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Kahran Ramsus

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About Kahran Ramsus

  • Rank
    The Face of Evil
  • Birthday 06/01/1980
  1. Kahran Ramsus

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I need another face team. "Jumping" Jim Brunzell
  2. Kahran Ramsus

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I'm still in at least for the draft. After that we'll see what happens. I don't have any intentions of leaving though.
  3. Kahran Ramsus

    WrestleMania Roundtable Part Five: 2005 to present

    The Judgment Day match between JBL & Cena was the one they should have had at Wrestlemania. I really enjoyed that one. As for the double main-event at Wrestlemania XXI, the timing was really screwed up. JBL/Cena was criminally short, and Batista/HHH was way too long. The booking there was just awful.
  4. Kahran Ramsus

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I'm a bit biased with my next pick as he was the first wrestler I met as a kid, and one of the few that I've met that seemed like a genuine nice guy. He was a recognizable figure from the WWF 80s boom and had success as both a face and a heel, but unfortunately his two biggest pushes seemed to just vanish into thin air as he was starting to get over. I, to this day, think he got screwed out of a tag title run in 1991. Hercules Hernandez
  5. Kahran Ramsus

    Worst commissioner in sports?

    While I agree, that's nothing new with Goodell. They've been trying to stamp that out since Rozelle was the commish.
  6. Kahran Ramsus

    Was WrestleMania 6 the End of the '80s Boom

    Financially, probably. But as a fan, I always viewed the end being another big dome show, that being Wrestlemania VIII. At Wrestlemania VIII you had Piper passing the torch to Bret Hart, Warrior's last Wrestlemania until XII, Hogan's retirement, Robert's last Wrestlemania until XII, Duggan's last Wrestlemania, Santana's last Wrestlemania (dark matches don't count), Flair's only Wrestlemania for ten years, Savage's last real big moment, and you have the next generation going over up and down the card (Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Tatanka, Owen Hart, Undertaker). It very much felt like an end of an era.
  7. Kahran Ramsus

    Warrior's title reign

    It would have made sense to push Dibiase as a main event threat again fresh off of his victory over Jake Roberts in their feud, but for some reason they decided to waste him on Bossman instead.
  8. Kahran Ramsus

    March PYBO: WrestleMania IV

    Mania III vs. Reed or Mania VI vs. Martel weren't significant? I'm not arguing, I'm asking because I hadn't started to watch at the time. Koko's most memorable moment to me was getting pummelled by Martel in a blindfold match (without Martel having his blindfold on) in the leadup to Wrestlemania VII. That pretty much says it all about his career.
  9. Kahran Ramsus

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    I'm going to try and continue to build my tag division with one half of one of my personal favourite tag teams. Pat Tanaka
  10. Kahran Ramsus

    March PYBO: WrestleMania IV

    It was their own fault for teaming with Koko & Chico, two of the biggest Wrestlemania jobbers ever.
  11. Kahran Ramsus

    Worst commissioner in sports?

    Bettman has ruined the NHL as far as I'm concerned. This isn't even close. At least Selig has done some good things, and MLB is in as good a shape as it has ever been financially.
  12. Kahran Ramsus

    What ended the Late 90's Pro Wrestling Boom?

    The thing is the company managed to survive the damage of botching the love triangle storyline and the Austin heel turn. We know that from the huge buy they got for the Invasion PPV. The interest was definitely still there at that point, and that is where the blew it. It was when they blew the one storyline that fans were waiting for for over a decade that things fell apart. The hot period was over by the time the angle ended at Survivor Series. If I was to point to one single thing about it that led to the decline, it would be Austin's heel turn to join the Alliance. That one was far more damaging in the long run than the one at Wrestlemania.
  13. Kahran Ramsus

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    Two guys eh? Well, I was thinking of going with another tag team with this pick if that's what you were looking at.
  14. Kahran Ramsus

    Wrestling Roster Draft: Luxe & Reduxe

    My next pick is one of the all-time great heels in wrestling. A psychotic mad man who won five world heavyweight titles and was one of the most influential wrestlers in history. Mad Dog Vachon
  15. Kahran Ramsus

    2009 World Baseball Classic

    Dice-K wins MVP. Again.