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Guest Cubbie78

alright now Im wondering

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Guest Cubbie78

In terms of WRESTLING ability...bumps, spots, chain wrestling, psychology, basically the working aspect of it, without taking his pops or in ring charisma into account...Been thinking about this ever since Benoit/RVD, rated on a scale of 0-5 where:


0 - horrible

1 - below average

2 - average

3 - above average

4 - very good

5 - GREAT, like benoit great


Id have to go with 3, maybe 3 and a fourth, but Im not the greatest to judge these kind of things...what do yall think, just as an informal survey

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Guest BoboBrazil

3 or 4. His hardcore match last year with Jeff Hardy at the Invasion ppv was my favorite match of last year.

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Guest DragonflyKid

I loved how he brought the kicks on monday, it kinda makes up for his weak forearm shots.


Bumps-5 Best in the WWE, look at the way he took the DDT and German suplex on monday. He can make his opponent look good which he needs to since he is smaller thatn the other heavyweights.


Spots-3 I would have rated him higher but he has been doing the same spots for too long. In ECW he would do new mind-blowing stuff every week, he needs some new spots that are credible heavyweight stuff.


Chain Wrestling-3 He did nice chain wrestling in ECW even though it was a bit contrived. But chain wrestling doesn't fit into the WWE HW style.


Pscyhology-3 His selling of injured body parts is generally good up until he feels the need to hit one of his trademark spots which ends up negating all his selling to that point. His facial expression when it comes to selling are so-so.


Overall I'd give him a 3.5

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Guest Choken One

As far as a wrestling aspect goes, RVD is scrictly 3.0 but his upside brings him to 4.5. Just needs to work on his mic skills a tad bit but not much.

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Guest razazteca

4 bumps, almost does it all


4 spots, has toned it down a little which is good


2 chain wrestling, its the same spot everytime


3 psychology, its a hit and miss deal here, the oversell of some moves is refreshing and funny at times in a Mr Perfect kind of way.

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Guest Cubbie78

He did that in the Benoit match too, I was surprised, pleasently so, cause I think your right, if hes not gonna punch (when was the last time he did that??..hehe) or chop like everyone else in the ME, he has to do SOMETHING....and yeah, not that Im tired of his spots, but he needs to bust out some cooler stuff on occassion, just to liven things up a bit....

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

He probably averages put to a 3.


You figure his bumping and spots rank high (4 or 5), but his chain wrestling & psychology & long-term selling rank low (1 or 2).

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Guest Choken One

Bottom Line: No matter what is "Rating" is, he is still the freshest face in WWE and the only GROWING superstar, while Rock's, Flair, 'Taker, Booker and Edge have slowed down.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

He's a great bumper.


He's a spotty seller at best.


He can't put a match together from anything I've seen.


Were it not for his ability to bump...I'd say his in ring ability leaves him at around a 1.


The bumping brings him up to 2.


And the intangibles he brings in terms of crowd heat and entertainment (to those who enjoy watching his flip flop offense as many of us do) move him to a 3.


But without those intangibles...on pure ability...


he rates just under a 2 to me.


That said...I love the guy.

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Guest papacita

I've said before that I'm not the best judge on workrate (I'm starting to understand a little better though), I just wanted to add that RVD is one of if not the best bumper I've ever seen. He scares me with some of the bumps he takes...I legitimately thought that his neck was broken on that leaping DDT the other night. Anyway, if I was to rate him, I'd give him a 4.

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Guest Zero_Cool

I'll give him a 3-4. You know, if he takes a piledriver in the near future, I'm thinking the crowd will actually think that the guy is dead. One of the best bumpers in WWE.

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Guest Angle-plex

I'm really not a huge fan of WWE RVD. He does a lot of the same things over and over. Sure, he still entertains me, but not as much as...........


ECW RVD! RVD was much better in ECW. Sure, he has improved his selling, but that's about it. His mic skills in WWE aren't nearly as good as his ECW mic skills, and his moveset is much more limited now.


They could bring in Alfonso, as long as he doesn't have that damn whistle..........

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

1. He has no sense of psychology, can't sell worth shit, and know no holds to speak of. On the plus side he's athletic and can bump well, but he's still below average as an in ring performer.


0 - Mark Henry, Big Show, Rikishi, etc.

1 - RVD, Dreamer, Hardys, etc.

2 - Christian, HHH (currently), Jericho (ditto), etc.

3 - Knoble, Edge, etc.

4 - Rock, Storm, Misterio, etc.

5 - Chris Benoit, Eddy Guerrero, Kurt Angle


EDIT: I had Booker at three, but the more I think of him recently, he's closer to RVD's level.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
I'm really not a huge fan of WWE RVD. He does a lot of the same things over and over. Sure, he still entertains me, but not as much as...........


ECW RVD! RVD was much better in ECW. Sure, he has improved his selling, but that's about it. His mic skills in WWE aren't nearly as good as his ECW mic skills, and his moveset is much more limited now.


They could bring in Alfonso, as long as he doesn't have that damn whistle..........

Oh lord. RVD was HORRIBLE in ECW. I know I rag on him alot, but he has improved a lot since he came to the WWF.

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Wow...he can't sell worth shit? Hmmm...somebody didn't see his HORRIFIC NECK BUMPS...jeez...that was some selling and a half, there.


Oh, and if he sold the arm at Summerslam...****3/4, no doubt in my mind. It's like Scott Keith said. Benoit served up the match to him on a silver platter, but RVD couldn't sell for shit...if he sold an injury, and if he could do some things that aren't as contrived, he'd be great.

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Guest Angle-plex
I'm really not a huge fan of WWE RVD. He does a lot of the same things over and over. Sure, he still entertains me, but not as much as...........


ECW RVD! RVD was much better in ECW. Sure, he has improved his selling, but that's about it. His mic skills in WWE aren't nearly as good as his ECW mic skills, and his moveset is much more limited now.


They could bring in Alfonso, as long as he doesn't have that damn whistle..........

Oh lord. RVD was HORRIBLE in ECW. I know I rag on him alot, but he has improved a lot since he came to the WWF.

Why was he bad in ECW? I admit that his ring work has been better in WWE, but everything else about him was better in ECW, IMO.

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Angle-plex, please don't tell me you thought RVD/Lynn at Living Dangerously was **** or more...please don't. RVD really didn't do much. His only really FABULOUS match was with BBB in Buffalo when he won the ECW TV Title.

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Guest Angle-plex
Angle-plex, please don't tell me you thought RVD/Lynn at Living Dangerously was **** or more...please don't. RVD really didn't do much. His only really FABULOUS match was with BBB in Buffalo when he won the ECW TV Title.

I said his in-ring work wasn't that great.


I'd give his match w/Lynn *** MAX. It was fun to watch, but no phsycology.


I agree his Bam Bam match was good too. I'd give it about ****.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

Stall, stall, flip, move, stall, point, stall... Sound familiar? He wasn't any better than Sabu.

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Guest Angle-plex

Yes. In case you didn' t see it, I said his in-ring work has been better in WWE.


I think his character and mic skills were much better in ECW though.

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Guest BaldFish

RVD's best match in the WWE was his match with Storm. Storm worked the leg throughought the match, tried to jump to the top for his aerial and couldn't do it twice, then finally fought through the pain for the frog splash. One of my favorite TV matches ever.


RVD DOES have good P, but only when he thinks it's going to help him. And frankly, in the WWE, psychology is left in the dust compared to personality and the uniqueness of the moveset.


Someone complained about how he doesn't use any holds. I think the WWE is starting to try to sell submission holds as more heelish: Taker hasn't used his Dragon Sleeper since he turned face, has he? Angle, Storm, Jericho, Benoit are all heels with signature submissions. Rock's Scorpion-King Deathlock is the only face submission I can think of offhand.


And, frankly, the submission holds aren't his style. The crazy, unexpected (especially to people who've never seen him before!) moveset is what gets him a 3, his charisma gets him up to a 4, and the fact that he's the most entertaining in-ring character on RAW makes him about a 4.5 in my book.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

"His only really FABULOUS match was with BBB in Buffalo when he won the ECW TV Title"


And I was front row baby!!!!


That was the best RVD match in ECW...it really wasnt a "wrestling match" but that was the best RVD style match I've ever seen.


It worked well on that night.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

I don't know sh*t about workrate/bumping/etc., but I do know that whenever he's on, WWE television is entertaining...

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Guest RickyChosyu

Vs. Bammer was the best match he had in ECW, but that's hardly saying anything. Basically, it was a few spectacular bumps in front of a really hot crowd. Hardly more than **, though. His best match ever was probably vs. Guererro at Judgement Day, which was probably around ***1/4 stars, in my book. Pretty smart work by both guys and some cool little bits of great selling scattered here and there. He also had a nice TV match with Austin last year that I liked quite a bit. I would rate it about about ***, but the ending really dragged it down (Kurt distracts Austin, RVD gets the flash pin).


I don't get where people are coming up with this "best bumping" stuff, either. His piledriver sell is about the goofiest looking thing I've ever seen. I remember first seeing it and feeling like I was watching Flubber or some other wacky live-action movie imitating a cartoon. Same goes for his German suplex sell, which makes me laugh every time I see it. The way he lands right on his head and then stays in the exact possition that he landed in (resembling a wad of silly puddy thrown against the wall) is just so morbidly humorous. Err...maybe that's just me.

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