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Guest SupaTaft

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

^ Should know not to contemplate remarks put forward by El Dandy as it can lead to permenant brain damage.


< victim.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

^ School/College/Whatever your doing work sucks.


< Currently studying to become a Primary Teacher.


No cheap shots needed.

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^will not receive any from <


^^Eric, last night was your hell, and tonight is yours. Everyone will have their own. You won't be alone...lol

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

^Will watch in horror as Axl jobs to the Undertaker (not Hogan)


<Did job Metallica to Hogan

<Jobbed Suge Knight to the Undertaker


Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall.




Dungeon of Doom theme plays, and Suge Knight steps out, he appears to be doing the Brock bounce.


Announcer: Introducing first, weighing in at 330 lbs., from the Dungeon of Doom, the Colonel Suge Knight.


When Knight enters the ring, the lights go out.




Mario: What the Hell happened out there?!


(In the Ring)


Bells toll. Purple lights shine on everything and a funeral dirge plays. Mafia member Paul Bearer comes out with the Urn, following behind him is a coffin being pushed by the Undertaker.


Announcer: His opponent, weighing 328 lbs. from Death Valley, the Undertaker.



Mario: SHIT!


Mario turns to the Phantom


Mario: Go out there and help him.


The Phantom picks up a Singapore cane, and heads out the door.


(The Ring)


Undertaker steps in, Paul Bearer removes his coat, and hat for him and the lights go back on. Suge Knight rushes in and hits an Avalanche on the Undertaker.


Bell rings.


Knight pummels the Undertaker in the corner, the Taker responds by choking the life out of Suge Knight, and forcing him to the ground. Knight gets up, and hits the Undertaker with a Baldo-Bomb, and starts dropping large elbows on him.


Knight misses one, when the Taker sits up. Taker stomps on the Colonel, until he rolls out of the ring.

Knight starts chasing Paul Bearer around the ring, the Taker goes over the ropes and lands behind Suge Knight. The two hosses start punching each other repeatedly, which ends when the Taker's head is slammed into the table, which he no-sells. The Taker forces Knight to sell a move, by slamming his head into the table. Taker throws him back in.


Taker gets stomped on when he rolls back in. Knight picks him up by the throat and holds him, and then drops him, Taker sits up. Knight goes for the pin by hitting a big splash.


1! 2! And no!

Taker kicks out, and starts punching Knight's throat again, which stuns him, Taker then hits a running boot on Suge Knight which sends him to the floor.


The referee goes to Suge Knight, while he is doing that, the Phantom materializes on the top turnbuckle with a chair. The Phantom tosses it at him, and hits a Super Van Daminator, which is no-sold. Taker chokeslams the Phantom out of sight.


Knight runs back in, and traps the Taker in a powerful bearhug. The ref checks the Taker.


1! The Taker begins to fade, and Knight squeezes tighter.

2! Taker begins to fade.

And no! Taker grabs Knight by the throat which releases the bearhug. Taker is motioning that he is going to chokeslam him


Taker gets him up, and does it.


Knight gets up slowly, but is still stunned; Taker hits a flying clothesline, which does not knock him down. Taker runs at him again, while the Phantom runs back in with his cane.

Taker catches him with a running DDT. Taker does his throat cutting thing, and lifts Knight upside down.

Taker hits the Tombstone on him, and crosses his arms.

1! 2! And no!


The Phantom pulls the ref out, Taker chases the Phantom around. Taker finally catches him and chokeslams him and the commentator's table, which does not break.

Taker gets back in the ring and grabs Knight's arm, he steps onto the ropes, and attempts to dive on him, but fails, when Knight catches him.


When Knight finally realizes what he has, he F5's the Taker. Taker no-sells

Knight pounds on him again, and hits another F5. Taker does not move.


Knight smiles, and hits one more, he then drags Taker to the corner.


Knight hits a Vader splash on the Taker. 1! 2! And no!

Knight is stunned to learn that he is being no-sold at every turn. Taker takes advantage, by hitting a second Tombstone, and then crosses the big man's arms.

1! 2! 3!


Announcer: Your winner, the Undertaker.


Sub-Zero and Fat Bastard hit the ring. Taker is frozen, and knocked down by one of Sub-Zero's kicks. Fat Bastard climbs the ropes.


Fat Bastard: BANZAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Fat Bastard hits the Banzai drop on the Taker which knocks everyone out of their seats, including the commentators.


Taker no-sells, and takes out the ice man with a boot, and chokeslams Fat Bastard to cause another earth shaking event.


The Metalli-posse and Bradshaw run to the ring. Taker dives over the ropes and knocks them all down. Taker does everyone who has listened to Load and Re-Load a favor, by Tombstoning Jason Newshit on the cement, which gets a big pop from the crowd.


Cliff Burton tosses fire, and accidentally hits Bradshaw. Taker sends Burton into the steps.


The remaining guys throw the Taker into the ring and beat him. Jaymz suddenly stops everyone.


Jaymz: You're off to never-never-land.


Jaymz hits the Twist of Fate on the Taker. Bradshaw, who is still blind, gets in and takes Jaymz out with a Clothesline from Hell, believing that he is the Taker.


Taker sits up, and chokeslams everyone, but Lars falls through the ring. Paul Bearer throws in a chair.

Taker Tombstones Lars into the chair.

Mario runs in with some zombies, which all eat Suge Knight. Mario gets in the ring and blasts Taker with lightning from his fingers.

Taker no-sells and takes him out with one punch.

The boxers hit the ring. Taker takes out Glass Joe with one punch, and forces King Hippo to leave due to embarrassment, when he kicks him, and his pants fall.

Tyson starts biting and punching the Taker, Taker chokeslams him.

Lars is still moving around on the outside, Taker spots him and gives him the Last Ride on to the table, which will still not break. The Phantom hits the Taker with a flying ax handle. Taker Tombstones him on to a broken Lars, the table still won't break.


The Faces of Fear lumber on down to the ring.

Taker does the impossible, by forcing all three to sell his chokeslams. Taker takes out the Shape by taking his mask. Jason sits up, and is met with a large headbutt, which breaks his mask and sends him to the floor.

Freddy does the only thing that he know can stop the Taker, he uses his glove to put the Mandible Claw into the Taker. Taker still no-sells.


Jason uses his last breath, to take the urn, and smash it. Taker is finally selling and then dies, Freddy rolls him into the coffin.

Freddy rolls out the coffin as the only man left standing in that mess, while the zombies still feed on Suge Knight.


Suddenly………. "Time to Play the Game!"


HHH steps out and stops Freddy. HHH opens the coffin, and hits the Taker's corpse with his sledgehammer, he then lets Freddy take him

Everyone slowly gets up and leaves, the zombies are leaving with pieces of Suge Knight.


A delirious Lars is the only one left.


Lars: (mumbled speech) lawsuit (more mumbling) OAOAST.


Jaymz comes by and takes Lars to the back.

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Guest papacita

^ dislikes people named Lars


< also dislikes people named Lars...'specially that no good bastard Lars Johnson.

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Guest papacita

^ now knows that 215 is the Philadelphia area code...well one of them, now.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker

< has commented on ^ more times than anyone else in this thread.

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Guest papacita

^ easily frightened.


< actually spelled frightened right...deserves a cookie.

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Guest ETEP1

^likes his men fat ugly and balding...unless he's the dungeon master or whatever...

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Guest Plushy Al Logan



<Used to run the Dungeon of Doom AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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