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Guest DGenr8n X

Dr. Tom and bps21 (Directed to Dames)

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Guest MrRant

While he has a point.... I still say Ban Him! Ban him in the name of the Church of NO MA'AM!


Note: The Church does support random bannings for the enjoyment of The Reverend Rant and its members.


This post is brought to you by The Church and also PBS.


The Reverend Rant.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Hey...I'll wash my hands of it and let Areacode or Dames sort out how your IP matches 5 previously banned ones.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

This just gets funnier.


The last post he made is a third IP that also matches one in the ban filter.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

We can ban IPs.


I think there is something with their ISPs that only admins can do.

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Guest treble charged

Ok, I just remember hearing APO (I think) saying last night that super-mods couldn't do IP bans (just admins).


It's no big deal, I just thought that it was weird that you could see which IPs had been banned, but not ban them yourselves.


Which raises an interesting point: If this guy's IP is banned, then how can he post?


(If the answers to these questions are painfully obvious, I apologize, as I have no clue how the 'behind-the-scenes' stuff works on this type of board.)

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't know how...


If you know something about how they work it would be easy though.


Smarkzone has said on many occassions that we'll never get rid of him because he has unlimited IPs.

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Guest Anglesault
It's no big deal, I just thought that it was weird that you could see which IPs had been banned, but not ban them yourselves.


That is kind of pointless....


Which raises an interesting point: If this guy's IP is banned, then how can he post?


I think it has something to do with people who have "dynamic IPs" or something like that. Everytime they come back they have a new IP.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I think you're right.


A static IP stays the same, a dynamic one changes.


I learned that from getting my PS2 online.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

speaking of which...


I'm off to play some video games.


I'll leave this in the hands of Dames, who has been pmed about the situation.

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Guest MrRant
I think you're right.


A static IP stays the same, a dynamic one changes.


I learned that from getting my PS2 online.

Assuming he has a dial up since most people using a DSL/Cable modem keep their IP for a good period of time in most cases.


But either way.... BAN HIM!

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"Maybe the board should vote for moderators? "


This is the part of his first post that I find funniest for obvious reasons.




oh well...off to play Socom.

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Guest Phr33k

He could be just lurking and not posting much. I have less than 200 and I've been here awhile. Actually, counting the posts I made as Cowtown Flyerguy, it'd be about 250.

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Guest Anglesault


So do I!

::smashes rant with a chair, then realizes that won't help him become a mod, so he helps Rant up::

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Guest gwf0704

Not to get off the subject here but how many moderators does this board actually have? I thought 3 or 4 tops..... Just curious as I know of Dames, Bps and Dr Tom. Who else so I dont piss them off.....



By the way I think all mods are great and deserve a raise Dames (shamelessly kissing up to the mods) :wub:

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Guest Cerebus The Aardvark
Why do people think I have such a high opinion of myself?


It's just an "air" about you, really. IMO, anyway; I can't speak for anyone else. Your "arrogance" or whatever isn't what bothers me about you, though. I don't really think there's a specific reason I don't care for you, honestly. Ever have a person you just didn't like, but didn't know why? Or you didn't like him/her simply because you didn't like him/her? It's like that; a general feeling of annoyance whenever I see your name. I'm sure the feeling's mutual; I can handle it if you can.


I disagree with people saying if you don't like Bps then leave.


As do I, because that sort of thinking is backwards and idiotic. If you dislike 1 person on the board, but don't have problems with anyone else, just ignore the person you dislike; don't quit going to the board because of him/her.


Cerebus, I find it highly ironic that you call everyone glorified trolls when the vast mavority of your posts consist of insutling people. Get a life.


Didn't you leave or something? And yes, all of my posts do nothing but insult people. Sure. If you take out posts dedicated to a single topic (movies, wrestling, music, etc.), possibly. But I keep it inside the "flaming parameters", so why do you care? And why do we have to do this every couple of months? We dislike each other. I think we both get it.


Basically, there are always going to be "conflicts" on a message board (or, if you're really disconnected from any form of reality, you can call them "feuds"); just don't let them ruin the board(s) for yourself or anyone else. I think bps and I (and BDub) can manage that.


Agreed, gentlemen?

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Guest alfdogg

Oh, btw, Best Buy said at WDI that this was in fact not him.


By reading the post he made, I think I believe him.


I don't think it's Shadow, even from the ghey Clique mark name that was used. After all, Shadow was banned the night of SSlam, and this guy has been lurking since July.

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Guest RobJohnstone

you know, I don't really visit here anymore but I will still add my two cents. DrTom and bps are fine moderators. When I used to come here daily, they were always fair about certain situations. The moderators are not the problem, it's the idiotic posters who ruin threads. That is a major reason why I do not contribute here anymore. Thanks



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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Ya know, I know someone who would make a good mod...


Fool. He's talking about me.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
it's the idiotic posters who ruin threads.

Your right. You did ruin alot of threads didn't you?

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Guest treble charged

I don't think that Rob should take the blunt of the blame for threads being ruined, as Risk is the one who would over-react to anything that he said.

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Guest RobJohnstone
Yeah, Rob would be like "RISK your a fag" and Risk would be all "TROLL!"

alfdogg, it's wonderful that you still like to make those wise-cracks but.... when I first stated my problems with RISK, you were his online bud. I could care less of your opinion on this matter because you are biased and will always be.



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