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Guest nWoScorpion

WWF Action Figures

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Guest AM The Kid

I have soooo many figures and lots of collectible ones also. I just bought two the other day. I probably have over 50 figures.

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Guest Drury37

Hey Tony,I didn't blow it!!!She told me it was ok,but we were all over my friends house last night and I was acting like a jerk to her,but she said she understood.It gets a lot more detailed than that but I don't fell like getting into it.


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Guest nWoScorpion

If anyones willing to trade a Ludvig Borga, lol, Email me. Also, Ita time for me to book another event. The card will be posted later. LOL

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Guest Drury37

That makes me think,what we if all had one federation and we booked the stuff online and then one of us had the matches. Anyone like this idea otherthan me?


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Guest nWoScorpion

Thats like the best idea ive read since, i was sober last. LOL.

I would do somethin like that. Anyone else?

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Guest nWoScorpion

BTW, whats your figure list?

Also my fed name was always LIF or WWWF HEHEHE.


One time i did Matches for all the past Wrestlemanias. Sound Silly yes. Am i silly? damn strasight!

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Guest Drury37

The name of our federation should be called the SWF,the Smarks Wrestling Federation!!!Here is the list of most of my figures,I might have missed some though.


Hulk Hogan(All of them except for the red mail away one)

Ultimate Warrior(Both of them)

Bret Hart #1

Mr.Perfect(Both of them)

The Undertaker #1

Virgil(He is missing an arm)

Tito Santana(He is missing an arm)

Marty Jannetty(Both Rockers and single)

Shawn Michaels(Black and White pants)

Rick Martel

Ric Flair

Lex Luger

Kona Crush

Demoliton(Crush and Smash)


Ted Dibiase(Black trunks and Green suit)


Jim Neidhart

Owen Hart

Sid Justice

Nasty Boys

Natural Disasters



Yokozuna #1


Jake Roberts(He's missing an arm)

Big Bossman #1

Steiner Bros.

British Bulldog

Ricky Steamboat

Texas Tornado


Macho Man(All of them including the Macho King)


Koko B. Ware

Brutus Beefcake(Both of them)

The Undertaker #1

Papa Shango

Razor Ramon(Although I don't know where he is same with Jimmy Snuka)

Greg Valentine

Honky Tonk Man

The Mountie


Rowdy Piper(He is missing an arm)

Bam Bam Bigelow


Giant Gonzalez



Steiner Bros.


Lex Luger

Barry Windham

I just listed my Hasbro and Galoob guys,I probably have more Hasbro guys than I can think of and if I think of any I will list them later.


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Guest nWoScorpion

Sounds good. For those of us without specific figures, the prson who has em can book that match and stuff.

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Guest Drury37

I would like to do a lot of the matches considering it was my idea to create the federation,but I will let others do matches and other things.


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Guest nWoScorpion

Sounds good, your idea, but with my seconding. LOL. If i had like, a um, (snaps fingers) fuck it, someone really cool, id push him to hell.

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Guest Drury37

Of course you would be the second person in charge,this is was our creation,we just need more people to think of stuff. Another thing is,what shows are we gonna have and when will we have them and we have to just have the World,IC and Tag Team Titles,because then if you have a title you actually mean something.We should pick out the best of WWF and WCW shows in our promotion.


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Guest nWoScorpion

Heres our Hasbro List. DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN.


Demolition (ax & smash)

Ravishing Rick Rude (r.i.p)

Andre The Giant (R.I.P)


"Superfly" Jimmy Snuka

Giant Gonzalez

Razor Ramon (purple)

"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan (w/ 2x4)


Hulk Hogan(All of them except for the red mail away one)

Ultimate Warrior(Both of them)

Bret Hart #1

Mr.Perfect(Both of them)

Virgil(He is missing an arm)

Tito Santana(He is missing an arm)

Marty Jannetty(Both Rockers and single)

Shawn Michaels(Black and White pants)

Rick Martel

Ric Flair

Lex Luger

Kona Crush

Demoliton(Crush and Smash)


Ted Dibiase(Black trunks and Green suit)


Jim Neidhart

Owen Hart

Sid Justice

Nasty Boys

Natural Disasters



Yokozuna #1


Jake Roberts(He's missing an arm)

Big Bossman #1

Steiner Bros.

British Bulldog

Ricky Steamboat

Texas Tornado


Macho Man(All of them including the Macho King)


Koko B. Ware

Brutus Beefcake(Both of them)

The Undertaker #1

Papa Shango

Greg Valentine

Honky Tonk Man

The Mountie


Rowdy Piper(He is missing an arm)

Bam Bam Bigelow



The posibilitys are endless....because no one mentally stable will actual go through all the different ways.

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Guest Drury37

I just added the Giant Gonzalez(in which you already have) and Doink to my list.I always liked this crazy stable in Papa Shango,Skiiner,Giant Gonzalez and Kamala,they are just the strangest 4 men you can find!!!


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Guest nWoScorpion

I think each of us should control 1 or 2 of the different areas. Like 1 takes World & something, the other IC & something and so on and so forth.


I always like doing SNME, COTC's & PTW in between my PPV's which always were RR, Battle Bowl, Wrestlemania, Superbrawl, Fall Brawl, Halloween Havoc, Starrcade, Summerslam, Survivor Series, Bash At The Beach, Great American Bash, King of the Ring and i believe thats what i did.

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Guest Drury37

I am not completely following ur areas thing,but I do like all your shows.I mean what do u mean by I control one and you control the other,do you mean you book one and I book the other do you have the matches with one and I have the matches with the other?


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Guest nWoScorpion

I mean someone can book the world title area, and maybe main event status matches, the other IC, with midcarder status, and Tag Title area, with micelaneous, and we trade turns every once in a while.


IM at nWoScorpion316 for details.

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Guest Drury37

Alright you can im me at IrishND18,we also have Am The Kid to do stuff,so we can each take an area,I always liked the Tag Team Title area so I will take that and miscelannious whatever.


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Guest nWoScorpion

Wait that would kinda screw soemthin up. Maybe we should do matches for the guys we already have. Besides we still need AM I Kid or I AM Kids list so we know what we are dealin witha.

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Guest Drury37
Wait that would kinda screw soemthin up. Maybe we should do matches for the guys we already have. Besides we still need AM I Kid or I AM Kids list so we know what we are dealin witha.

-What do u mean by maybe we should do matches for the guys we already have?


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Guest AM The Kid

I have zero Hasbros but tons of LJN's and Jakks.




Hulk Hogan

Randy Savage


Bobby Heanan


Texas Tornado

Davey Boy Smith

Outback Jack

Jim Duggan

Jesse Ventura

Bam Bam Bigalow

Freddie Blassie

Honky Tonk Man

Magnificent Morroco

Corp. Kirschner

Capt. Lou Albano

Hillbilly Jim

Roddy Piper

Nikolai Volkoff

Koko B Ware


Tito Santana

George The Animal Steele

and some more...those were off the top of my head


Plus...tons of Jakks, which if you want I can list later.

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Guest Drury37

Alright Am The Kid,I think we are doing this with Hasbro figures, so all I think you will have to do is be like a booker of the main eventers!!!It probably won't be that easy,but ask nWoScorpion for who is in in what division,he has a list.


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Guest Drury37

Alright Am The Kid,I think we are doing this with Hasbro figures, so all I think you will have to do is be like a booker of the main eventers!!!It probably won't be that easy,but ask nWoScorpion for who is in in what division,he has a list.


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Guest AM The Kid

You don't have to tell me twice...haha, get it?


It'll be easy enough, I'm a good booker.

Tell me the plan.

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Guest AaronRock70

I used to love my hasbro figures. Brutus Beefcake and IRS = best tag team in the history of the WWF! 21 Tag Team Title reigns.....in the span of about 6 weeks :)



Then one day I discovered pot, girls, and Playstation and things were never the same.

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