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Everything posted by Mik

  1. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    I'm unclear if I Like Forums posted Mask because I'm debating (leaning towards) getting Roger Huerta's tattoo.
  2. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Not sure if that was in reference to me but I don't own any MMA clothing except Affliction, which I don't even really consider MMA clothing. I did defend wearing it in the past but I don't personally wear it. Anyways, Shogun is out of UFC 85 match with Chuck. I wonder who they're going to get to replace him?
  3. Mik

    NFL Offseason Thread

    How dumb is ESPN Sportsnation? 10) If you needed a game-winning touchdown drive, who would you pick? 26.3% Joe Montana 25.1% Brett Favre 19.7% Tom Brady 17.0% John Elway 7.9% Peyton Manning 1.8% Dan Marino 1.2% Steve Young 1.2% Johnny Unitas Brett Favre and Tom Brady ahead of John Elway? Oh really?
  4. Mik

    Kawalimus wants to know...

    I believe that Kawalimus has joined my elite list of people I legitimately feel sorry for. The previous two entrants were Kotz and Frigid Soul. Frigid Soul got his life together so he's no longer in the group. But Kotz is still in there and he welcomes you!
  5. Mik

    College Hoops: 3/1/08 - 3/16/08

    Are you a Duke fan Cowboy? As a former Tarheel I don't want to have to hate you if the answer is yes.
  6. Mik

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Yeah but the music's good.
  7. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Maybe in general but I think that particular one is pretty badass.
  8. Mik

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    The dude in the purple shirt and his sister are the main singers. Coincidentally, they are the two black kids. I was talking about the guy though.
  9. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    In the parts I saw she got absolutely jabbed to death. That's a pretty accurate assessment of the fight.
  10. Mik

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Everybody's favorite new band (!) is releasing their debut record in July. Two new songs early April. Whatever - I'm looking forward to it despite the fact that I think I hate every single thing about the lead singer. Look at that face. My god. Show some respect for yourself.
  11. Mik

    The Wire: Final Season

    I think it makes sense. HBO wants its entire viewing audience to watch it in one shot to potentially get a sense of what type of rating it pops. It also is the series finale so why not honor the time slot? For those wondering how I found out: I checked this morning when I got back from the gym and it said available 3/10. I watched all the seasons prior to this one starting so I'm not going to go back through them but it was great to do so over the holidays.
  12. Mik

    Round One, TSM Worst Poster Tournament

    Mecca Bob Barron dx1997 cabbageboy truthiness Jericho2000Mark Art Sandusky - Probably the biggest loser who has ever posted on TSM Bruiser_Brody Chazz Nate Superjerk the walkin' dude edgehead69 Cartman Man Who Sold the World MVP Failed Bridge Matt Young - Talk about a tough first round matchup. Poor planning. Czech Republic jericholic82 dustinbeaverton Narcoleptic Jumper Razateca foleyfanforever88 Battlenuts alfdogg Y2Jerk Enigma JNNews majormayhem1 EHME/Simon Adebisi Jingus Kawalimus Giuseppe Zangara TaigaStar Iggymcfly Usethesledgehammeruh NYU TheShooter MarvinisaLunatic twiztedmind Flairfan I didn't vote where I liked both people.
  13. Mik

    The Wire: Final Season

    We're all in the same boat now. No On Demand this week.
  14. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Well I've wanted a tattoo for the longest time but was always puzzled as to what I would get. I hate, hate, hate colored tats because they almost always look white trash to me. Ever since Roger's been adding on to his tattoo it's just been getting better and better and I finally found one that I would be comfortable having. In conclusion - yes, I am gay for Huerta.
  15. Mik

    UFC 82: Pride of A Champion

    Chris Leben will never be a champion in the UFC. Ever. I'm sorry but he was getting his friggin' clock cleaned by TERRY MARTIN before catching him with a lucky shot to win the fight. I'll give Leben credit for having a chin that appears to be made of solid steel but he doesn't have the skill set to be a champ. Dude puts on entertaining mid-card brawls and that's awesome. But that's about his ceiling. I didn't explain why I don't think Koscheck can beat GSP because other people have already done it for me in this very thread. Do you want me to rewrite what they wrote word for word? Obviously Chuck WON'T drop down. I even said that in my post, but a complete lack of reading comprehension skills will get you to that conclusion. Does Chuck even cut for fights? I can't imagine he does because he always has a belly. And we were talking about dream catch-weight matches. Chuck could get to 185 for a mega-fight. Or at least 195 if they want to meet half way.
  16. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Odd request but does anyone have a very up-close high(ish) quality picture of Roger Huerta's tattoo? Google image search is getting back some good ones but I'm looking for a view from head on. I'm thinking of getting the chest and tricep piece with a small bit of the back piece and I'd like a really clear image. EDIT: Nevermind. Found very good pictures on his MySpace.
  17. Mik

    UFC 82: Pride of A Champion

    Notes from the press conference: Randy has been offered a fight with Minotauro. Dana said that he (Randy) owes it to him (Nog) just like Tim Sylvia owed it to Randy last year. Okami broke his hand against Tanner. Seems like Okami is next, but not specifically stated. Dana also talked about Silva fighting Rampage and said that he needs to "keep B.J. Penn in check because B.J. wants to fight all the way up to heavyweight." Dana followed that up by saying he doesn't think B.J. should fight anywhere above welterweight. Dana said he thinks Silva has "cleaned out the divison." Dana strongly hinted at Fitch officially being the #1 contender. Arlovski and Koscheck are now officially free agents. Dana also called the XC deal a "stupid TV deal" and that MMA isn't hot... UFC is. Oh, Dana.
  18. Mik

    UFC 82: Pride of A Champion

    I rewatched the Leben fight this morning. Sakara was catching him HARD with bombs. If you just listen to the sound you definitely hear the thuds of Sakara's fist hitting square on Leben's face. Multiple times. And Joe and Goldberg were oblivious. At one point Sakara hit Leben square with a combo. Every punch catching Leben square in the face and they were talking about how Leben caught him. It was all Sakara! Now, the point I'm trying to make is that he was a fucking moron last night. Just wading in there and hoping to connect with a big shot. He ate ALOT of punches in the process. He won the fight, yeah, but contender he ain't. And probably never will be. Chris Leben has his place in the UFC and that's as an entertaining brawler in the middle of a card. Never anything more. As for Koscheck - he looked ok, but I had no idea he was 30 already! He would also look pretty badass if he shaved his head, but he probaby considers his fried hair his trademark or whatever and would never go for it. Saying he can beat GSP is a bit absurd. Yeah - he can beat him. Any top 15-20 guy can beat anyone if everything works out perfectly for them, but if you put GSP and Koscheck in the cage 50 times... Georges would win at LEAST 47 of those fights. Anderson Silva should fight Chuck Liddell. Seriously. Are you trying to tell me that Chuck can't cut that friggin' beer belly and get down to 185? He probably would never do it in a million years. But when I think of top LHWs that can easily fight 185 he's the first name I think of. I bet they run Wandy at Silva sometime next year, though.
  19. Mik

    SNL Review

    I'm sorry but the Rhonda Rwanda album cover was classic. Also, Sudeikis was great in the "Boleyn Girls" sketch despite the fact that it was a terrible sketch.
  20. Mik


    No - Ben is great. I say it all the time. The thing with Ben, though, is that Michael Emerson is such a fantastic actor that so much of Ben's greatness is derived from how Emerson delivers the little moments. He's just outstanding every moment he's on screen. He's probably my second favorite behind Locke. All you Locke doubters are sleeping on his greatness. All of the best non flash-forward episodes have been Locke based. Futhermore, do you think we've seen the last of his awesomeness? I have to believe that Locke is going to be the most important character from here til' the end of the series. We're not going to be seeing any Locke flash-forwards because I have no doubt that he's still on the island kicking ass and taking names until season six when everyone returns to the island. He's the the power of the island at his fingertips. He just hasn't harnessed it yet, which is why Ben can get to him all the time.
  21. Mik


    I'm a big Will Ferrell fan. I've enjoyed every movie he's been in. I even liked "Kicking and Screaming". With that said, this movie sucked. Despite all the bad reviews and negative comments in this thread I figured I would still enjoy it. Man, was I wrong. The most it got out of me was a chuckle and that was maybe 5 times at most. I wasn't bored out of my mind or anything but it just wasn't funny.
  22. Mik

    UFC 82: Pride of A Champion

    I agree that Kos looked good last night. And he's improving a ton. But he's still not improving at as rapid a rate as GSP AND GSP is much, much younger than Kos. Sure, Josh can beat GSP but only maybe 1/10 fights.
  23. Mik

    The AIM Away Messages of a Bi-Polar

    It seems like the message would never be that. More along the lines of "I just swallowed a bottle of pills. I hope you're all happy now. Try saving me if you want but I barricaded all the doors."
  24. Mik

    SNL Review

    Yeah - this show sucked. So did last night. Although I'd be lying if I said I didn't laugh my BUTT off at Rhonda Rwanda.
  25. Mik

    UFC 82: Pride of A Champion

    Flawless. What a performance. Almost knocked him out and then he choked him out. Motherfucking unstoppable.