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Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

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Guest fazzle

*shrug* They also gave the Mayor in their "villians breakdown" chart a 1 out of 4. Morons.


Sure, he was cheesy and easily defeated once he turned into the snake, but he kicked ass in all the episodes until then.

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Guest Youth N Asia

God I wanna see Dawn get vamped and dusted so bad in the next episode!


And Anya's offscreen bitching will probably lead to her getting axed.

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Guest Mole
*shrug* They also gave the Mayor in their "villians breakdown" chart a 1 out of 4. Morons.


Sure, he was cheesy and easily defeated once he turned into the snake, but he kicked ass in all the episodes until then.

WHAT???? That guy is a moron.

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Guest Youth N Asia
*shrug*  They also gave the Mayor in their "villians breakdown" chart a 1 out of 4.  Morons.


Sure, he was cheesy and easily defeated once he turned into the snake, but he kicked ass in all the episodes until then.

WHAT???? That guy is a moron.

God I need to make a trip and punch whoever's in charge.

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Guest fazzle
*shrug*  They also gave the Mayor in their "villians breakdown" chart a 1 out of 4.  Morons.


Sure, he was cheesy and easily defeated once he turned into the snake, but he kicked ass in all the episodes until then.

WHAT???? That guy is a moron.

Yes, yes he is.


I can't even find the article anymore on TVGuide.com, but IIRC, the list went like this:


Master: 3 stakes

Spike/Dru/Angelus: 4 stakes

Mayor: 2 stakes(I was wrong, now that I think about it, but 2 is still too low)

Adam: 1 stake

Glory: 3 stakes

EvilWillow: 4 stakes.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Evil Willow was only Evil Willow a short time, Mayor is 4 out of 4 no questions asked...ok, 3 at least

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Guest fazzle

If I had to do a list:


Master: 2 stakes(He was screwed by being the first season BB)

Spike/Dru/Angelus: 4 stakes

Mayor: 3 stakes

Adam: 1 stake

Glory: 1 stake

EvilWillow: 2 stakes(just for the flaying)

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Guest Youth N Asia

Master: 2

Spike/Dru/Angelus: 4...although Angelus would get a 4 without the others.

Mayor: 4

Adam: 1...even though I liked Adam

Glory: 2

Warren: 1

Evil Willow: 2-3

The First: 2-4...all going to depend on how it ends.

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Guest Mole

Season 1

Master: 2 - Wasn't that much of a bad ass because season 2 Buffy would have had an easier time and season 7 Buffy would kill him in seconds

Season 2

Spike: 4 - Spike is just the man

Dru: 3 - She wasn't much of a fighter, because when she fought Kendra, it didn't seem like she was that good at fighting.

Angelus: 4 - Duh

Season 3

Mayor: 4 - The best villian, EVER

Faith: 3 - Hot, great character

Season 4

Adam: 1 - From what I saw of him, didn't like him at all. Worst big bad of them all

Season 5

Glory: 2 - Hot, funny, but only gets a 2 because she was the reason Dawn was brought in

Season 6

Warren: 2 - For humor and whipping out a human weapon, something the Scoobies haven't delt with.

Andrew 1 - Didn't really do that much

Jonathan 1 - See above

Evil Willow: 3 - She was bad ass, and it was built up since the beginning of the season

Season 7

The First: At this point, 3, it might get a 4.

Caleb: See above


Fazzle, what did they say about the seasons? How many stakes for each? Thanks

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Guest fazzle

I dunno, the online article for Buffy only had the ratings for the villians. And I can't find that issue of TV Guide lying around the house, so might not have gotten it yet.


Edit: Never mind, found the TV Guide, mine had American Idol on the cover, but tvguide.com had Buffy on the cover.


And...there are no season ratings in here, just villians.

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Guest Youth N Asia

After Buffy ends I'm going to do the buffy list threads.


here are the catagorys I've come up with...if any of them suck or if you have a better idea post it.


and don't give your answers here...wait till the show's over and it's in its own thread.


top 10 buffy characters (non villans)

top 5 buffy villans

top 10 buffy episodes

top 10 buffy moments

favorite one shot character

top 5 least favorite episodes

top 5 least favorite characters

top 5 holy shit! moments

top 5 quotes/one liners

top 3 Buffy writers

Edited by Youth N Asia

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Guest fazzle

Well...I already have my favorite one shot character figured out, since it's the only one I can remember right now.

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Guest Youth N Asia
Well...I already have my favorite one shot character figured out, since it's the only one I can remember right now.

I have mine too. And I won't stand for malarky in my house!

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Guest Youth N Asia
Malarky? Nah...my choice is smaller.


Very much smaller.

Xander: "Who's a little fear demon?"

Giles: "Don't taunt the fear demon."

Xander: "Why, can he hurt me?"

Giles: "No...it's just tacky."


If that's not it I've got no more guesses

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Guest Mole
After Buffy ends I'm going to do the buffy list threads.


here are the catagorys I've come up with...if any of them suck or if you have a better idea post it.


and don't give your answers here...wait till the show's over and it's in its own thread.


top 10 buffy characters (non villans)

top 5 buffy villans

top 10 buffy episodes

top 10 buffy moments

favorite one shot character

top 5 least favorite episodes

top 5 least favorite characters

top 5 holy shit! moments

top 5 quotes/one liners

Youth, it should be kept in this thread, don't expand it to another.


Maybe top 5 songs


That is all I can think of, I think you covered it all Youth.

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Guest fazzle

No, that's it


I don't know who yours is though.


Maybe top 5 songs


Would that include OMWF songs, or are we talking background songs?

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Guest Youth N Asia

heh...going to bed. I'll probably stick with what mole says and keep it small, but if a good one pops up I'll add it.

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Guest Mole
No, that's it


I don't know who yours is though.


Maybe top 5 songs


Would that include OMWF songs, or are we talking background songs?


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Guest Mole
heh...going to bed. I'll probably stick with what mole says and keep it small, but if a good one pops up I'll add it.

Are you still going to keep it in this thread though?

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Guest Youth N Asia
What do you mean by one shot characters? Like villian of the episode?

Person in one episode...no more


Like the vamp guy in conversations with dead people...or the lunchlady in earshot

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Guest Youth N Asia
heh...going to bed. I'll probably stick with what mole says and keep it small, but if a good one pops up I'll add it.

Are you still going to keep it in this thread though?

probably not, this thread will be 80 plus pages by then and people who've stayed out of it so far wouldn't join.

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Guest fazzle
or the lunchlady in earshot

She also chased Xander around with a rolling pin in BB&B.


Unless that was a different lunch lady.

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Guest Mole
heh...going to bed. I'll probably stick with what mole says and keep it small, but if a good one pops up I'll add it.

Are you still going to keep it in this thread though?

probably not, this thread will be 80 plus pages by then and people who've stayed out of it so far wouldn't join.

Yeah, that is true. I never thought of that.

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Guest Mole
or the lunchlady in earshot

She also chased Xander around with a rolling pin in BB&B.


Unless that was a different lunch lady.

Probably was the same lady because that was eariler in the season before "Earshot."


I have one question about the Biography special. They said they showed "Earshot" at the beginning of season 4, how did that work out? They just showed it out of the blue?

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Guest fazzle

They actually showed it a few weeks before season 4, based on dates at least.


WB probably promoted it as a "lost episode" to make up for continuity issues.

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Guest Mole

I just looked it up at Buffyguide.com, this is what they had to say:


On April 20, 1999, in Littleton, Colorado, two teenage boys committed mass murder at their high school (Columbine High School), injuring many and killing 13 before killing themselves. This, understandably, sent the nation into an uproar. "Earshot" was scheduled to air just one week later, but due to the content (a student's apparent plot to commit mass murder at Sunnydale High), and a few lines in particular, the WB decided it would be best not to air this episode so soon after the tragedy in Colorado. Joss Whedon supported the decision. The episode was finally aired on September 21, 1999.

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