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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

SWF Ground Zero Comments

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Guest ErekT2k

Comments, and although two days late, are still good. I just finished reading the entire show and I'm exhausted.



- Fallout is great. I especially enjoyed his commentary and his match style. Of course, I won't enjoy it so much when I'm going head to head against him.


- HVT's appearance was another great moment of GZ. Since LDP kept everyone out of the blue, including us 9'ers, about who it was, I was having shocks when I went into HVT's appearance. I thought we had HVT! But instead, we get Annie. Not that it's a bad thing. It's still great.


- Superiority rocks. That is all.


- The M7 tag team is great, but I was bummed about the DQ finish. The faces were played as heels in this matchup for some key moments so I wasn't really dragged into this.


- Flaming ring..... masterpiece.... Wow. That is all.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Finally, now back from concert country, rested, and willing, are the Mac Daddy's own comments on Ground Zero.


ICTV contendership


Clan Plan! Woo! Fallout turns out a winner, fairly plain jane in terms of description and commentary, but absolutely stellar on the pacing front, as we've come to expect from the Nuclear Weapon. Really fast-paced, and I almost pictured these guys flying around and transitioning on a TNA X-division level. The perfect 15-minute PPV opener. Sacred's appearance caught me by surprise, though; nearly missed it amidst the action. Very interesting that Fallout's won the ICTV contendership and also has a chance to get a world title contendership on Storm.


Ultimate Submissions


THE match of the night, hands down. Wargames was epic, but this was otherworldly. Flesher is scary good, scary hilarious, and scary able at building tension...with the way that finish was going, I honestly didn't know what was going to happen. I recognized the match as Flesher's style, but even up to the very bell I had no clue what the ending was going to be. That is some damn suspenseful writing there. With a more technical-based wrestler taking the LHW belt now, it should be interesting to see if Submission matches start taking over Ladder matches as the staple of the division...or maybe we'll see a combo ladder vs. submission match sometime down the road. By the by, the giving-cards-to-Funyon gimmick is golden.


Hardcore title


Thugg cameo! Thugg cameo! Hell, that had me marking out, and the match itself...JD's 3 for 3 on wickedly cool hardcore defenses right now. I'm honestly really impressed. When it comes to creating insane spots and actually linking them together, JD's got it on. The Final Thought was a markout moment--if you bust out Borderline Insanity against Renegade, I'm gonna absolutely wet myself--and the ending was...just really disturbing. Bloody-mouthed women = makes me scared and uncomfortable. 8 Evil Heel points, and a fine match.


-The Wilson and Mercury vignette sets up some good stuff for Wargames...


Tag title contendership


Not bad at all. Not the best match of Chilly Chilly Bang Bang's career but damn fine--the fact that they were able to come up with this while working on Wargames at the same time is really impressive. The build to the hot tag was great, and there was a whole lotta agression getting slung around here that fit in well--you've got 4 of the most aggressive wrestlers in the league, it's gonna get pretty brutal. Another mark-out for the appearance of Renegade into XF9, but I'm a bit rusty on my JL history...Renegade's never been in XF9 before, has he? Coolness.


The ICTV title streetfight


Brutal! I was really happy to see the fight get out of the ring pretty quickly, because I knew you guys would be able to do the most with the street environment. Lots of fun car spots, including the soon-to-be-infamous Strangler no-sells the sedan sequence. What's with all the XF9 Comet tributes, though? It's a cool thing for the stable to be doing, but damn if you don't have me dying for a Comet comeback! Bastards! The whole "cops showing up" thing was getting a little silly and I could have done without it, but altogether the match was solid. Interesting that the face cheated to win. Chaotic shades of grey!


I still think you should have climbed the space needle for the Downfall moonsault, but this will be one of the more memorable title defenses in a while.


-Sacred's promo was an excellent return. This is the most chilling incarnation of the Sacred One we've seen, and I'm eager to see how he fits into the new evolution of his old stable, Da Pound.




Oh, my poor eyes. After reading 36,000 words of this and helping put together 21,000 words of Carnies' own, I'm going to have trouble remembering what did and didn't happen in the actual winning match. First things first, sorry Outcast, but I had to skim most of the giganto intro. It was pretty cool, but having read it all before and even written some of it myself over this past month, ooga. Had to save some of the eye-power for the 25,000 words of match-age. And to that we go.


The response to Wargames has been pretty unanimously "best thing ever," so if anyone's still reading the comments thread at this point, I won't be too surprised if I get labeled as "that sore loser Edwin." But, in all truth and honesty, while I liked Wargames a lot, it felt like something was missing. Awesome introductions and ring entrances, quite a bit of fanfare, but some stuff seemed off. I think my biggest gripe with the match was that very often it became one guy vs. one guy for quite a long period of match-writing, with less attention paid to the big picture. Quite a few times I found myself forgetting where everyone was in the ring and wondering why it had been so long since we'd seen Thoth or TNT.


On the plus side, there were some awesome reversal sequences in the beginning/middle of the match--when Danny was interacting with Edwin and ELM in particular stand out. I *did* like the brutality throughout, and some of the "knock people out for 2, 3, 4, 5, however many minutes" were very inventive. Everyone had pretty strong entrances--altogether, the time leading up to all 10 men getting in was pretty rock-solid. After that point, the increased focused on submissions was pretty impressive too, the brutal brawling between Edwin and Wilson was pretty darn cool, but the match still felt real spotty to me. I know it's Wargames, but I thought a few ideas went a biiiit far. The two things I liked the least in the match were the ladder and the flaming ring; like I said about the streetfight, I'm not so much a fan of outside elements. The ladder spot was cool, but when the ladder got pulled out from under the ring, the first thought that ran through my head was "Oh, please," not "Awesome!", so maybe I have my wires crossed, or maybe it just wasn't my favorite. When the ring got set on fire, my thought was "You've got to be kidding me." I read and read and read, but the fire was so non-instrumental to the finish...I guess Raynor's arm was near it, which is why he tapped? I dunno. A cool visual, but altogether pointless, and didn't do much for Merc joining the team. I liked the match a lot, but I really honestly thought the fire was one of the stupider things I've seen in our fed.


Another point of criticism from my end is watching the two remarkable debuts in this match, that of Mercury turning heel to the M7 and Silent debuting in the WF. I mark for big impacts right off the bat, and judging by the lack of reaction to either of these events/character evolutions, I don't really think the match did it as well as it could have. It wouldn't be good to have them overshadow Wargames, but I thought both Silent and Merc could have used a bit of a kick to make their appearances two more strong memories in a pretty damn impressive match as opposed to fading thoughts.


All-in-all, while it might sound like I hate the match, I don't--I just don't toooooooootally love it as much as everybody else. Maybe 85% love. Wargames was really, really good and I was impressed that it all held together for such a long match. There are ways I would have done things differently, and, with the Carnival team, I did, but this match won. Congrats, guys. Now don't ever write anything that long again, or you will actually make my eyes pop.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
XF9 = Roxor.


CC = Roxor.


Clan = ROXOR.




M7 = Kings... that is all...

That's another thing I really liked about this show. Stables a-go-go. I mark like hell for big stables, and now we've got 5 really impressive units going, all with sizable memberships. It would be nice to keep a few lone wolves out there, but with things clicking as well as they are now, here's to teams. I think I'll go pin that Stables thread so we can refer to it...

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Guest Rabbi_wilson13

As Edwin said, if anyone's still reading this, I'd just like to make some closing comments on one great PPV.


That really was an awesome pay-per-view, and I hope that we can make Apocalypse even bigger and better so by the time we're to the Anniversary we'll be at a fevered pitch, about ready to explode. Hopefully we get some angles set up early and build, like Carnival/M7, ELM/Flesher and Erek/TBS. And then promo. I think PromoWars really helped this PPV become even better. Great job to everyone involved.


I already thanked Edwin for his insightful commentary on AIM when we were plotting, and I'd like to do it again. He lost, and he could of just been "Hmmph...our match was better..." but he gave his reasoning. Some of it was opinion, but all of it at least had backing and I appreciate any constructive criticism.


I'm kinda disappointed you didn't like the ladder spot, because everyone I talked to said that was one of their favorite spots, especially with the old skool flashback to Genesis 2 with a pointy flag. I can see how some of you thought the fire was over the top, and maybe it was, but we put it in there for some cool visuals and to get Raynor over more with the tapping, as his shoulder's been worked over and now a suicidal female killer is pushing him towards flame. Maybe it didn't come across that way, but thats how it was meant.


I said it once and I'll say it again, I probably am a bastard for not putting Silent and Merc over more, but I wasn't going to overshadow WarGames with a JL bump. Hell, Thugg was a dominating JL champion and he got to chokeslam DF in the second or third match of the card in his debut. And I thought I did half-decent with silent, considering he cane-shotted two former world champions. The difference between our two debuts was Edwin had him hitting more people and more reaction from Thoth and Edwin.


Oh well, I love my match, I love Flesher's match, I think Erek is insane, Thugg cameos rule, always good to see we have an Aussie rep and CCBB are going to be like the greatest tag team ever, especially if there's ever a PPV where they have to write three matches for one show, cuz they could handle it easily. That is all. Thank ya for yo time.

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Guest Longdogger_Pete
Another mark-out for the appearance of Renegade into XF9, but I'm a bit rusty on my JL history...Renegade's never been in XF9 before, has he? Coolness.


Right you are, Edwin... in fact, both new XF9 members (Annie and Renegade) held SJL World Champions as members of Havoc, a heel stable that ran against XF9 for awhile... a stable which, interestingly enough, I had a hand in creating.


Annie's been in XF9 before, but Renegade has never been allied with us before, which makes him an unlikely yet solid addition to our ranks.

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Guest ErekT2k
I think Erek is insane


The correct term is "crrraaaaaazzzyyyy....". Why don't you go ask Mak for help on that. ;)


I still think you should have climbed the space needle for the Downfall moonsault, but this will be one of the more memorable title defenses in a while.


Okay Edwin, make your next match with Wilson in a pit of hot coal, and I'll do that for ya. I'll climb the needle. ;) We'll call that even.

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Guest Coffin Surfer
On the plus side, there were some awesome reversal sequences in the beginning/middle of the match--when Danny was interacting with Edwin and ELM in particular stand out. I *did* like the brutality throughout, and some of the "knock people out for 2, 3, 4, 5, however many minutes" were very inventive. Everyone had pretty strong entrances--altogether, the time leading up to all 10 men getting in was pretty rock-solid. After that point, the increased focused on submissions was pretty impressive too, the brutal brawling between Edwin and Wilson was pretty darn cool, but the match still felt real spotty to me. I know it's Wargames, but I thought a few ideas went a biiiit far. The two things I liked the least in the match were the ladder and the flaming ring; like I said about the streetfight, I'm not so much a fan of outside elements. The ladder spot was cool, but when the ladder got pulled out from under the ring, the first thought that ran through my head was "Oh, please," not "Awesome!", so maybe I have my wires crossed, or maybe it just wasn't my favorite. When the ring got set on fire, my thought was "You've got to be kidding me." I read and read and read, but the fire was so non-instrumental to the finish...I guess Raynor's arm was near it, which is why he tapped? I dunno. A cool visual, but altogether pointless, and didn't do much for Merc joining the team. I liked the match a lot, but I really honestly thought the fire was one of the stupider things I've seen in our fed.

Thanks, in case nobody guessed the Danny/Edwin/ELMS/and Outcast spots were all mine in the middle of the match. As well as Z taking the Sleeper Suplex from Frost. And I also feel it's the best damn commentary I ever wrote even though TNT did sprice up a few lines. My fav. line of mine "Edwin is so damn selfish, he's even hogging the beat down."


They also wanted me to go over you(Edwin) when I first came in, but I insisted on being knocked out by you since it would devalue the World Championship if you got your ass kicked by a rookie.


And believe me I tried and tried to talk them out of the flaming ring. But oh well I guess they were right, since they won the match. My ending idea was Raynor simply being choked out, while TNT and Frost stood guard, holding back Thoth and ELMS.


And If I haven't already, BIG THANKS to TNT and Frost for not only writing most of the match on short notice, but putting the whole damn thing together.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto
I also feel it's the best damn commentary I ever wrote

I'll agree with you there, Danny. It blended really well into the match, and I honestly couldn't tell where someone started writing and where someone ended, except when we got into Wilson's commentators-call-almost-all-the-action section.


That's a sign of some damn good teamwork.

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Guest Tyler McClelland

...and good editing!




That was post number 404


ERROR - 4 0 4







*ahem* Sorry, inside joke.

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