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Patty O'Green

Who is the better Wrestler?

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Guest El Psycho Diablo

I'll say Angle..just because of the presence he has. The guy is just hard not to like..or hate. Benoit is just sorta there.

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Guest Angle-plex

Overall = Angle

Wrestling ability = It's close,but I'll say Angle because he won gold medals in olympic wrestling

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Guest Dangerous A

Benoit is the better wrestler in my opinion. He's done so many styles and excelled with many different opponents. Angle may pass him later on when he gets more years under his belt, but right now it's Benoit. On the mike though, Angle is light years ahead though and I think Angle will be more remembered than Benoit by marks when he finally retires.

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Guest BigPoppaKev

I would have to go with Angle. He is just more entertaining in matches. He brings a certain aura that Benoit doesn't have. Every match of Angle's usually has the crowd buzzing. Don't get my wrong I think Benoit is just great but I think Angle is the overall better product.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Benoit is the better wrestler.


But Angle is the better superstar.

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Guest RazorxEDGE

Angle is superior in all departments. That includes mic work, wrestling, match quality, athleticism, charisma...just everything.

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Guest The Mighty Damaramu

Benoit by light years. Angle's a great wrestler but he's nowhere near Benoit. Benoit's proved he can pretty much do damn near everything in the ring....Angle seems to be able to work the "WWE style" really really well. So he stands out over all the bufoons he works with.

Plus Benoit entertains me 10x more than Angle in the ring.

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Guest goodhelmet

i'd have to throw my 2cents in and say benoit is easily the better wrestler of the two. In the last five years, benoit has carried lesser talent to great matches time and again. he has proven throughout his career that he can work ANY wrestling style and produce quality matches. i like angle and enjoy his matches but i don't think he has the experience or the pedigree to be compared to benoit... yet! maybe after a tour or two in japan and a little more work on the psychology aspect. seriously, if his goal is to break the ankle of his opponent shouldn't the fucker work the leg over to set up the ankle lock instead of him slapping it on out of the blue. now compare that to benoit's popunding of the arm and shoulder throughout matches to set up the crossface. little things like this make a big difference.

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Guest Jobber of the Week

I think Benoit needs to try and pull a good match out of Cena or Shane McMahon before we can judge

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Guest RavishingRickRudo

Angle hasn't had the matches that Benoit has had... It's as simple as that.


And I doubt that he ever will. He is being limited in the Wwf - he is limited by their style, he is limited by their crowds. He lacks the experience that Benoit has - and that means A LOT in the ring - and that experience won't be found in the saftey of the Wwf.

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Guest Brian

Benoit. Angle's still imited pretty severly by the style and has those little problems that he doesn't have to really deal with in his ring work, plus Benoit has the experience and years of carrying far worse trash than Angle. I still think of Angle in that unproven Flair light. He's a project.

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Guest Dames Edna

Eddie....oh wait, he's not an option


Chris Benoit has had the better pro wrestling career. His matches in Japan are some of the best bouts I've ever seen. Also, his sheer intensity make him a joy to watch.


Kurt Angle is the better amater wrestler, and better sports entertainer. He has the ability to make mostly every match watchable.


Its really hard to choose, but as far as my wrestling experience goes, I'd say Benoit. This is only because I am judging this in a pro wrestling sense, not overall. Though Benoit is a capable amateur wrestler too.

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Guest WukenBloodstar

Angle, because unlike Benoit..I don't fall asleep during his matchs. Sorry..but I find Benoit to be a huge bore in the ring, wasn't impressed by his japanese matchs (I think Benoit/Sasuke in the Super J Cup is overrated, it was decent..but Liger vs Hayabusa was better) Kurt Angle is just better all around, given the wrestling background and his aura when he's in the ring. What do I know right?

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I'm going with Chris Benoit.


I've seen Benoit have some really entertaining, hard hitting matches w/out throwing one single punch, hitting the ropes or doing any high spots.


i.e. spots that pop the crowd.


Having matches like that is something I don't think Angle could pull off.


Of Course, I find that entertaining unlike others.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

Best Professional Wrestler ("Pure" wrestling): Chris Benoit, the guy knows so many styles that it's not even funny.


Best Sports Entertainer (Wrestling/Entertainment, WWE): Kurt Angle, far surpasses Chris Benoit on the mic and in backstage segments. Constant heat. CONSTANT.


Best Amateur Wrestler: Kurt Angle. Duh, he doesn't have two gold medals for nothing.

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Guest goodhelmet

well, dutch the topic wasn't who is the best sports entertainer. the best pure pro wrestler out there today is Chris Benoit. Angle works great in the confines of the fed's style but just hasn't proven he can cut it outside sports entertainment. Also, no one has mentioned the whole psychology aspect of producing matches. Benoi sweats and bleeds psychology. Angle's is spotty at best. Do I like Kurt Angle? without a doubt. Is he a better wrestler than Benoit? No way man!

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Angle's great at what he does, but Benoit is on another level entirely. Eddy Guerrero is also better than Angle from a wrestling standpoint, but even he isn't as good as Benoit. Benoit is the best pure wrestler in North America right now, period.

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Guest NazMistry

Well seeing as the topic is 'who is the best Wrestler?', you have to judge on everything that is expected of wrestlers nowadays.


Therefore, Angle is better.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

Are we basing our judgement on their work NOW or throughout their entire careers? If it's careers, then it's unfair to Angle (though a testament to just how fucking awesome he is).


If it's just now, then I stick with Angle.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman
well, dutch the topic wasn't who is the best sports entertainer.


You're right. The topic is "Who is the best wrestler?" which encompasses a lot more than it used to.

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Guest goodhelmet

once again, as a WRESTLER, no one has defended angle's scatty psychology.


and nm. if i based evrything i thought on what vince expected from wrestlers this would be a discussion on who is the greatest wrestler...hhh or undertaker.


once again, i enjoy angle and look forward to most of his matches but the guy is not, repeat not, even close to benoit in terms of being the best wrestler. just read kahran's post. it is spelled out for you.

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Guest Brian

That's probably because no one picks up on it goodhelmet. Benoit and Guerrero, as I've said before are just on a higher plane, while

Angle wrestles WWE style fine and bumps like hell, he needs work in psychology and filling some logic gaps. Take his Mysterio match.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Benoit, by miles.


I think Benoit/Sasuke in the Super J Cup is overrated, it was decent..but Liger vs Hayabusa was better)


Nice one. How about you try watching with your eyes open.

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Guest Trivia247

since its two different fields they come out of.


I'd say Pro Wrestling wise Chris Benoit is better than Kurt Angle. Angle got great character and comes in with Classic Real Mat wrestling experience with Pro Wrestling transitions but Benoit is time tested that you don't even need him on the mic to for him to be a Monster heel or face if needs be.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff

I go with Benoit. Until Angle learns to actually build-up to the anklelock and/or work the many different styles that Benoit(and Eddy) have, Angle will always be third best, IMO. Not saying he's shitty or anything like Brian said Benoit's just on another level when it comes to the in-ring product, as is Eddy. Kurt will probably get there eventually, but as far as right now, he's the third best wrestler on the roster at the moment.

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Guest Strike Force!

Better WWE superstar? Angle

Better pro wrestler? Benoit

Better wrestler? Angle

Better athlete? Angle

Better entertainer? Angle

More potential? Angle


Pretty cut and dried, if you ask me.

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