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Everything posted by Mik

  1. Mik


    I have the same name as the main character in the Goonies. Mike Walsh. That's all I got.
  2. I think that Forrest's next opponent should be Rampage, personally.
  3. Well, I will say that Karo/Chonan was as close to pure shit as you're going to see. I didn't think it was awful. The only people who impressed me were Edgar, Lauzon, Thiago, and that's about it. Rashad looked like my dog after a three mile hike mid-second round and Bisping is the opposite of aggressive in all of his fights, which makes for a frustrating fight to watch. It wasn't bad, just frustrating. Houston Alexander was completely exposed, which is a shame because he was well on his way to being a marquee fighter. He got probably the biggest ovation of the night and had people chanting his name, but he's pretty one dimensional and can't be a high level fighter. And from all account, Tamdan whooped on Gono for the first round but got caught with a cross in the second which lead to that weird (and pretty cool) armbar. Apparently Lytle/Alves was pretty dope but we didn't get to see it. I don't agree with AD, but I couldn't argue it was a good card either.
  4. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    Anderson Silva vs. Dan Henderson in March. Still dying to find out who Rampage has next.
  5. Yeah, this sucked. And fucking Tamdan lost. Just a disaster.
  6. So much for Houston Alexander.
  7. Well with Randy cornering Karo - I hope it's a good sign towards him taking the fight with Nog.
  8. First aired: 3/7/2007 Production Code: 1101 With All Apologies to Jesse Jackson The "N" word hits South Park, and Cartman fights a midget. Sounds like a winner. Very much looking forward to it (and the whole season).
  9. Mik

    South Park: Season 11

    Butters was awesome in the deleted ending, as always. Why did they cut that?
  10. You have no idea how bad I'm hoping it makes TV.
  11. Mik

    MLB Off-season Thread

    You wouldn't get much for it anyway.
  12. Mik


    Trailer kind of sucks. At least give us a tease of what the monster actually is.
  13. Well, I've basically accepted a challenge to fast from sundown this coming Sunday to sunrise the following Monday - so effectively for a week. I'm allowed to drink black coffee, and I'm going to try to bargain for diet coke, but no food for an entire week. How fucked am I... is what I'm wondering? I'm thinking that the first day and the last 2-3 will be the hardest with mid week being the easier part. There will be money involved, not a ton, but a little... but mostly for bragging rights. Even though this has nothing to do with weight loss, there is also a little side action as to how much weight I will lose over the week. I'm a bit of a bigger guy, so I'm guessing somewhere around 10-15 pounds, but some people are saying only 5 pounds or so. I figure that's impossible. My BMR is probably close to 3000 and I'm not going to be laying in bed all day. By that measure, I will lose minimum of 1 pound per day, plus whatever I burn going through the day. I figure at least one person on this board has fasted for an extended period of time. Let me know what I'm in for.
  14. Mik

    The Office: Season 4

    I loved this episode. The trashtalking was great, the deposition had some great lines, including the "That's what she said" portion and also the "heya there, buddy" hotdog man in the cold opening. It was also heartbreaking how Michael got thrown under the bus by anyone and everyone in the room. "Ryan is just as hot as Jan but in a different way."
  15. Mik

    Pictures I Like

  16. Oh. Forgot to mention that. 11 pounds.
  17. Sorry for the lack of updates. I made it through Tuesday no problems... so first 60 hours or so were ok. Wednesday was rough. I was tired, dizzy when I stood up too fast, felt lethargic all day... started craving food. Today I made it to lunch... or about 84 hours in when I gave up. It was just too much. I could barely move this morning and I felt terrible. It felt so good to eat. No puking or anything crazy like that. I had absolutely no desire to keep going, though. It drained the life out of me. Oh well. I gave it a shot and 84 hours isn't terrible.
  18. Mik

    The Writer's Strike

    Well, we've still got The Wire.
  19. Mik

    My New Haircut

    I think this video will be a hit here. http://youtube.com/watch?v=4JMOh-cul6M "Not now, chief, I'm in the fucking zone."
  20. Mik

    House: Season 4

    The editing of the video and House's interview right after they found the lime disease were both incredible. I though this was the last episode they had. I'm glad there are more.
  21. Mik

    MMA Comments that Don't Warrant a Thread

    12/12 WEC card is stacked. * Champ Urijah Faber vs. Jeff Curran (for featherweight title) * Champ Paulo Filho vs. TBA (for middleweight title) * Champ Doug Marshall vs. Ariel Gandulla (for light heavyweight title) * Jens Pulver vs. Cub Swanson * Chance Farrar vs. Micah Miller * Brian Bowles vs. Marcos Galvao * Dominick Cruz vs. Charlie Valencia * Bryan Baker vs. Eric Schambari * Todd Moore vs. Luis Sapo Faber and Filho on the same card? Sweet.
  22. Mik

    Curb Your Enthusiasm: Season 6

    That was a great ending to a fucking amazing season. I was watching the end with my hands over my face because I was waiting to see how Larry was going to fuck it up with Loretta, but then he didn't. Great, great ending...especially her getting in Suzy's face. And the second to last episode with Larry trying to get Cheryl back and the dueling psychiatrists was an all-time great episode. Best season since 2... maybe even 1. Amazing, amazing. And Leon is pretty much the greatest thing ever.
  23. Yeah there is a difference. I did a week long starvation experiment where we had regulated amounts of calories per meal (so I was eating regularly but it was like 3 saltines and 6 oz. of OJ for breakfast stuff) and the first day I was doing pretty good, you'll hit a hard stretch around day 3, but after that your body should get used to it's new caloric intake and you'll get sort of a release from (or you'll just ignore it better) the pain. Although won't this just mean your body will take the weight back on fast since you are telling your body that there is no food and it'll convert all food into fat cells for the next time you go into a famine? I'll frequently forget to eat for 24 hour periods or a weekend or something depending on what I'm doing. No - it's just a week. There will be no long term changes to my metabolism. It might be slightly lower for a week or two, but it will return to normal. In terms of pains, oh, no not even close. My stomach isn't even growling. I was just using a euphemism for the feeling of hunger... not actual hunger pains.
  24. Going until Thanksgiving and breaking the fast with a meal like that would wreak havoc on my body. As for today, well it's been about 16 hours since I last ate and I'm a bit hungry now. I haven't been all day, even though people made it a point to eat in front of me. It's very easy to hold out from eating at work, because I'm really busy. Now that I'm home and with some free time... it's probably going to be harder. But I'm still feeling great and although I have some slight hunger pains, they are not a distraction. I'm feeling about as good as I can be about this after 3/4 a day.
  25. Mik

    UFC 79: Nemesis

    I disagree about last year's Chuck/Tito having a weak undercard. It had Bisping, Arlovski, and Forrest Griffin. This card, in terms of name value, has nothing besides the top two. It also has a bunch of guys coming off long layoffs and in the case of Guillard, suspensions for drugs. I'm torn on the main event. I like Serra better than Hughes, but I'd love to see GSP dismantle Hughes again.