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Guest LexLugerRules


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Guest The Superstar

Would you rather hear Cole talk about the match, and occasionally call a move wrong, or hear JR confuse Jericho with Benoit and Matt with Jeff and obsess over football careers and head sizes?

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Guest -Cutthroat-

Sigh, I'm done...


But I hate Cole, ever since I saw him I hated him...

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Guest BionicRedneck

the best thing MC does is take a beating/get humiliated so we can laugh.


remember when hated heel Steve Austin got a face pop for kicking the shit out of Cole? it was classic. so, i guess he is good for something

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I love all these Cole pictures, keep them coming!

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Guest The Superstar

OMG LLR, I was always looking for pre-WWF pictures of Cole. Thank you!

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Guest BionicRedneck
Would you rather hear Cole talk about the match, and occasionally call a move wrong, or hear JR confuse Jericho with Benoit and Matt with Jeff and obsess over football careers and head sizes?

as least JR is genuine

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

They were simply cheering because Michael was doing something other than commentating, and thought that he was on his way to a singles push as a wrestler.

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Guest The Superstar

Hey Cutthroat, the only place where there's no law is in the NHB folder. Sorry little buddy!


As for Cole, his only major fault was giving away the fact that Austin was winning the title at WM15. But really, who didn't know that?

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Guest BionicRedneck
They were simply cheering because Michael was doing something other than commentating, and thought that he was on his way to a singles push as a wrestler.



thats actually funny...


but totally wrong, of course. but, i know you were joking.






please say you were joking!!! :unsure:

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

That was Cole's first few months as lead commentator. He was doing a very good job, but even rookies make mistakes. JR went and ruined the whole show for me though, by coming out and calling the main event. It would of been the first JR free Mania in recent memory.

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Guest The Superstar

Well did they post the same thing for about 5 pages, when being continuously asked to stop? Did they act like they were 5 years old? No. Now grow up.

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Guest -Cutthroat-

true true



I'M SORRY I TRIED TO KILL YOU MAN--err, I mean sorry dude...

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Guest The Superstar

I know. When Cole announced that JR would call the main event, I got upset. JR was trying to steal Cole's thunder in the prior weeks, even going so far as to set up his own commentary table. What a jackass!

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Guest The Superstar

Always has, always will. I can't wait to buy the Vengeance DVD and hear a REAL commentator on the first half of the PPV. Wait...notice how JR and King got to call the LAST HALF?!? BASTARDS!!!!!

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Guest BionicRedneck
I think we all can agree that JR is holding down Michael Cole

not really.


All he ever says is "what a great job Michael Cole did"

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Guest The Superstar

He's covering himself up, obviously. You think he'd publicly write "I'm not a fan of Michael Cole's commentary. Quite frankly, I think he sucks"

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Guest Some Guy

That's what HHH used to say about Angle and Jericho. JR=annoucers glass ceiling.


EDIT: This was in responce to Redneck's post.

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