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My mission to 1000

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Guest admin

Well if you guys are still trying to hit your 1000 post then you guys got a LONG ways to go. With the boards limitations to block spammers from spaming these boards you can only do about: 120 Post an hour, 1000 post in about 8 ½ Hours, & thats @ a continueous clicking and posting rate. Good luck!

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Guest Incandenza
Are you two planning on joining?

No matter how good Michael Cole becomes, I cannot join any club devoted to him because he did not do a blade job like JR did when Austin beat the shit out of him last year. JR took his beating like a REAL MAN, and throwing in a MANLY blading to boot, whereas Cole curled up in the fetal position and started crying. What a pussy.

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Guest Incandenza
Well if you guys are still trying to hit your 1000 post then you guys got a LONG ways to go. With the boards limitations to block spammers from spaming these boards you can only do about: 120 Post an hour, 1000 post in about 8 ½ Hours, & thats @ a continueous clicking and posting rate. Good luck!

Well, we'll give it the ol' college try, anyway. Thanks.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Well JR would do anything for Stone Cold. We all know how he loves him bah god.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

And JR kissed Vince's ass! He'll do anything.

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Guest Flyboy
And JR kissed Vince's ass! He'll do anything.

Actually, UT pushed him into Vince's ass.. :)

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Guest Incandenza
And JR kissed Vince's ass! He'll do anything.

Actually, UT pushed him into Vince's ass.. :)

It was sexual assualt, BAH GAWD!

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

But still, he peobably wanted to. Vince's ass is quite the hoss, and in front of his family too!

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Guest Flyboy
And JR kissed Vince's ass! He'll do anything.

Actually, UT pushed him into Vince's ass.. :)

It was sexual assualt, BAH GAWD!



"BAH GAWD" makes me laugh all the fucking time.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

It makes me cringe. It's embarrasing watching wrestling with JR commentating.


King: Puppies, JR, Puppies look great in purple! Puppy power! Molly's ass is fat!


JR: Bah gawd, this Albert is a hoss, very impressive, he utilizes that methodical pace, bah god. It's Bradshaw, he's beating him like a goverment mule! A spine on the pine!

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Guest LooseCannon
It makes me cringe. It's embarrasing watching wrestling with JR commentating.


The cwo makes me cringe

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Guest LooseCannon
The cWo rules. Don't say any different.

In terms of things that rule, the cwo ranks somewhere behind the boyscout troop 432, and somewhere ahead of the Delaware chapter of Nambla.

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Guest Shaved Bear

cole is like, not this way damnit no

I wonder if he actually talks liken that

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor
The cWo rules. Don't say any different.

In terms of things that rule, the cwo ranks somewhere behind the boyscout troop 432, and somewhere ahead of the Delaware chapter of Nambla.

You'll see the light... someday...

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

I hate it when people say "this is gay" or "that's gay". It's annoying, and comes off as childish.

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Guest Incandenza
I hate it when people say "this is gay" or "that's gay". It's annoying, and comes off as childish.

Same here. I never understood how "gay" became a synonym for "stupid."

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Guest Incandenza
I don't use it as a synonym for stupid. Michael Cole is gay.

But you know what I'm talking about, right?

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

He's happily married! I've been through this so many times. Just because he's not the most athletically built man it doesn't make him gay.

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Guest LooseCannon

I have three good friends that are gay, and they call people "fags" or other stuff "gay" way more than I do. So it gets on my nerves when heterosexual p.c. types, make a big deal out of it.

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Guest LooseCannon
I don't use it as a synonym for stupid.  Michael Cole is gay.

But you know what I'm talking about, right?

I do know what you are talking about. I at one time consciously purged myself of ever using homophobic terms in casual conversation. But then I met some people who showed me that you can just say it in a funny way, w/o it being homophobic. If that makes sense.

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Guest Incandenza

Cannon--That's not what I'm talking about. I mean I really don't understand the use of the word "gay" instead "stupid." A lot of slang really irritates me. I can understand "retarded," but gay? WTF?


EDIT: You answered my question. Never mind.

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Guest The Ruthless Aggressor

Yes, but it's usually different. Homosexual people aren't well liked by a lot of men.

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