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Guest Chuck Woolery


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Guest Chuck Woolery

Since I'm a nice guy, and this is bps21's trademark thread... I'll put his preview here just so I can clear my conscience. Rock.


It’s about that time again…as NWA TNA enters it’s third month of business. Last week had some tremendous ups (the Lo Ki/Styles/Lynn main event, the SAT vs. Elvises and The Truths title win) and some tremendous lows (DUPP CUP, Evening Gown match, DUPP CUP, First Blood match, DUPP CUP). Can week 9 grow off of the positives of week 8, or are they DETERMINED to get the DUPP CUP over?


I sit in fear.




But…as Dames said…I’ll gladly sit through a -***** segment to get to a ****3/4 match. What? You didn’t know that Dames said that? Then you must have not read his Week 8 recap. If you haven’t read it (and Dames has yet to cut you) I suggest you click the following link to acquaint yourself with the story to this point.


The Dames' Diatribe on NWA:TNA Week 8


Back so soon?


Right then. First I want to thank everyone for making my column “The Truth about Ron Killings” such a big hit. As a result “They” have asked me to write similar columns about TNA stars every week. So be sure to look for this week’s column, probably about Jerry Lynn, sometime soon.


When we last left TNA, two new champions had been crowned (Lo Ki and Ron Killings). Both men will see action this week, although only the X title will be defended.


Which finally brings us to the point of this article:




Let’s roll into what will likely be the opening match, shall we?



Joel & Jose Maximo and The Amazing Red vs. Kid Kash, Shark Boy and Slim J


Anyone who ordered last weeks show will be familiar with the SAT. This week they take on three newcomers to the ever-growing TNA family. I figure this match will open the show, as they generally like to have a faced paced match get the crowd going from the start. It’s hard to argue with that logic…especially when we get something like the SAT vs. Elvii match from last week.


Shark Boy is probably best known for his time as a WCW Saturday Night regular. He’s done indy work since then and has a cult like following. If you haven’t seen Shark Boy…he wears a shark mask and sometimes bites his opponents on the ass. He’s also a pretty entertaining wrestler. People may remember Kid Kash from ECW’s later days. Since ECW went away he has spent time in the XWF. Slim J is an NWA Wildside regular, who was likely called in to fill out the six-man match. A little searching shed some light on Slim J, who apparently has an Eminem gimmick, but seems more than serviceable for the part of filling in as the last piece of what is sure to be a fast paced 6-man match.


If you saw last weeks match…you’ll know what to expect from this weeks. High flying fast paced action that would earn you a pink slip from the WWE so fast your head would spin. A good opener is what these guys are asked to provide, they are given the time needed to provide it…and so far Red and the Maximo’s have delivered big time. I see no reason why this will be any different. I would think that the SAT would win, as they are no longer the new guys…but they could always make an angle out of their inability to win.



Elix Skipper vs. Monty Brown in a Chicago Street Fight


I have been waiting for this. This match actually stemmed out of the Truth’s “Them” “They” angle. When Killings was on one of his rants about being held down, Monty Brown came out to set him straight…and took Killings out at the same time. Later in the show, Brown and Skipper defeated Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger. After the match, Skipper distracted Brown long enough for Killings to sneak in and extract his revenge. The angle was furthered the next week when Brown came out and absolutely beat the hell out of Skipper following Elix’s loss to AJ Styles. The angle was furthered yet again last week when Skipper attacked Monty Brown during his sit down interview with Mike Tenay. During the attack Skipper told Brown that he had no idea what it was like growing up like he and Killings did, on the street. Hence the match is a “Street” fight.


Whew…a logical storyline? Toto, we aren’t in Stamford anymore.


I’m pretty high on both these guys. Elix everyone should know from WCW, Brown is a former football player. Brown, as I have said before, stays within his limitations as a wrestler and is all the better for it. What he can do, he does very well, and not trying to do things he can’t do well yet makes him appear far less green than he actually is.


This match should get some time to play out…or else I don’t understand why they would give it time to have a storyline. I would bet that a good part of the match will be in the ring, where Skipper can do his thing…then they’ll take it to the outside and throw in some hardcore stuff so that Brown can work the longer match without showing off that rookie mentality.


I’ve been very impressed with how they have brought Brown along to this point, and Skipper is a good worker. With the time I see this match getting, I think we’ll see all we need to know about how good Brown is, and what potential he has. I’d think that Brown would win, since they are building him up, but he could always lose to prolong the feud, which I think would be a good thing, as Skipper has proven to be a valuable commodity. Like many matches in TNA, I don’t think there is a WRONG answer here. I expect a good show, and with Skipper involved, I’ll likely get one.



Malice vs. Don Harris in a Last Man Standing Match


Lest it never be said they didn’t try.


The sad part is that I actually like Malice. He’s a big motherfucker that can move. I like that. I think his match with Apolo a couple weeks ago proved he was a pretty agile and worthwhile big man to have around. But I hate Don Harris. The match can be nothing more than a brawl…because Harris really blows.


Anyway…two weeks ago Harris was running security for TNA, and he ran into Malice and his manager Jim Mitchell. Malice beat the crap out of him and tied him to the ropes so that Mitchell could anoint him with some blood. Apparently Harris took offense to this and we had a first blood match last week. Now…I wasn’t as against the match as most (I thought it was a watchable brawl, wisely kept under 6 minutes, that served as a nice change of pace from the rest of the show). But even I can’t justify a rematch. What is the point?


If the point is for Don freaking Harris to win the blow off to this silly feud, I will be pissed. No way should Harris go over a guy who could be a legit top guy in the promotion. NO WAY. If the point is for Malice to go over again…then this match is more than useless. What’s worse is I don’t think we are going to be seeing a six-minute Last Man Standing match.


Expectations should be LOW for this one, that way it might surprise you by pulling a 1/4 * rating or something. In a perfect world the bell will ring and Malice will grab the handgun from Puppet and shoot Harris’ kneecaps to win the match and end his career. But hey, this isn’t a perfect world. A 12-minute brawl that will have heat because they are smart enough to take it into the crowd. May God have mercy on out souls.



Lo Ki vs. Sonny Siaki vs. Jimmy Yang vs. Jorge Estrada for the X title


This is another one of those matches with a pesky storyline leading into it. Lo Ki won the X title last week in the phenomenal MOTYC triple threat match. This will be his first defense of the X title.


The other three guys are The Flying Elvises. In recent weeks Sonny Siaki has been calling himself better than the other Elvises, and the group has started to fall apart. The angle was developed really well in the context of the Elvises vs. SAT match last week, when Estrada and Yang left Siaki to get the crap beat out of him boy the SAT, returned to save him and take out the SAT, only to have Siaki steal the win for himself. That’s some intelligent booking in my opinion.


On another note…the original Elvis angle was that they were upset about being left out of the original 4 way double elimination match (the SAME kind of match that this is) after defeating three of the four participants in that match. The Elvises have now come full circle on that angle, losing a tag team title shot to the first two participants (Lynn and Styles) and now having an X title shot at the third, Lo Ki.


See…it all comes together.


The match, as mentioned, is a four way double elimination match. Anyone who saw the first X title match knows what this match is. Basically, two men start in the ring and when one is beat the next one comes in immediately. When you have two losses, you are eliminated. Last man standing wins.


This will be the first time that the Elvises will get a chance to come to blows, which they will have to do, unless Lo Ki manages to take six straight falls. Now that I think about it…that is a possibility I guess. The Elvises can keep costing each other falls and Lo Ki would come out looking like on dominating dude.


No matter how they run it, the match will get plenty of time and should be \ a damn fine one. I’m high on Lo Ki and Jimmy Yang in this one. Siaki is pretty good, and Estrada is there. Estrada has some nice moves; he just rubs me the wrong way. I predict that Lo Ki retains, unless they want to go Elvis crazy with the title. One thing about Russo booking…you just never know for sure.



AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn vs. Ron “The Truth” Killings and Jeff Jarrett for the NWA Tag Team titles.


Maybe the four biggest stars in the company in one match. I mean…Lo Ki is more over than Styles or Lynn…but these 4 are probably pushed as the biggest stars.


Styles and Lynn have been feuding since week 4 and have been Tag Team champions since week 3. You do the math. They have had two successful title defenses, both of which were damn good matches in my opinion (week 4 vs. Slash and Tempest, week 6 vs. Yang and Estrada). Styles is no doubt pissed off that Lynn was pinned last week, costing him the X title.


On the other hand, Jarrett and Killings have been working together since week 2. That all changed last week, as Jarrett now has an issue with Killings after he won the title. This is something I’d like to see the announcers play up more. JJ and Truth were friends…but now JJ wants to fight him because he holds the gold. It only serves to make the NWA title seem that much more important.


JJ beat Apolo last week, and as a result Steamboat promised him that he would get The Truth this week. But Steamboat swerved him by saying that The Truth would be his tag team partner. So here we are. 4 solid to very good workers in a main event tag match that carries a couple storylines into it. I know I’m pumped.


This match will, like the others, get plenty of time to tell whatever story they come up with for it. I say that because it could go a lot of ways. They could do a story where one or both teams works well together, only to have one guy turn on his partner, they could do an all out brawl between the four of them, anyone could conceivably win, and on that note, both teams could have a member (Styles and JJ for example) trying to purposely lose only to be thwarted by the other teams member looking to not team up with their partner anymore. Who knows?


Should be good though. If Styles and Lynn can have a very good match with Slash and Tempest, they can have one with JJ and Killings. That is what I expect.


You may have noticed that there was no “Jive Talking” segment in the preview. That’s because they haven’t announced one yet, and that’s probably a good thing. There may be one, but I would have to doubt it would be anything like the DUPP CUP fiasco of last week.


Ricky Steamboat has not been announced for this week, but I can’t imagine he has anything better to do. He’s well worth whatever they are paying for him, and I’m starting to get interested in a heel turn. Don’t ask me why.


Apolo should appear in some form as well.


Anything else is up in the air.


More midgets? Maybe. More evening gown matches? Maybe. More Dupps? God I hope not.


Russo stuff aside; it looks like another week that could deliver a number of strong matches.




- Mike Van Siclen.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

They have to get the titles off Styles/Lynn if they want them to feud, but putting them on Truth/Jarrett just gives us the same thing so I say the tag champs retain, and lose them next week.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Uh oh, bps got beat to his own trademark thread!


C'mon guys, we all love TNA, but let's let the #1 mark have SOME happiness!


Anyhow, tonights show is already ordered. Brown vs. Skipper should rock, the 4 way should be awesome in terms of workrate AND storytelling, and what more could you want out of that tag match.


My guess on the scenario in the tag title match would be that since AJ and Lynn hate each other (especially now that each one believes the other cost him the X Title), I say they 'try' to lose the tag belts to split the team and move onto a singles feud, only to have the other guy break up the pinfalls. Jarrett does his best to piss The Truth off (has him do all the work, etc.) furthering The Truth angle, and maybe building on the "establishment" storyline.

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Guest Angle2004

I love how people are actually discussing different directions that storylines might go in and how people really don't know what's going to happen. Unlike in the WWE, where you can predict everything.

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Guest J*ingus

I'll be there live tonight (sorry Dames, no signage, I ain't paying the extra $5 to sit ringside).

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

So let me get this straight...


I got beat putting up the early week 9 preview...then I got beat putting up Borash's column...


Now I get beat putting up the One and Only thread?


Man...I must be slipping.


I'm looking forward to 4 matches tonight very much...


hint: The one I'm not involves Don Harris

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It's time again.


They start by showing Truth win the NWA title last week. My personal mark out moment of the year.


"This is the moment of Truth"


Damn straight.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Truth promo about wining title.


JJ comes out, wants title shot


Bill Behrens comes out and tells JJ he'll get no shot.


The Brian Lawler attacked JJ, for reasons as yet unknown...but hinted at loosley that there is a story there somewhere.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Six man tag is up first.


Kid Kash, Shark Boy and Slim J vs. Joel and Jose Maximo and the Amazing Red.

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Guest HartFan86

Listening to Mike Tenay during this match, Mike Tenay (WCW) is a shell of Mike Tenay (NWA). He's crazy in NWA.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

SATs are already over as faces with the crowd.


Kid Kash starts out with one of the Maximos.


It starts off as a wrestling match but soon turns into an over the top rope spot fest.


Slim J hit a beatuful top rope moonsault to the outside.


After the spots, Kash goes back to working over a Maximo in the ring.


SAT have some more nice triple team moves.


They do something I can't describe with Slim J and Shark Boy that included a Boston Crab, a reverse camel clutch and a dropkick to the face.


The've done about 10 other things I couldn't call in the time it took me to write that last paragraph.


And the SAT are REALLY over.


It breaks down to all 6 men in the ring again.


Kash really turned it up a notch now.


Oh man...Double underhook into a piledriver gets two on Red, then a Maximo breaks it up.


Oh man...SharkBoy took a nasty bump from a Maximo.


Slim J gets the Spanish Fly.


Red hits the infrared off the top to end a frantic 10 and a half minute opening match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21
Listening to Mike Tenay during this match, Mike Tenay (WCW) is a shell of Mike Tenay (NWA). He's crazy in NWA.

I agree.


Tenay is better as the lead play by play guy then the third guy at the table.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Goldy interviews the Dupps.


They show Goldy the inside of an outhouse.


It doens't get any better than that.

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Guest HartFan86

Watching this INT reminds me of the Anna Nicole Smith Show for some reason.


Hey look! It's Russo time!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Oh man...then Bruse comes out.


Why does Russo hate us?


Why must he follow up a hot 6 man with Miss TNA and the Dupps?


He challlenges anyone in the crowd to take his TNA title, and says he'll give them 5 thousand if they beat him.


Bruce then insults the crowd.


they find someone...and the bell rings...kill me now.


What kills me is that Tenay calls the moves like its a match.


She kicks Bruce's ass for a while.


Well...she's a better worker than Jackie Gayda and Stacy Kiebler combined...but I don't need this.


After getting his ass beat, Bruce wins with a roll-up...I'll admit the finish made me laugh a little...but keep this away.

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Guest HartFan86

LOL @ "Alive" playing during Jarrett's promo. I can just picture Rock showing up out of nowhere.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Goldylocks tries to find out what JJ did to piss Lawler off.


He says he didn't do anything...


JJ finds Bill Behrens on the shitter and knocks him out.


JJ had a breif encounter with Lo KI...


then Puppet bumped into Stan Dupp...and they'll have a match later.


Fuck you Vinnie Ru.


As if the Dupp Cupp wasn't bad enough...add in a midget.


And we move into the Last Man Standing match that no one wants to see.


They HAVE to do something about the second half hour of their shows.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Harris beats the tar out of Malice with a chair for a bit.


The Malice gets up and blinds Harris with powder and then beats Harris down with the chair while he's blinded.


After some brawling Malice gets a chain...but it backfires as Harris clotheslines him down and uses the chain to choke and then clothesline Malice.


Harris gets a table...probably a good idea.


Harris kicks a chair into Malice's face and sets up the table in the ring.


Malice powerbombs Harris to take the upperhand again.


Malice tries to chokeslam MAlice, but Harris counters with a DDT.


Malice gains the upperhand again, and sets Harris up on the ropes and back suplexes Harris through the table.


Both men are down as the ref reaches 9 and Harris beats the count to win in 7 minutes.


Alright...it wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen...and it was better than I'd have thought...but it wasn't good...and the absolute wrong man went over.


Harris and Malice bump hands in a sign of mutual respect after the match.


Which gives Malice a possible face turn angle, which could work out for him.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They managed to have a 7 minute LMS match...and I thank them for that.


Goldy with the Dupps again.


Stan Dupp is afraid of midgets...it was Bo Dupp who challenged the Puppet.


I didn't know which Dupp was which...but can you blame me?


Dupp Cupp with a midget...Russo has really topped himself here.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It was Teo the midget...not puppet.


He must still be on suspension from the handgun incident.


MAn...Russo is actually at his worst at this point.


I'm not calling this match.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Puppet was hiding in the out house...and Teo won the Dupp Cupp in a little over 4 minutes.


I want my 4 minutes back.

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Guest HartFan86

Well, the first hour was really nothing impressive other than the opener...so hopefully the 2nd hour will improve.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They recap the Monty Brown/Elix Skipper history...which you should already know if you read my preview...


Skipper tries to attack Brown as he enters...but Brown gets Skipper from behind.


Brown hangs Skipper over the side with his shirt...strange bit of psychology in a street fight...but being hung out of the ring was where this feud started.


Skipper shokes Brown with the chain...setting him up for his finisher by working on the neck...even in a street fight...Skipper is always in wrestling mode.


Brown throws a trash can lid in the ring to use on Skipper...but of course it is used on him. They should have learned THAT lesson from the LMS match.


Oh man...Brown was laid out on the outside and Skipper put a trash can on him...then flipped over the rope from the inside of the ring onto the can. That was a very cool spot...only gets 2.


Alpha Bomb on a trash can beats Skipper in less than 6 minutes.


I don't understand the shortness of the match...and I know where I would stick that 4 minutes from the DUPP CUPP.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Goldy interviews the Flying Elvises. He badmouths Elvis.


Shouldn't that put him out of the gang?


Jimmy Yang needs a solo push.


Lo Ki comes out for the 4 way.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It's a single elimination match...wheras I could have sworn it was a double elimination match. Siaki and Lo Ki (who is quite popular) start out.


Apparently the rules are like the week 4 6 man and not the week 2 4 man, in that people can tag in whenever.


Ki just looks amazing. Estrada tags in and hit some of his moves, before Ki takes over.


Ki gets the dragon on Siaki...but Siaki was standing and drops Ki hard.


Yang gets in...and is the most over elvis by far.


Eventually Estrada tags himself in on Lo Ki and Yang and Estrada go at it.


Crowd is hot in this match.


Yang rolled out of a tornado DDT to get the upper hand and then rolls Estrada into a nasty crab that Yang rolls all the way back on, forcing Estrada to tap out.


That looked incredibly painful.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

After Siaki knocked Yang off the ropes Lo Ki hit Yang with the Ki-Krusher to eliminate him.


So we are down to Ki and Siaki.

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