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Rob E Dangerously

Brock bombing as champ?

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't want him pushed over Edge


and I hate Edge.


Brock is not ready, good or over enough to be champion.


Not even close.

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Guest goodhelmet

i don't think they are exaggerating rrr. seriously, brock receives no heat, esp. for being the world champ. his heat is anemic at best. i don't necessarily blame brock though. the guy is a 25 year old who is doing exactlky what the fed has told him to. be an unstoppable monster who half-heartedly sells for your opponents so you don't get goldberg chants. if the guy can do a ssp or has such a great amateur background then let him play up to his strengths. instead, the fed insists on him playing a character that was stale before brock even began wrestling and hinders any potentiual he may have.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't blame Brock either.


I hate the WWE for doing this...Brock will too...


when he realizes he is the Big Show by this time next year.


That's what happens when you have no where to go but down.


And if you don't think politics will catch up with him...


He's so fucked.

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Guest goodhelmet

ok, i disagree with you for a couple of reasons bps. i don't think brock will be the next big show. if, and it's a big IF, the wwf moves to their mat based and submission oriented style that has been rumored then brock may be able to break out as a huge star legit. and to this day, with the exception of the showster, i think brock has been leaps and bounds above the big show (i know that's not saying much).


as for the politics, they may catch up with him BUT i don't think we will be able to fairly assess that situation until we see the showdown w/ fatass calloway later this month. if brock does not completely destroy the dead-piece-of-shit in an extended squash THEN that might be a concern. and if hhh continues to bomb in his role, i don't think it will be too long before the power he has starts to dissipate. heyman and his 'influence' might just be enough to protect brock.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

What I mean by the Big Show comment is the utter lack of anything for him to do.


If he bombs, ala Show...


they won't keep him at the top.


And he can't slide back to the midcard belt either...


Well...he can...but we all know how that looks. Like a failure.


So Lesnar will just be another Hoss in the ointment to progress.

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Guest RazorxEDGE

I think Vince and company are too hell-bent on making Lesnar "the next big thing" to give up on him anytime soon...no matter how bad business remains.


Plus, unlike the Big Show, Lesnar actually has potential and an upside. Show is just...big and slow.

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Guest goodhelmet

the only problem with your statement lpyc is that brock hasdn't actually displayed any wrestling skill yet. sure he pops off some power moves or the dreaded bearhug every once in a while but nothing he has done in the ring has made me think to myself "this guy has talent"

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



There is nothing.






Unless you count the pointless standing around in between moves.




Unless that standing around is the transition.


He's too raw.


and has exhibited no real skill.

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Guest Brian

Alot of people like the way Lesnar wrestles. He bumps really well and seems to have a decent grasp of how to work a match and utilize psychology, as well as sell. Other than that he's the champ and got a big push much to early, I have no problems with him.

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Guest goodhelmet

ok give one example of brock displaying his wrestling ability. when and where. certainly not at kor when he squashed rvd and had a piss poor match with test. not at vengeance in a screwjob w/ rvd. not in his anti-classics with the hardys. maybe at summerslam w/ brock but even then it could be argued that rock supplied evry intangible that made that match watchable. as for his selling, i believe that was in direct response to the goldberg chants echoing throughout the arena.


i'm not saying he doesn't have wrestling skills. i'm saying he doesn't display them.

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Guest Brian

He bumps all the time. He goes all over the place, flying out of the ring. His latest work where's he's actually tried to start working over body parts shows he has some ability; just not the experience nor the direction at this point. Nothing's really polished, but there are bits and pieces there.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



now he'll work over an arm...and then hit people with a glorified DDT on their head?


color me unimressed.

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Guest Dames Edna

As long as Benoit, Angle, Jericho, RVD, Booker, or Eddie don't hold the World Title - everyone will complain. Brock is the perfect guy to build a company around. He is extremely agile for a big man, and does in fact sell better than msot of the lugs on the roster. Also, he is legitally in terrific shape and is credible all around the horn. Sure he isn't at Vader's level yet, but this guy has SOOO much promise. I think how he got everyone on his side against the Rock shows how well he is doing. Everyone can say he isn't over, yadda yadda - but who has he faced since winning the title? Matt Hardy and Randy Orton? Please. If you fed Lesnar someone with talent, ie The Rock, it would be a different story. Not even Mr. Inconsistancy (Internet's loverboy) RVD could make him look good - oh wait, maybe its because RVD can only be carried instead of carrying.

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Guest chirs3

I thought the Brock/RVD match was pretty darn good...


Brock's got a few problems, I think:


-----> He's not allowed to show his full potential. Seriously, he gets the same offense in every match. The only difference is Matt Hardy gets little in return, the Rock gets a lot in return.


-----> This tiresome shtick with Heyman. I love Heyman as much as the next guy, but if we get "THE NEXT BIG THING, UNDISPUTED CHAMP" having his ass kicked by Rikishi, prompting the "Heyman distracts, cheat to win!" finish, it's not gonna put Brock over as a monster heel at all.


-----> Not very good on the mic.


I thought his match with the Rock was pretty good at SS, but before that and since then, it's either been squashes or CHEAT TO WINS. If they'd let him bust out new moves, and not have to pretend like friggin' Rikishi is about to pin him, he'd do somewhat better.

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Guest Brian

The thing is bps, I never said that Lesnar was good or anything. I said he shows a ton of promise. And I've never made excuses for him being pushed or getting the title, only that he shows bits and pieces of being a great worker. He needs the experience. He's doing much better than alot of other guys he's been compared to. I mean, if you look at Angle, he wrestled twice as many dark matches as Lesnar beforet hey brought him up.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I never said he didn't have all the potential in the world.


I said that this push will make all that irrelevent when people get too sick of him to care.

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Guest goodhelmet

once again, brock has not displayed any potential in any match, save for the one with the rock. his matches w/ rvd were in no way, shape or form rvd's fault. at kor, after having the best match of the night w/ jericho is rewarded by getting squashed by heatless brock. rvd's fault? hardly. at vengeance, do you job out the most over guy and ic champ or the next big thing? result= clusterfuck. rvd on the other hand has consistently turned out the best matches on most of the shows he has appeared on, when given the time. in fact, wasn't it rvd who CARRIED taker to taker's best matches in the last three years? didn't rvd appear in the only good match on last weeks raw w/ stevie. was that stevie carrying rvd. hardly. the man hasn't had a quality match since 96.


once again, brock's selling was a direct response to the goldberg chants he received for the first FOUR months since his debut. as for his agility, where? i'll admit the guy has power and potential but has only displayed the former and barely shown the latter.

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Guest goodhelmet

yeah, i meant dreamer, forgive me. and dreamer has been good against exactly two people... rvd and stevie in hardcore matches no less, not in any singles match lacking a gimmick.

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Guest goodhelmet

ok, maybe i should have been more accurate. rvd carried taker to his best singles matches in 3 years. hell, benoit single handedly carried taker, kane AND rock to a good outing in 2000. angle and rock should have had no problem in that main at vengeance carrying only one slug.


as for the rest of my argument, that was the best you could come up with as a reply???

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Guest goodhelmet

thats my point lpyc. i was replying to you in the first of the doble posts and bdub in the 2nd. rvd carried taker to his best singles match in the last three years at last year's vengeance. it was a direct response to bdub's claim that rvd is not capable of carrying anyone.

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Guest DJ Jeff

If I can get back on topic, that being Lesnar, I would just like to say that when I went to the house show in Red Deer on May 26th of this year, Lesnar got a pretty decent pop considering he was a heel and he had only been in the WWE for 2 months. Also, I don't think attendance figures are directly related to who the current champs are. It all depends on good storylines, and right now, the WWE doesn't have any great storylines. Back in September of 1998, I went to a house show in Calgary, and the place was sold out.

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Guest Dames Edna

RVd can be very good, he is just so insanely inconsistent. One day he can look phenemenal, the next look so unconvincing. Ack, it drives me nuts. But when he is good, I am pleasantly surprised

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Man it's so good that everyone on here can put on a better match than Brock Lesner. I have only seen him wrestle twice in person, and that was when he was doing dark matches against the local natives. Back then he was getting cheered, and he put on a pretty damn good match.


Brock is by no means the best in the business, but to me it's good to see a fresh face in the main event. I'm so tired of watching Undertaker and HHH hogging the main event. What i would like to see is Angle vs Lesner, that would be a match.

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Guest RicFlairGlory

Nobody wants Taker and HHH in the main event.


But we dont want Lesnar either


We want RVD, Angle, Benoit, Jericho


Probably in that order, but we'd like to see 'em in there.


Not Lesnar

Not Edge


Not Taker


Boy we cant get a single fucking thing we want, can we?

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

Not really.


Instead of RVD/Angle at WM as it should be, it'll be Lesnar/Edge.

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