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Everything posted by Mik

  1. Mik


    Good interview with Michael Emerson... http://nymag.com/daily/entertainment/2007/05/lost_1.html And according to AintitCool News... Both flashbacks and flashforwards next season.
  2. Mik

    The Sopranos

    And doing it in the last scene in the second to last episode makes it any different how? They could easily fill the last hour with the fallout.
  3. Mik

    I can't listen to this album without crying.

    Fooster changed his name to Derek Bailey?
  4. Mik

    UFC 71

    Too bad he's 36. He could easily be marketed to high heaven if he backed it up. He's about as solid physically as you can get at 205 and he has a quiet, confident thug persona that could translate very well. But he's too old for a rookie.
  5. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    How do we all feel about Sherk vs. Franca? I'm not too thrilled with Franca as the top contender for the title but Sherk won't have fought in 9 months by the time this match rolls around. I'm still going with Sherk for the win. It's nuts that Sherk is the longest reigning champ in the UFC (tied w/ Anderson Silva)
  6. Mik

    UFC 71

    It's an awesome picture.
  7. Mik

    UFC 71

    I personally think they'll start Shogun off w/ a jobber just so people can get to know him. I'm glad Dana mentioned Fedor because if Randy beats Gonzaga and whoever challenger comes next I'd like to see him finish his 4 fight contract and career by losing his belt to Fedor. Consider that a pipe dream.
  8. Mik

    UFC 71

    Nobody is buying 72. It's at 3pm on a Saturday afternoon.
  9. Mik

    UFC 71

    So, are we thinking that Rampage and Hollywood will headline UFC 76?
  10. Mik

    UFC 71

    Chuck's face said it all. His eyes were all crossed and he asked his corner what happened... he just got caught. Who would boo Rampage? Fuck them. THE CHAMP! "Just call me notouch." I hope Rampage destroys Henderson.
  11. Mik

    UFC 71

    Eh... Salaverry didn't complain. He very well may have been out there. Martin dropped him right on his head.
  12. Mik

    UFC 71

    Oh my god, he murdered him. MURDERED HIM. He knocked him down 3 times and then practically killed him with the last shot. "I'm a little upset that I have to fight him instead of a contender." Oops. Welcome to contendership, Houston.
  13. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I love how Joe was talking about how much he loved boxing right before that guy said that he wasn't a boxing fan. Ha. You know you're losing the argument when you say the words human cockfighting.
  14. Mik

    UFC 71

    If the fight was judged based on who looked better at 205 then Rampage would win hands down. Perfect frame for 205 but Chuck was sporting a GUT at the weigh-in today. I watched it on ESPN news, which was cool. They are also having post-show coverage on ESPN news after the show on Saturday, including highlights, so that's something to keep a heads up on for those who might be getting the show. It's sad/funny to watch the guys on Around the Horn and PTI talk about UFC because they know nothing about it, but it's nice to see ESPN go all out with their entry into UFC coverage.
  15. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Apparently Diego almost RETIRED before the UFC 69 weigh-ins because they thought he had Hep C. It turned out it was a horrible staph infection. That sounds a little... extreme. Is Dana making excuses for that fight?
  16. Mik

    Jayson Stark's Overrated/Underrated

    His underrated list.
  17. Mik


    I just watched it again. They show a closeup of the woman's face and I paused it. It's definitely not Claire, not even with any amount of makeup. It looked like Juliette's sister, to go along with what Ravenbomb said a few pages ago but I probably wouldn't have even considered that if I hadn't read it previously. I think I'm ruling out Claire, though.
  18. Mik


    You know, I was just thinking the other day that this thread was missing Stephen Joseph giving his opinions as facts...
  19. Mik

    American Idol

    Well on idol gives back fat would be an appropriate word. She looked good last night, however.
  20. Mik


    I think at this point it's almost impossible to predict how the series is going to play out. Lindelof and Cuse's post show interview only focused on the Charlie scene, which is really the most tangible moment from last night. It was a beautiful scene, by the way. Perfectly executed. I don't think it's a Desmond type situation, where Jack somehow knows that's going to happen and intervenes somehow. I'm not sure if I read that here or somewhere else. It's not plausible. I'm also not sure they would be so bold as to go to the future and then tell the story through flashbacks to the island. That would be very bold. There's still many things that NEED to be told about the island. They CAN NOT just gloss over them because they made a transition. That would be very disappointing. Lostpedia says that a lot of the visible words in the newspaper clipping are direct references to the Dark Tower series by Stephen King. Anybody know anything about it? My off the cuff opinion: Season 4 is about the Others and the Losties banding together to fend off Dharma/whoever Naomi really works for. Desmond is going to radio Jack at the start of Season 4 and the actual extraction from the island isn't going to be super easy. In fact I believe it will be a war of some sort. Maybe we continue to get flash forwards, maybe we don't. I can definitely see how that was could be used as a one time plot device just to get everyone talking (although that would be lame I'd be ok with it). Hard to say. Guess we'll know in 9 months.
  21. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Yeah. I think he quit at 158. Which is just insane to put yourself through all that and quit 2 pounds away...
  22. Mik


    That other note that Pegasus Kid posted says "Man Found" and "from New York"... Michael? Walt?
  23. Mik


    Why would she be in LA instead of Florida?
  24. Mik


    The body of Jo... that's what i can make out from the note. Locke it is?
  25. Mik


    I'm just dense. I cracked a joke about jacking having a RAZR cell phone years and years ago. I honestly didn't see it coming until Kate showed up. Which is sad because there were so many clues. As for the island...the Charlie stuff was awesome. He was soooo great in that chair. Just all hilariously sarcastic. The death scene was great, although he probably could have escaped. I just think he felt like if he didn't die then it wouldn't be fulfilled. Locke being alive again and then coming to the rescue was pretty awesome. I love Locke. That knife throw was insane. Too bad Jack fucked it all up. The moment of the episode was obviously Hurley's van trip. Everyone's been telling him he's too fat and he can't do anything for a LONG time now and that was so AWESOME. I think it's Ben's funeral. I definitely have to watch this again.