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Guest DrTom

The One&Only DC/NC Gathering Thread!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Well, I curse like a sailor anyway, and I'd like for you to refrain from the nudity in my presence anyway. Since it'll be December and I'm a big fan of cold weather(thus the heat will never go on in my car, ever, and I may even put the top down), I'd advise to stay at least partially clothed.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kinetic



As someone who's lived in Texas for the last two years and as a result is not accustomed to cold weather, I'm going to have to request that you *not* put the top down. I'm sure our Floridian friend would agree.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Do you have any idea how much of a relief I consider the winter to be after the sauna that Charleston is between April and mid-October?


I'll refrain from putting the top down, but if I see you stripping in the backseat, the mother's going down and your ass will freeze.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kinetic

Hey, no need to worry about that. I go to the swimming pool in a full-body wetsuit for a reason.

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Guest Kingpk

I just want someone to record this "meeting of the minds."


Fuck Road Rules, this will be 100x more entertaining.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Either of you two have a video camera? I don't have one myself.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Incandenza

No camera here. A shame, really, as I'm awfully entertaining when wasted, which I plan on being for most of the trip.

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Guest B-X

I'm an hour south of Raleigh on U.S 1, but I dont believe I will be travelling out of state for a meeting anytime soon. If the NC peeps want to meet up in NC, I am all for it.

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Guest Big Poppa Popick

I've got a video camera...

I think you're right, this would be kinda insane, off the hizzle so to speak


I'd say that we all crash in one or two adjoining rooms, like the hotel would ever find out :)


I'd also be partial to DC, because I've driven up there before in a day *through really bad weather too* and I know the city fairly well.


What I'm thinking is that J can make it to the Atl the night before and crash at my pad, and he and I can drive out the next morning to DC from there...


Anyways, anyone got a list of all those involved?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

DC is way too fuckin' far. No way my blue shitbox would make it.

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Guest Some Guy
I'll never let a filthy CONSERVATIVE~! in my car!! KEEP YOUR FASCIST ASS OUTTA BLACK MANTA~!


Just kidding. Maybe we'll catch you at the second one, because I'm sure as hell not driving all the way to Boston.


Damn, I am in love with the TILDEX~! today.


Fo sheez,




Boston sucks in December anyways, it's fucking cold and snowy and stuff, plus I would never be able to get work off the week before X-Mas. That's the biggest time of the yera for bakeries, I usually don't get a day off from the 20-25th. Then it's clean up and reorganization on the 27th and then New Years, which I will hopefully get off this year, I had to go to Nova Scotia to get the day off last year. In 2000 my boss' wife tracked me down at my friend's house and made me come in because some bitch (who I later got fired) called in "sick." I hate the holidays.


Maybe during the summer, Kotz your hatred of conservatives will be welcomed with open arms in the "People's Republic of Massachusetts."

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Guest Cancer Marney

"East Yemen... isn't that a democracy?"

"Its full name is The People's Democratic Republic of East Yemen."

"Oh, so it's a communist dictatorship."

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

So who's going to this shindig and what's supposed to go down?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

From what I can gather Pinnacle, It's going to be at least myself, Incandenza, Kinetic, DrTom, Alina, and probably Marney since she lives there anyway.


For actual activities, all I know is I'm showing everyone the "NO POBO!!" lady, and Kinetic is going to try and get naked with Alina. Incandenza will try to molest another ALF doll in BLACK MANTA~!, which I will throw him out of the car for doing, and Marney will rip my face off and eat it the moment I say anything liberal.


Oh, and hopefully this will all be on video in some form.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Incandenza
Incandenza will try to molest another ALF doll in BLACK MANTA~!, which I will throw him out of the car for doing

I'll keep my perversions out of the Manta, but I'm sure I'll do my Juventud Guerrea impersonation at whatever motel we stay at, so there should DEFINITELY be a video camera on hand for that.

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Guest Kinetic

Oh, listen. That bukkake thing was all a joke. I would never do something that depraved or perverse. Unless you're in to that sort of thing, that is. Then I'm very flexible.


I find the fact that there are already countless references to male nudity in two pages of this thread a little off-putting.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Hell, you started it. Or did Incandenza start it, asking me to wear clothes if we shared a room?


Either way, it's not my fault.


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

Um, why? Even if it was on the west coast, you could just not go.


Is the idea of these people all in one place at once really that frightening to people who won't be attending? Actually, I can see why it'd be frightening after Incandenza said he'd do his Juvi impression...


Fo sheez,


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Guest Kotzenjunge

Sheeeeeeet, boy. I'm not going all the way to Seattle. The soonest I see myself going to a Wrestlemania would be XXI, because there's no way I'd be able to snag a ticket for MSG.


Fo sheez,


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Guest MrRant

I know APO is planning on coming this way. Brian is around. CWM could make it if he drives down from BC.

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Guest Kinetic

I think if they held Wrestlemania in my back yard, I'd be tempted to go. As long as I got my favored lawn chair and the stupid dog was tied to something.

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Guest treble charged

This past WrestleMania was approximately 3 1/2 hours from my house, and I didn't go. Instead, I went to SmackDown 2 nights later. Shorter trip, cheaper seats ($50 for 2nd row), and I got to see X-Pac join the nWo.


Hey, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

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