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Everything posted by JHawk

  1. JHawk

    Smart Mark Radio to debut

    Dammit. Just got home guys. We'll debut the show next week. Sorry guys.
  2. JHawk

    Smart Mark Radio to debut

    There is a possibility the show will be preempted. My fiancee and daughter are taking me to dinner, and she picks now to tell me. Apparently a raincheck is not an option with it being Father's Day. First show next week instead unless you hear otherwise.
  3. JHawk

    June WWE 24/7 Disscussion

    "No bait and switches on this show!" ::waving a watch in front of the camera:: "We never advertised the Royal Rumble match...we never advertised the Royal Rumble match..."
  4. JHawk

    6/16 Storm Comments

    My apologies for not showing, but between my fiancee going into the hospital for two days this week and my electric company deciding to cut services first and send bill later my computer time was kind of limited. Things should be remedied now, however. I hope.
  5. JHawk

    Smart Mark Radio to debut

    Those of you planning to call in on Sunday can call (646) 478-5863. That number is local to Manhattan, so you'll need a cell phone with free long distance or some sort of broadband calling plan such as Skype to avoid long distance charges.
  6. JHawk

    Smart Mark Radio to debut

    We probably will set up some sort of e-mail system. They do chart how many tune in, so it'll be interesting to find out. I hesitate to do that simply because I'd like to expand the show beyond TSM. Let's see how the first few shows go. I'm open to it ifit turns out wrestling isn't enough to fill the time.
  7. JHawk

    Tony Schiavone and Jesse Ventura

    Maybe JR and Paul E (I'm trying to remember if Heyman did Halloween Havoc 90 or Starrcade 90, and those two would be the only possibilities). Other than that, I think Tony and Jesse are it.
  8. JHawk

    Smart Mark Radio to debut

    The idea is for it to be wrestling exclusive, but that could change depending on how the first few shows go. Considering it's an interesting week of wrestling to review, I'm not sure we'd have enough time to go beyond that.
  9. JHawk

    Smart Mark Radio to debut

    That should be around 10pm in England, so I hope you can tune in. The calls are going to make or break this show, so the more call-ins we get, the better. I hope you remind the folks that the call-in number is local to Manhattan, and thus cellphones and/or Skype are probably the perferred methods of chiming in. Good thinking, forgot to mention that. Skype's probably the preferred route depending on your cell phone connection.
  10. JHawk

    The Sopranos

    Newhart Seconded.
  11. JHawk

    Smart Mark Radio to debut

    That should be around 10pm in England, so I hope you can tune in. The calls are going to make or break this show, so the more call-ins we get, the better.
  12. JHawk

    A New Guy

    I'm the Dean of Professional Wrestling, not the Dean of Not Ending Sentences With A Preposition.
  13. JHawk

    A New Guy

    Dean Douglas says hi. Oh, and 'whomever it is', please. Ladies and gentlemen, Toxx has changed his gimmick to "Grammar Policeman" Michael Stephens. It's money, I tell ya!
  14. JHawk

    A New Guy

    Could be Pretzler. Whoever it is stole my gimmick. Welcome aboard.
  15. JHawk

    13th Hour Comments

    Rando winning shoots my next program out of the water. Good stuff though.
  16. JHawk

    Cleveland Cavaliers vs San Antonio Spurs

    Why is it that when Lebron isn't even the star of the game that clinched the Finals birth it's still "Lebron and some scrubs"? Does anybody outside of one guy at ESPN even consider that maybe the team is better than people thought? That being said, as a Cleveland fan I have to predict San Antonio is going to win because if I thought Cleveland had the better team, it's Cleveland. God himself would grab Lebron and Z by the back of the jersey and hold them on the ceiling so it was 5-on-3 the entire game if it would cost Cleveland a championship.
  17. JHawk

    June WWE 24/7 Disscussion

    If that is the Big Ones lineup, good stuff. The Boston Garden show has Savage-Steamboat (taped after the throat angle but before it aired) and, IIRC, Bulldogs-Hart Foundation in two very good matches, plus Piper vs. Muraco. And Anarchy Rulz 99 might be ECW's best PPV ever.
  18. The toughest thing about doing European rules would be timing the rounds to something sensible. Writing the match you could get one five minute and one eight minute round if you're not careful
  19. JHawk

    Boxing Thread

    I'm expecting Taylor to go up in weight just to avoid fighting Pavlik. If he fights Pavlik like he fought Spinks last night, the fight won't go past three rounds.
  20. JHawk

    WWE 24/7

    I didn't pay close attention. I don't think it's that bad though, just a standard Graham title match. Remember that Mascaras was at least then in his prime. Even in his prime Mascaras didn't like to bump, and I can't imagine Graham taking Mascaras' offense properly.
  21. JHawk

    Shows That Shouldn't Have Been Cancelled

    Futurama got dicked around so badly I thought it was cancelled two seasons before it was.
  22. JHawk

    Hardy Boys Debut

    The Fully Loaded PPV, right?
  23. JHawk

    Best WWF/E Fued ROUND 1 VOTING

    48. Triple H vs Batista 32. Rock/Foley 24. Razor/Michaels 40. Savage/Warrior 46. Backlund/Bret 20. HHH-Angle-Steph 21. HBK-Deisel 22. Angle/Benoit 37. HBK/Jericho 29. Bulldogs/Hart Foundation 27. Hardy's/Dudley's/E&C 30. Bret/Lawler 23. Jannetty/Michaels 26. Austin/Hart 31. Rockers vs Brainbusters 18. Crush-Savage
  24. JHawk


    Sorry, I've been busy trying to win the SWF World Title. I'll try to work with Week 3 though.