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Guest cobainwasmurdered

1 Million Reasons DJ Jeff Sucks

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Guest treble charged

60009. He changed my name at his board from 'Testicle' to 'treble charged'.


But he didn't even know it was me, and I only posted once, and he deleted my post!

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Guest Kotzenjunge

60010. What TC just said.




Fo sheez,


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Guest treble charged
60011. He pcked on TC. that's my GIMMICK

60012. He fried CWM's brain to the point where he can no longer spell 'picked'. DAMN YOU, JEFF.

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Guest treble charged

60014. He doesn't give me enough chances to make fun of cobainwasmurderedredredrdreredrerederdd

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

60015. Tim is off teh ass.




that has nothing to do with Jeff but had to be said.

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Guest treble charged

60016. Because of his name, I can no longer call my younger brother by his name without bursting out laughing.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

60017. Because of his name TC's brother is now fucked for life.

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Guest treble charged

I just pray that no one sullies the name 'Craig'. I need at least one brother with a respectable name.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Craig is a good name. That's my Uncle's name.


60018. He wants to come to the 7-11 I now work at.

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Guest Midnight Express83

60026 through 63426 for every kb of space his banners take up.

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Guest BifEverchad

63428. Because of him being such a fuckhead, I just wasted 10 minutes of my day reading this God Damn thread.


63429. He gets more attention than ME on this board, which isnt really a good thing, considering its a Bossman-like heat that he recieves here.


63430. He makes the board a horrible place to post.


63431. Everytime I click on a thread and I see his posts/name in there, I get diarerra.


63432. I HATE him so much, I think of things that would get me arrested within 5 minutes.


oh yeah..... 63433. :headbang: RAWK ON!~

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Guest Red Hot Thumbtack In The Eye

63435-he lives so close to where i live i can here him moaning in his basement when he has stuffed goats with him...


63436-if he sees this he will probably invite me over to his house to have tea and watch his Kane comps.


63437-64437-number of times he will end up coming in here just to say "I can't flame so i'm not gonna bother" before lurking until threads about him reach their conclusion


64438-makes Dj Jazzy Jeff suck even more than he does.


64438-64538-number of keys i want to smash on his computer


64538-45000-number of ways I would be a hero If i did this.

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Guest CED Ordonez

450006. I had another reason, but The Superstar's sig pic made me forget...

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

450007. He's the most hated man on the board...and he likes it.

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