldn't find a way to win the games when they needed to. I was almost certain they were going to come into Texas Stadium and wax Dallas considering Brad Johnson was playing. They're a good team and have another recieving option in Kellen Winslow, but they do play in a tough division. Arguably the second best behind the NFC East.


    19. Buffalo Bills - Started off great and then tanked. With Miami playing better and the Pats getting Brady back, the Bills will have to really play their asses off to have a shot.


    20. Green Bay Packers - Aaron Rodgers has so far, filled the void of Brett Favre pretty well. They're definitely better than their record suggested.


    21. Jacksonville Jaguars - Really underachieved this past year. Disappointed a lot of people with high hopes after a great 2007-2008.


    22. Denver Broncos - In their division, anything can happen.


    23. Chicago Bears - Offense needs a lot of help.


    24. Kansas City Chiefs - Matt Cassel isn't going to solve everything


    25. New York Jets - Without Favre, the Jets are in desperate need for a QB. Favre had a lot to do with them losing down the stretch, but also had a lot to do with them going 8-3. I'm sure this need will be adressed with the draft coming up.


    26. Cincinatti Bengals - Carson Palmer will be coming back healthy, but the defense needs A LOT of help


    27. San Francisco 49ers - They have Patrick Willis to build their defense around, they just need a QB to build the offense around. Fans in San Fran are waiting for the next great QB. It's been a long time since Montana, Rice and Steve Young.


    28. Cleveland Browns - These guys are schizophrenic. They can't decide if they want to be good or bad. Mangini will do what he can and Brady Quinn will develop, but I don't think it's going to be their year.


    29. Seattle Seahawks - Michael Crabtree or not, the Seahawks only have a few bright spots (Trufant, Tatupu)


    30. St. Louis Rams - These guys don't look too bad on paper. Steven Jackson needs to stay healthy or they don't have a shot.


    31. Oakland Raiders - Nnamdi Asomugha = the team


    32. Detroit Lions - You're going to hell Matt Stafford, so bring your sunblock.

  3. The Jonas Brothers are basically today's Hanson, although I think they've become bigger than them.


    I don't have a problem with pop music. I find it more admirable that someone can admit to liking it when everyone else and their dog lists ther favorite bands as Radiohead, The Pixies, Sonic Youth, and whatever else Rolling Stone gives a good review to. I understand that some people genuinely like that music, but some people claim to like it because it gives them a false sense of intelligence and therefore, hate on pop music because that's what the rest of the contemporary rock critics are doing.

  4. I can understand the idea of bringing in a veteran QB (Brad Johnson, and now Jon Kitna) to groom Romo, but there comes a time when your back up QB needs to still be able to preform, not just give advice. I still think Rex Grossman would have been best suited as Dallas' backup, but then again, I don't know what goes on in Jerry Jones' mind.


    And...I can't even begin to understad how the Broncos thought it would be a good idea to ship off Cutler in hopes of getting Cassel. If Jay Cutler is pissed off, I don't blame him. I just think it's so ridiculous to jump on this guy's dick after he played one good year in New England. In fact, giving any player an insane amount of money after one year is unbelievable.


    As far as Cassel's current situation goes, we'll just have to wait and see how he does. He gets a welcomed upgrade at RB with Larry Johnson, but with all due respect to Dwayne Bowe, he's no Randy Moss or Wes Welker. Cassel won't have the luxury of throwing to elite recevers anymore. Tony Gonzalez is getting older, but he should still be a consistent target for Cassel. The OL of the Patriots will be sorely missed by Cassel though. If Cassel is the real deal, then he can play well with the Chiefs, if he isn't, he'll just go down as another free agent/trade bust.

  5. Wade Phillips starting Rob Johnson over Doug Flutie.


    Edit: This is more Ralph Wilson decision over Phillips, but whatever.


    Ahh....you beat me to it. Rob Johnson, just another reason why you don't put all your stock into a QB who hasn't proven to be consistent. I mean, he played TWO good games in Jacksonville. I don't think that warrants giving up what the Bills gave for him (a first and fourth round pick, the first pick was used to get Fred Taylor). Even if Matt Cassel gets traded and gets a big pay day, at least he played a full season well (Which I still don't think warrants a huge contact, see my rant about Albert Haynesworth)




  6. I find it hard to believe that the Chicago Bears have shown no interest in getting a WR. Matt Forte is the only shining spot of this offense, and we don't know if he will produce as much as he did during his rookie season. Orton, and formally Rex, wouldn't be so terrible if they actually had someone to throw to. Sorry to Devin Hester and Earl Bennet, but those two certainly arent the answer at WR that the Bears need.


    Unless they put together a passable group of guys for Orton to throw to, then I don't see the Bears being any better next year. Get a fucking wide reciever! Jeremy Maclin should be available by the time they step up to pick, but knowing the Bears, they'll take a DE or LB. Even if Maclin is gone, there is still Percy Harvin and that kid from Maryland (can't think of his name) People talk about how deep of trouble the Seahawks are at WR...At least they have Deion Branch who although had a TERRIBLE season last year, has shown to be productive. The Bears have no WR that opposing defenses need to worry about.

  7. Couple things...


    As a Cowboys fan, forgive me if I come off as a bit biased, but I don't think Albert Haynesworth will have as big an impact as he did this year. No way is this fat fuck worth 100 mil. I honestly don't know why people are gushing over him because he had ONE good season this year, and one mediocre season last year. Other than that, he hasn't really done anything to prove to me that he's worth so much money. Same goes for guys like Bart Scott. I don't understand why these guys think they deserve so much money, especially being defensive players. Guys like Ed Reed, Troy Polamalu, Demarcus Ware, Joey Porter, they have proven to be good players over multiple seasons. Albert Haynesworth will probably be another big free agent bust for the Redskins. I just think these guys should prove to be good players over a few seasons before they start demanding a crazy amount of money.


    Second, I don't understand all the hate for Rex Grossman. He hasn't been great, but he did get them to one of their two Super Bowl appearances. Sure the defense and Devin Hester had a lot to do with it, but he still had to lead the offense, an offense that wasn't exactly an elite group. He didn't have a lot of help in Chicago, but I still think he could start for a handful of teams (Vikings, Niners, Lions, Jets) hell, I'd love to have him backing up Romo in Dallas now that Brad Johnson is out (Thank fucking god!)


    Third, you'll have to excuse me for being cynical, but I don't think TJ Houshmenwhateverthefuckhisnameis will drastically help out any team that he goes to unless they have another big time reciever like Chad Johnson/Ocho Cinco. The only reason TJ caught so many balls is because all the attention was on number 85. I'm sure he's a good reciever, but I don't think he's the ultimate answer for any team at WR. Same goes for Derrick Ward. He did fine when Jacobs was there to punish the defense, but I can't see him as a feature back. People are saying he's the best RB in free agency, I say fuck you. Fred Taylor, while injury prone, has done what Derrick Ward did last year (rush for over 1000 yards) 7 times in his career and will be a great fit in New England. And as far as Marvin Harrison is concerend, he needs to end up with a team with an at least viable QB, or else he won't do much. Peyton Manning can do it without Harrison, I'm not so sure Harrison can do it without Manning.


    Fourth, the Cowboys are looking to ship out safety Roy Williams. He probably has lost a step, but Roy as an outside linebacker could work really well. He may not be quick enough to cover good recievers, but he is certainly quick enough to play linebacker, and with his hitting power and tackling, he would be great at stopping the run.



  8. They should have made him like Ivan Drago. THAT would have worked.


    Questions. Who would have played the part of Apollo Creed? And who would have done the big James Brown "Living In America" show they did before the match?


    lol. Teddy Long actually sounds just like Apollo, but that wouldn't work for obvious reasons.


    I can't think of anyone that would fit Apollo perfectly though. Maybe Booker T? Not Shelton...no charisma.


    EDIT: Totally forgot Booker T wasn't around anymore.

  9. Lol, I forgot about that curbstomp comment.


    Listen. I don't really hate Vickie as a person; she's probably a nice woman. I just can't stand the fact that because her husband died, she's been on TV doing the same old shit for probably two years now and it's gotten REALLY old. I'd really like to hear what you guys think she does that makes her a "good" heel. All I see is an annoying, unattractive (so much that Cena, HHH, etc. make fun of her for it) woman who has done nothing to warrant the Board of Directors keeping her on as Smackdown GM.


    What more do you want? Specific examples of heel deeds she's done? I think she just has a good personality for it. She can pull of the character well. And who cares if she's unattractive? Why do you keep bringing that up, like it even matters...


    Her looks do matter, because the uglier someone is, the less I want to see her on TV. Especially when she has no acting skills to make up for her ugliness. You're telling me that if she was good-looking and didn't have such a grating voice she would get just as much heat? I have a very hard time believing that.


    Her character works though. The fans boo and get extremely into her segments. She gets the reaction that any heel authority figure should get.
