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Everything posted by JHawk

  1. JHawk

    The OFFICIAL All-Time Draft Thread

    I know that, Marty. But I was actually online and in this thread when it was my turn to pick and thought there was still someone else ahead of me. But I'll take Luke Appling and run like hell.
  2. JHawk

    The OAO XNet News Thread!

    When I have time to actually sit down and read the shows in one sitting.
  3. JHawk

    The OFFICIAL All-Time Draft Thread

    I'm going to apologize for holding everybody up, but I think I missed someone make a pick somewhere. I could have sworn I had one more person picking before me. ::shrugs::
  4. JHawk

    The OAO XNet News Thread!

    So let me get this straight. Writing a PPV that actually take the length of a full PPV to actually read doesn't get you the number one rating? Is that right? Writing summary stuff that I could read during a commercial of Raw = ratings. Is that right? Different strokes, I guess. Still, #5 ain't too shabby.
  5. JHawk

    The Ring 2...

    I dunno, I enjoyed it. Much better than the Grudge since at least I jumped in my seat once or twice. The aforementioned reindeer scene was kickass, and the crowd I was in popped huge for Rachel going "I'm not your fucking mommy." Hardly on Exorcist 1 type levels, but certainly not bad.
  6. Had Crush been pinned in the ring, Savage wouldn't have been able to win. It would have counted as though Crush had returned to the ring. That's what I got out of it, at least.
  7. JHawk

    Most well-known spoilers

    Eh, American audiences almost always pull for the underdog. Otherwise, why make the journey if they're only going to lose? That's why they changed the ending of Dodgeball, test audiences hated it. What was the real ending? EDIT: Or original. Without spoiling the real ending for anyone who didn't see it, I'd say it was probably the exact opposite.
  8. JHawk

    Sony fucks up again!

    We've actually got the same situation at my Circuit City right now. Technically, we could sell the actual games since they've hit their street date. But...say the systems sell out on the 24th and someone who bought Need for Speed can't play it because they have no PSP. We're not even allowed to take special orders on them if we sell out despite the fact that they want someone here 3 hours before open to pass out vouchers to buy the damn thing.
  9. JHawk

    Who said it?

    Dusty Rhodes at SuperBrawl VII. My favorite color commentary call, ever. "What's the matter, Acey baby, did you lose? Oh, I'm sorry. It was my fault!"
  10. JHawk

    Mis-heard lyrics

    Some guy actually tried to convince me that the chorus to "Bad Medicine" was as follows: Thoreau is like Ralph Emerson Ralph Emerson is what I read
  11. JHawk

    The OFFICIAL All-Time Draft Thread

    I don't remember seeing his name listed, so allow me to draft P Don Drysdale. Bravesfan is on the clock.
  12. JHawk

    Destination X Review From Keller

    So what's the point of Brown turning? His entire gimmick has been essentially based around winning the NWA World Title. How is he supposed to do that when he's on Jarrett's side? Definitely sounds like a one match show though.
  13. JHawk

    The OFFICIAL All-Time Draft Thread

    Hey, it'll give me time to hit the warroom for my next pick, so no worries from me.
  14. JHawk

    All-Time Draft

    Whatever the hometown park for the Senators was in fine.
  15. JHawk

    The OFFICIAL All-Time Draft Thread

    Friday and Saturday are both going to be bad for me, but I'll try to at least PM a few picks before then if need be. Anyway, for his second pick, the Washington Senators select OF Tris Speaker. Hard to go wrong with a career .345 batting average and a .417 OBP. I believe that means bravesfan is on the clock.
  16. JHawk

    The OFFICIAL All-Time Draft Thread

    First off, since someone already chose to represent the Cleveland Spiders (Dammit), I'm going to represent the Washington Senators. On that note, the Senators select P Walter Johnson.
  17. JHawk

    SWF Storm Card, 3-11-05!

    I have a feeling there will definitely be a Jay Hawke promo coming out of all this on Saturday. Yes, I really think so.
  18. JHawk

    "You can't say that on Television!"

    The last Raw right before the Royal Rumble in 1996 had the Goldust-Razor Ramon brawl in the snow, and when Razor attacks Goldust, you've got poor Michael Hayes running for his life going "Oh shit". Funny since it was taped three weeks earlier.
  19. JHawk


    You know what I've noticed? Just about all of our choices for "worst arena name" have been buildings named after some corporation who bought the naming rights. I'm waiting for high schools to start doing that. Imagine the state basketball championships being decided at "Larry's Super Pawn Gymnasium".
  20. JHawk

    All-Time Draft

    This could be real interesting. I'm in.
  21. JHawk


    Question about the double titles match: I'm assuming I'm supposed to write my own match and not collaborate with my partner considering my partner's title is also on the line. Am I right?
  22. JHawk

    RoH Third Anniversery Week

    It did feature one of the greatest false finish sequences I've ever seen, as I was getting ready to jump out of my front row seat for the title change. But yeah, other than that, nothing too special at all. And Nigel-Cabana = comic genius!
  23. Why did you choose that name for your character? Because I'm an unoriginal bastard! Basically, I've had the JHawk nickname since high school and figured "Jay Hawke" was the easiest thing since everybody already called me that anyway. I even toyed around with the idea of making him British but thought saying "bloody hell" all the time would get old. Why do they look the way they do? The character is essentially done up to look like me if I bulked up some. The outfit is based off of various incarnations of the CAW for myself on the SmackDown games. Why is their character the way it is, and is this different from how you originally envisaged them? The character basically started out in the old HOWF as being a slightly older version of me. I keep evolving the character just a little bit every so often to keep it from getting stale. I went through a bit of a Stone Cold phase with it for awhile. The "Dean of Wrestling" thing came about on a lark when I was doing an RP for the efed I ran for six years, the High Impact Wrestling Federation, and I came up with the line "I'm going to teach you a wrestling lesson you'll never forget." The idea just came into my head to do a Dean Douglas-type character but without all the grading bullshit. Probably the most fun I've ever had with this character was when I did an "amnesia from a bump to the head" angle for about six weeks and thought I was everybody from Ric Flair to Dusty Rhodes to Terry Funk. If there was one thing you would want your character remembered for, what would it be? I just want people to think I had a damn entertaining run, honestly. After a World Title run, of course.
  24. JHawk

    Smarkdown Predictions for the 28th!

    Main Event – Non-Title Grudge Match Toxxic © vs. “Hollywood” Spike Jenkins Toxxic Martial Law Martial Law (Landon Maddix and Todd Cortez) vs. Austin Sly and Sean Davis Martial Law Tag Team Curtain Jerk-O-Rama Scott Pretzler and “The Dean of Professional Wrestling” Jay Hawke vs. Manson and Alan Clark Unless they're pushing somebody hard for the cruiserweight title, the cocky heels take it. That might be bias talking though.
  25. JHawk

    Predictable TV

    Dr. Sam Beckett saves the day but doesn't get to return home. Capt. Kirk is gonna make out with the alien chick.