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Everything posted by JHawk

  1. Hogan vs. Flair in WCW. God, what, two years was it? And Flair got one actual pinfall victory despite being the most popular wrestler in the feud as a heel? Ugh.
  2. JHawk


    See, I voted for Mak because he's laid back. It's easier for me to write him without worrying about whether or not I'm doing the character justice.
  3. JHawk

    Battleground Plans? Gimme!

    Anything that isn't a gimmick match is cool, under the guise of being pissed about my two stablemates getting the shot and not me.
  4. JHawk

    Lockdown comments

    I happen to agree that there should be more than two guys vying for a vacant championship. But we've also got one show to set it up, so barring a battle royal to determine contenders or a fatal six way or something, it's not plausible.
  5. JHawk

    Favorite Arn Anderson match

    vs. Barry Windham, Slamboree 1993. Arn's one legit shot at winning a World Title, and he comes *this close* to doing so only for emotion to get the better of him.
  6. Since the only day off I have between now and Smarkdown is Easter Sunday, I'll take the show off, thanks. I wouldn't want my opponent to tap out to my ring introductions this week.
  7. JHawk

    Lockdown comments

    I tried to put it over as a smart move, if it helps. And I didn't destroy you into a million tiny pieces like Manson did that one time when you were top contender. But yeah, I literally had a 30-minute lunch break to write something and send it in.
  8. JHawk

    Lockdown comments

    Well, Spike obviously no-showed if he lost to the prematch handshake. Next time I get asked to come into work when I'm supposed to be off and I have a match due, work can go fuck itself.
  9. JHawk

    Prank Calls via Cell Phone

    I'm pretty sure a cell phone can be traced.
  10. JHawk

    King of the Ring 2006

    If they give Benoit vs. Finlay 20 minutes it'll officially be the greatest KOTR ever.
  11. JHawk

    Scary Thought on Dalip Singh

    Random comments made at my brother's house last night during Singh's debut: Him: "That looks like El Gigante." Me: "And he's got the Giant Baba chop that an egg could no-sell." Not good, although Taker sold like a champ for him.
  12. JHawk

    Top-25 Stupidest Moments in Fed History!

    At least it wasn't Judy Bagwell on a Pole or something.
  13. JHawk

    Top-25 Stupidest Moments in Fed History!

    Some of these are bad. Not as bad as the Weighted Rubber Chicken Match the fed I used to run had once. The object: Take a weighted rubber chicken off a pole and hit your opponent with it. I wish I was making that up.
  14. JHawk


    Don't feel bad, my match sucked too. I couldn't get any kind of story going that I actually liked.
  15. Public broadcasting. We're like a year or two behind you guys, but still, we get that lameass show.
  16. JHawk

    Most emotional/dramatic you've gotten

    I suppose I oughta get this back on topic, huh? Positive: Defeating Zyon at Genesis. My goal as to have a PPV-stealing match to end the feud, and I think I pulled it off. The fact that Zyon's losing effort might have been his greatest effort ever made it that much better. Neagtive: Besides not having enough time to write vs. Muzz for Lockdown, I'd still say losing the International Title tournament finals to Johnny Dangerous. Still probably the second best thing I ever wrote here. And I still don't know how I won the match vs. L'il Buck nor understand why people praised it so much. I hated writing that match.
  17. JHawk

    ROH WM Weekend Night 1

    Wouldn't this be night 2?
  18. JHawk

    TSM Cliches.

    41. PWNED~! 42. +1
  19. You actually watch that lame ass show?
  20. JHawk

    MLB: Week 1 (4/2-4/9)

    Monumentally stupid idea. What about the fans who would like to go to a game but can only afford those tarped off seats? I could actually see some sort of lawsuit being filed by some idiot fan claiming he's being discriminated against because he can't afford lower level seats. Besides, how exactly does telling people they can't buy tickets maximize revenue?
  21. JHawk

    Lockdown Comments

    Well, card description says I lost already, and since I ended up out of town for a family emergency on my only day off and thus could only do about 3500 words I'm guessing that's true. And being a journalism major, I hate missing deadlines, so there you go.
  22. JHawk

    Lockdown Comments

    I'm assuming Muzz requested an extension since the show poster and main event marker were the same and I know I sent an effort (albeit kinda rushed) in on time? If so....dammit.
  23. JHawk

    Lockdown Predictions

    MAIN EVENT WORLD TITLE MATCH LAST MAN STANDING Wes Davenport© vs Jay Hawke No prediction. HARDCORE TITLE MATCH BARB WIRE CAGE Bruce Blank© vs Insane Luchador Hard to pick against Blank, but the stipulation might not be wacky enough for him to retain. IL regains the gold. TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH TAG TEAM BOUT The Asian Underground© vs JJ Johnson & Manson Asian Underground if they get their homework done. SINGLES MATCH Christian Fury vs Amy Stephens Amy. SINGLES MATCH David Cross vs Matt "The Cosplayer" Myers Cross if he writes, obviously.
  24. I want a Regal-Benoit-Finlay 3Way feud over the US Title. Months of entertaining stiff matches. Make it happen WWE!