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Guest Redhawk

Is there any hope for Big Show?

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Guest Redhawk

Well it's nearly unanimous among the IWC that Big Show sucks. Common terms associated with him are "useless," "boring," "fat-ass," "no heat," "piece of crap," etc. The general opinion is that Show is only on TV and only gets occasional pushes because Vince paid so much money for him that he doesn't want to waste it.


But what I'm wondering is, what can be done about Show?


1) Can he ever be an upper-midcarder, or better yet, a main eventer?

2) What would be the perfect way to use him?

3) What would he have to do to get the IWC's respect?

4) Is there such a thing as a "good" Big Show match?


IMO, Show's best period in WWE was in early 2000, when he was a true monster heel and was challenging The Rock during the Royal Rumble/No Way Out time of year.

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Guest Bricks

The only thing I can see him being useful for is standing behind a cocky heel while looking menacing. Sorta like early Diesel. But that's it.

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Guest Youth N Asia

He should not be used, period...did you see how he looked against Booker on Raw? He's looking like shit, even more so then he use to.


I guess his last trip to OVW didn't teach him one damn thing.


Fact is, they only hired him so WCW couldn't have him...now that WCW is dead why do they even bother keeping him around?

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Guest BillyTheStud

he seems out of breath before his entrance is over. hes really out of shape.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

All he does that's worth a shit is a huge chokeslam. So make him like 911 in ECW, doing run ins when the crowd is bored.

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Guest danielisthor

he no longer has any true usefullness in pro wrestling. He can't do anything, he won't lose any weight, his arsenal is a chokeslam and sidewalk slam, a couple of punches and a boot to the head, he's slower than Dusty Rhodes and has no personality.

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Guest BoboBrazil

He is great on the mic. Maybe they should use him as Heat commentator instead of Lita. He needs to drop 100-150 pounds and then he would be the monster he was before.

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Guest bob_barron

Have him do what he did last year.


Put him in a tag team with a small guy, have him get the hot tag and do a couple moves to pop the crowd.

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Guest TheAnvil

Even if he dropped a few pounds, and picked up the in-ring intensity, there is no way he could believalby become ME or even upper-midcard. They have booked everyone in the company over him. I mean, when he first came to WWE, they booked him like a monster, because he is a monster. But now, cruiserweights beat him on a regular basis. How is it gonna be believable to have him become a monster again???

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Guest Mystery Eskimo
Big Show is very funny. Have the guy do very funny things.

Yes. As a "bad-ass" wrestler, he's worthless and will never be over. As a comedy character he has a chance.

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Guest Prince Paul

I agree with most of what's been said. Show will never be a legit main eventer.


His only brush with greatness (if that's what you call it) was when he was used for comedy. He should stick with that.

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If they rested him for a lengthy spell, then hyped his return, i think they could get him over as a monster again.


Look at Kane, just before he came back, he could have been put over as a monster again. Instead they made him do the Kane-rooni, but thats a different story.


If Show cam back in better shape and a meaner attitude, i think he could get over as a monster again. They could feed some legends to him like they did for Brock! Step right up RIC!



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If Show cam back in better shape


That's a big if, considering he has a guaranteed contract. He has no incentive.

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Guest Human Fly

Also, he changes between heel and face roughly 7 times a year. No one cares about the show anymore. When he turned on Austin earlier this year no one cared, it was just another Show turn. Just this past Monday he ran out to help faces, but was being back to a heel later. And a few weeks ago he was watching the Bischoff video, and then the next segment he wanted to kill Jeff Hardy who he was sitting next to 10 minutes ago. Pointless.


Put him in a tag team with a small guy, have him get the hot tag and do a couple moves to pop the crowd.


That's probably about the best thing they could do with him.


They might even look into having him be a color commentator. He's decent on the mic, and could be good as long as he didn't constantly spit while he was doing commentary.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Just make him a 911 clone. That way, every time a match gets unwatchable, they can just send him out there to choke slam everyone, and put the crap-fest (and the crowd) out of its missery. No more shitty Flair matches for me!


Not only would this save us from countless horrible filler matches, but we would never have to watch Big Show wrestle again. Sounds good to me.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

The first thing they have to do is turn him face. The only things good about him is some nice-looking power moves, and his comedic personality. As a heel, you lose both and have to suffer through him controlling the pace of the match.


Stick him back with Spike. They were pretty good for the short time they were around last year. They were a much better team than Bubba/Spike, and had great chemistry with each other. I don't know why they broke them up in the first place, as neither Spike nor Show did anything afterwards.

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Guest Human Fly
The first thing they have to do is turn him face.


If they do turn him face, they have to stick with it this time. His constant turns are one of the reason no one cares about him anymore.

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Guest DragonflyKid

They should stick him on Heat, that way he won't be stinking up Raw while adding some "star power" to Heat. Maybe another demotion will send him a message, give him an ultimatum, shape up or ship out for good.

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Guest Trivia247

geez you make it sound like he does nothing in the ring....maybe your personal hating blinds you from the vertical Suplexes Side Slams, SIde backbreakers, Elbow drops Legdrops, Powerbombs, Alley oops the final Cuts and Chokeslams.


you know Giants always get a Job in the WWE, they should just push him to squash people but not anywhere near Titles. they don't know how to Book Big show to be champ. they had the same problem with him as the Giant in WCW when they gave him the World title quick too.

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Guest kindredone

I think to get him over they would have to hold him off tv for awhile.Then actually sit down and make a plan fo when he comes back. Not just throw him out there in matches,like they have been doing.

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Guest RickyChosyu
geez you make it sound like he does nothing in the ring....maybe your personal hating blinds you from the vertical Suplexes Side Slams, SIde backbreakers, Elbow drops Legdrops, Powerbombs, Alley oops the final Cuts and Chokeslams.

And the fact that he does this moves makes him better?


Do you have a point, or did you just feel like throwing this out there?

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Guest saturnmark4life

definitely turn him face, stick him in a team with another guy who gets beaten up and makes the hot tag, then he'll be over forever. Plus he can be used to put other teams over, ie making their submission moves look more powerful if they beat a guy his size. But yeah, the weight is PARAMOUNT for god's sake.

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Guest HartFan86

The thing that killed Big Show for me was that they can never decide if they want him a heel or face or a comedy character or a serious one. I think he could get over if they kept a set direction with him. Either make him a serious heel like he was in early 2000 or make him a hilarious babyface. If you don't do either of those 2, he's done.

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Something for you Anti-Show fans to think about:


Big Show is more mobile, more technically versed, and more athletic than his "father", Andre the Giant ever was in his career.


Just a little note for you to think about.

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Guest DJ Jeff

Well, he did get pissed off at Bischoff about the fact that he should be in the main event at every PPV. :lol:


Seriously, though, I think the WWE should either send him back to OVW, have him get back in shape, and then have him return as a face. If they don't do that, they could fire him, since he's pretty useless right now.

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Guest Vern Gagne

Sending him back to OVW won't matter and Vince isn't going to release a guy making a million a year.

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