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Posts posted by Mik

  1. Avon Barksdale, hostage negotiator. My man.


    I didn't like the episode as much as I thought I would. It was a damn good episode but I really thought something noteworthy was going to happen. For a second I thought 13 was going to die.


    They are really going the slow-burn route on House/Cuddy.

  2. "Are you in the FBI?"


    "No, I'm a stay at home mom."


    I didn't even think that the girlfriend was evil myself. I was sort of rolling my eyes at the whole thing because it seems like the White House always has to have some sort of fucking leak - it's getting tiresome. But I'm still feeling damn positive about the season because it's going to be really fresh without CTU and in a new setting.

  3. I didn't like it because I thought they were going back to Queens... I didn't realize it was just a vacation.


    Loved the season finale. Between the firing, the christening of Johnny Dramas and Vince getting the lead in a Scorsese remake of The Great Gatsby... I'm excited for next season. I want things to go well for Vince again... it's been all downhill since Medillin.


    Funniest part was Turtle's mom catching him having phone sex with Jamie-Lynn.

  4. The movie was ok. Lots of good killings by Jack, which helped but they had a lot of narrative to tell which doesn't suit the movie format well. If you view it for what it was - a preview for season 7, then it was pretty good. The prolonged Hyundai Genesis and Nextel/Sprint closeups were hilarious.


    The season 7 trailer looked damn insane. "I swear to God I will kill you and you will STAY dead this time" looked amazing. God I can't wait.

  5. I really missed Jack Bauer.


    Yes, season 6 sucked balls so bad that I refuse to buy the DVD... but word is the special tonight is very good and Season 7 is already 100% written, first time in 24 history.


    So great to see terrorists die unrealistic deaths in buches again.

  6. Strikeforce show was kinda disappointing. Great card but a lot of bad fights.


    Edwards/Bang was eh... honestly I thought no one won the first round but I'd have given it to Yves. Round two was again close but to Yves and I suppose Ludwig round 3. I thought the fight sucked balls so I was zoning out.


    Southworth/Babalu was bad too.


    The girl who fought Couture had better never fight again. That was embarrassing. She folded after one punch.


    Two positives: seeing Big John back reffing and Smith's KO. I know that overall Scott Smith isn't a very good fighter but I love watching him. He'll also have a place in my heart after that Pete Sell fight.

  7. Even more likely is that they don't want him back. He called up and said that he considers himself a part of the UFC family and will do the kind of business that THEY want to do.


    Rest of AKA: "What the fuck, man?"


    Kos is a bitch, I bet. He'll break. The rest of the team? I mean, what do you pick? Your team or the potential max revenue stream? Me personally... I'd probably be finding a new camp.

  8. And heerrrrreeeeee's Dana.....


    "Affliction is still out there trying to build its company. Let [Fitch] go work with them. Let him see what he thinks of those [expletives]. [Expletive] him. These guys aren't partners with us. [Expletive] them. All of them, every last [expletive] one of them."


    "We're looking for guys who want to work with us and not against us, and frankly I'm just so [expletive] sick of this [expletive] it's not even funny," White said from Honolulu, where he flew Wednesday from Toronto to hold a news conference to announce the B.J. Penn-Georges St. Pierre fight for UFC 94 on Jan. 31 in Las Vegas.


    Velasquez, one of the sport's rising stars, clearly is on the outs with White. White said Zinkin wanted standard language that is part of every UFC fighter's contract removed from Velasquez's deal.


    "Can you believe that?" White said. "Chuck Liddell has that language in his contract. Randy Couture has it. Anderson Silva has it. And Cain [expletive] Velasquez, with two [expletive] fights, wants us to change it for him? That's [expletive] nuts. He can get the [expletive] out.


    Actually, the whole MMAJunkie article has a ton of great stuff in it and addresses everything brought up already in this thread: http://mmajunkie.com/news/13291/ufc-drops-...ka-fighters.mma


    So it looks like all AKA fighters get the axe except Hawk's favorite, Mike Swick. Like a cockroach.
