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Turbo Lion

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Everything posted by Turbo Lion

  1. Turbo Lion

    Apparently, I Suck

    Hey guys, Apologies for disappearing for the last month or so. My wife and I are still displaced because of the heat issue. Long story short - basically our landlord eventually figured out that it would cost him 3,000 to replace the unit or go cheap and install baseboard heaters. He chose cheap The bad news was he couldn't do it alone. The good news is he finally found some help. We should be back home this week. In the mean time, we've been crashing with friends and I've been working on pre-production for a short film. Between lack of internet and a major redirect of creative energy I haven't been around. BUT, I'm hoping to pop back up in time to do something huge for Anglemania. Just wanted to check in. SP
  2. Turbo Lion

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    My short film is actually coming together. A welcome change of pace after a lot of false starts over the last few years.
  3. Turbo Lion

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    Our heat has been out for a MONTH. Can't bitch at the landlord because he's actually been hoofing trying to get it done, but the dude he hired has been dicking around while my wife and I stay with friends when it dips into the 20's. We came home one morning to find the water in the toilet bowl frozen solid. In a job market like this, why the FUCK would you not get right on every job that came your way? And why fuck around with people when its cold?
  4. Turbo Lion

    Battlestar Galactica

    Great episode. It was good to see everyone stepping back into who they are supposed to be after being so broken down by everything. Lee and Starbuck running through the halls with guns, Adama and Tigh being... well, Adam and Tigh. What are these people thinking? Though the preview for next week is troublesome. You think they'll really do what its indicating?
  5. Turbo Lion


    Guys, I'm sorry. Our heat's still out and we've been trying to deal with that and staying with friends. I'll try to get caught up this week.
  6. Turbo Lion

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    I hate this fucking state. South Carolina is reportedly refusing help. I guess these stupid asses can't accept help from the Northern Aggressors. When I lose my (State) Job, I'll be sure to thank them.
  7. Turbo Lion

    Does Rourke Being at WM Cheapen "The Wrestler"?

    If Vince doesn't like the movie in the first place he'd probably love to cheapen it.
  8. Turbo Lion


    Yeah, our heat's been out. I'll try to get it in today or tonight. Thanks!
  9. Turbo Lion

    Global Warming: the Thread

    No, I don't. Trends are measured by taking measurments over time. Saying one year out of 100 is too small of a sample to disprove the 100 previous years worth of measurements showing a trend. The temperature goes up and down, but overall it goes up more than it goes down. That's why you have to look at it over a long period of time, not just the last 12 or 24 months. The 200 years before that doesn't take the spread of industrialization and burning of fossil fuels that occurred in the 20th century into consideration. I understand trends. And what you're saying here is exactly why we need measurements from well before industrialization. What kinds of fluctuations does the planet undergo on the large scale? We know it's had massive swings before. I think the thing people are missing here is that I'm not saying Global Warming is wrong. Merely that its diagnosis is based on incomplete data, so I'm hesitant to totally embrace it. Which doesn't lead to me dismissing the need to take better care of the planet in any way - I still fully support that and have never spoken against it here. Functionally, I'm not pushing against the grain at all. I'm merely saying that, personally, objectively, I can't outright embrace man-made greenhouse emissions as the major cause right now because the comparative data is incomplete; we don't understand how the climate changes on a broad scale (and if you think 100 years is a broad scale, man, what?). That's all I'm saying. The bizarre way everyone pushes for everyone to fully buy into it is... not objective at least and cult-like at worst. It's a fad theory. Not because of its internal consistency but because of the way it is received and pushed. It's a good theory in and of itself, but hardly as conclusive as its believers would have everyone believe. Though I am glad it has resulted in an awareness that we need to pursue better sources of energy. All I've said here is that it doesn't and can't obtain enough comparative data to be truly conclusive. We need to pay attention to everything the Earth is doing, not just one thing.
  10. Turbo Lion

    The US Economy and Current Financial Crisis

    There was a pretty convincing argument by some Harvard economist when this first started about letting the Banks solve their problems organically, with the strong buying out the weak. I'm no economist, but that's stuck with me throughout what's happened since.
  11. Turbo Lion

    Battlestar Galactica

    Apologies. Didn't think about it.
  12. Turbo Lion

    Global Warming: the Thread

    And what about the 200 years before that? See? My favorite part is that I'm not even saying global warming is wrong. I'm also not saying we shouldn't take steps to pursue clean, renewable energy. All I'm saying is that it's a theory based on data with a serious deficit. It's a theory based on incomplete information. There is evidence, whether we like it or not, that suggests alternate theories. I find it fascinating that we have so latched on to something that we have lost objectivity with it.
  13. Turbo Lion

    TSM Wrestling Spotlight: The Big Show

    I met him once. He's a cool guy. I remember the time he came out dressed like vintage Hogan, using "Real American". That was magic.
  14. Turbo Lion

    Battlestar Galactica

    Gaeta's dead. So is Zarek. It's downright foolish to fuck around with Adama like this.
  15. Turbo Lion

    Global Warming: the Thread

    http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?Fus...fe-9e32747616f9 You can hear lots of things. Doesn't make them conclusive, accurate, reliable or true. Interesting stuff. Not conclusive, but interesting data is out there. Eric, I'm surprised at you. Defending theories with a lack of critical data. Science, man. There's a reason there's a method.
  16. Turbo Lion

    Star Trek: Countdown

    Supposedly. That's why it's so bizarre and shocking. Theories: 1. JJ, Orci and Kurtzman have just exposed an amazing amount of ignorance after Orci has been making the rounds at Trekmovie.com portraying himself as a big time fan. 2. Nemesis spoiler in this theory: 3. The timeline's already fucked up somehow.
  17. Turbo Lion

    Star Trek: Countdown

    Don't know if anyone else picked this up. Thought it was just kind of interesting until the last page. But then:
  18. Turbo Lion

    Global Warming: the Thread

    Yes, but based on data only recorded around and during our present technological influence. We have nothing to compare that to on the broad scale. No matter who the fuck is saying it, their conclusions are made from an insufficient amount of data. I'm not saying its a conspiracy theory, I'm just saying it doesn't matter who says it, they only have data available to them from a timeframe that is incapable of accurately producing all the necessary pieces. To truly gauge an effect on something, you need to know what it was like before X was introduced. Apocalyptic climate events have happened before. Before we were introducing shit into the atmosphere. Do we just dismiss the notion that the Earth might have cycles we don't understand, despite that there is evidence to support it? Why? For a theory based on insufficient data? This seems deeply unscientific to me. It's making a theory a fad without regard for a careful attempt at seeking the truth. That's all I'm saying. It's a little blind to outright embrace the Man Made Greenhouse Gases theory. It's equally blind to outright embrace a cyclic model theory. My point is simply this: We do not know for sure. We do not have the data to know for sure. And we can't conjure it up. BUT: We ABSOLUTELY DO need to pursue clean, renewable energies and we do need to take care of the planet.
  19. Turbo Lion

    The Pit comments on TSM's misogyny

    I post there now and then. More because I know a few of the folks there than because of any feelings about TSM. I mean... I post at TSM. If I didn't like it, why would I waste time here?
  20. Turbo Lion

    Global Warming: the Thread

    I have no doubt. But without accurate numbers from before we started pumping greenhouse gases into the air, it seems that we're playing a guessing game. We might be guessing right. I'm not saying we aren't. My conundrum is one of comparative data. How, exactly, have temperatures and the way they fluctuate been affected in the big picture? The only real jumping on point for research is that there's been a change. That we can pretty much agree on. But narrowing down an answer requires more number crunching than celebritizing a particular theory. I'm not trying to be difficult, but it seems to me that the absence of good data about climate behavior going back further than a hundred to two hundred years would be necessary in understand how and why things are changing now, and if something like it has happened before. We know there's been an ice age. But we're not conclusively sure what caused it, last I read anything about it. Meteor? Vocano activity? We don't even know what really wiped out the Dinosaurs. Things like that give some gravity to the basic idea that the Earth might go through dramatic shifts over time. There's evidence that the shifts happened, but like Global Warming there's a multitude of theories about why. And we are no closer to figuring it out. I mean, the weather man isn't even right 100% of the time about what the weather might do from day to day. We can make good guesses, but the Earth is far more mysterious than we want it to be.
  21. Turbo Lion

    Global Warming: the Thread

    That the earth's climate is changing is, at this point, unquestionable. Though there has been data presented (and I'll have to go dig it up, which might prove impossible since I don't remember where I read it) that indicates that, overall, the earth is cooling. Whichever, something is happening. But what keeps me from embracing a definitive answer to the cause is this: We haven't been accurately recording and measuring weather for all that long a time. Compared to, you know, how old the Earth is. We just don't have data going back far enough, before a time when half the world was covered in black fucking asphault, which is no doubt a contributing factor in large areas becoming significantly warmer. Because of the lack of meaningful, comparative data I'm not comfortable declaring our measily 100 years or so of hairspray and roads with somehow seriously fucking up a planet that's been around for millions of years. It seems egotistical, to me, to declare it our fault so quickly when there are theories, just as plausible, that the earth operates on a cyclic model of heating and cooling. So, as a political liberal, a personal conservative and someone interested in being able to examine as much data as possible... I'm flummoxed.
  22. Turbo Lion

    Booking for the 300th episode of HeldDOWN~!

    Lunar Phoenix talks about his favorite hD moment. Hule Bartowski also talks about his favorite hD moment. "Die Hard" Ricky Danger w/Lunar Phoenix vs. Hule "The Name" Bartowski w/ Also, in keeping w/storyline, I'm calling OPENER if I can.
  23. Turbo Lion

    Battlestar Galactica

    I'm pretty sure they're rendering the FX work out at 4K or something. I'm pretty sure its hovering around film quality during the space battles. Cylon Centurions don't always look perfect, though.
  24. Turbo Lion

    The Dark Knight

    ROTJ wars within me against MASK OF THE PHANTASM, though I suppose PHANTASM isn't strictly a Joker story.
  25. Turbo Lion

    I have manic depressive/bipolar disorder type 2.

    Last November. I'm 25. But then I was consciously waiting for marriage. Religious thing. This seems like as good a time as any to say that sex is awesome.