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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

The One and Only "24" Thread.....

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Guest SP-1

I haven't seen one bit of season one, though after watching the season premiere, I want to, really badly. I'm hooked on this show. It's amazing. And yes, when he went nuts with that guy . . . well, it was pretty dang cool.


SP, who is now a devoted fan.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus
What did happen with President Palmer and his wife?


They got divorced.

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Guest areacode212
I haven't seen one bit of season one, though after watching the season premiere, I want to, really badly.  I'm hooked on this show.  It's amazing.

You should save up for the Season 1 DVD set. It goes for about $45, which is relatively cheap for 24 episodes. Seriously, you'll probably enjoy watching Season 2 a lot more if you don't have to keep going "OK, now who's this guy/girl?", plus it will be fun to boo & hiss when Lady MacPalmer (I'm stealing the TwoP nicknames) makes her reappearance.


Here are more interesting articles on episode 1's great ratings:






According to the second one, the Monday rerun will be edited to allow the inclusion of commercials.


RealAudio of TV critic David Bianculli previewing the show for NPR's Fresh Air.

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Guest starvenger
You should save up for the Season 1 DVD set. It goes for about $45, which is relatively cheap for 24 episodes. Seriously, you'll probably enjoy watching Season 2 a lot more if you don't have to keep going "OK, now who's this guy/girl?", plus it will be fun to boo & hiss when Lady MacPalmer (I'm stealing the TwoP nicknames) makes her reappearance.

I'm considering doing that Blockbuster rent-all-you-can deal, simply to catch up on stuff like 24 and the Sopranos. Assuming that my local Blockbuster has the DVDs for rent.

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Guest areacode212

You can also try renting them from Netflix. I know someone who's been renting the 24 DVDs from them, and he's been happy with the service.


*S1 spoilers*


Anyone notice the parallel between Nina shooting Teri in the chair at CTU, and Jack shooting ChildPornScuzzball...in a chair at CTU? I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean exactly, but it's interesting.

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Guest Vern Gagne
What did happen with President Palmer and his wife?


They got divorced.


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Guest El Satanico

She was power hungry bitch that was working behind Palmer's back making sure he won the election.










And the final straw came near the end when she called the press and told them the truth about the explosion after Palmer told her not to.

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Guest SP-1

I'm going to see if Blockbuster has season 1 to rent on DVD. Check that out, and if I enjoy it (I'm pretty sure I will), that set is bought when I come across it. :D



(New Season Spoiler also mentioned above)







I obviously don't know about parallels at this point, but that registered on the "Holey* Crap Radar" with the chair shooting this season. I was not expecting that at all, in any way, shape, or form. Good stuff.


-SP, who was blown away

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You can also try renting them from Netflix. I know someone who's been renting the 24 DVDs from them, and he's been happy with the service.


*S1 spoilers*


Anyone notice the parallel between Nina shooting Teri in the chair at CTU, and Jack shooting ChildPornScuzzball...in a chair at CTU? I'm not sure what it's supposed to mean exactly, but it's interesting.

*Season One SPOILERS*






Well, if you think about it...it was slightly different. Nina used a silencer and shot her in the UNBORN CHILD...which was fucked up on billions of levels. She was with her for some time before committing the act, unlike that asshole that was shot instantly. Wow, I hated that guy in seconds...



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Guest areacode212

Yeah...my first instinct was to think "is Jack turning into Nina?", but shooting some criminal jackass in order to save millions of people is pretty different from killing & betraying people who trusted & loved you.


I can't wait for the Jack/Nina staredown.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

FX will also air the first episode at 11 p.m. ET on Monday, like they did last year.

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Guest areacode212

It's interesting how the 3 main returning characters are all undergoing a kind of role reversal from last year: Jack doing to Goren what Nina did to Teri, Palmer detaining the reporter to prevent him from reporting about the threat (when last year, he was all about coming clean about Keith), and Kim "kidnapping" Megan. It's like this year's theme is about making compromises for the greater good.

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Guest El Satanico

This season Jack killed a scum bag to get inside a terrorist group that may be responsible for the treat. Last season Nina killed an innocent because she knew too much.


This season Palmer is keeping a national threat quiet to stop mass hysteria. Last season Palmer wanted to come clean about something that would only affect him.


This season Kim is keeping a kid away from her crazed and violent father. Last season she was kidnapped multiple times in order to force her father to do what the villians wanted him to do.


All three of those are under totally different circumstances. Other than it's the opposite of what happened last season i don't see your comparison.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Ratings didn't fall as much for the 2nd episode this year as much as they did last year, which is a good sign..

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Guest areacode212
This season Jack killed a scum bag to get inside a terrorist group that may be responsible for the treat. Last season Nina killed an innocent because she knew too much.


This season Palmer is keeping a national threat quiet to stop mass hysteria. Last season Palmer wanted to come clean about something that would only affect him.


This season Kim is keeping a kid away from her crazed and violent father. Last season she was kidnapped multiple times in order to force her father to do what the villians wanted him to do.


All three of those are under totally different circumstances. Other than it's the opposite of what happened last season i don't see your comparison.

Yes, I know that they're completely different circumstances.


The point is that this season, the characters are more willing to act in morally ambiguous ways (ok, Kim's example was a stretch) on behalf of the greater good. Sure, Jack shooting Goren (who was going to get away with first degree murder) is nothing compared to Nina shooting Teri, but he was still executing an unarmed man. Even someone like, say, Batman (who already uses legally questionable means), wouldn't have done something like that. And likewise, the President detaining the reporter was meant to show that you have to take some moral shortcuts in a crisis. Remember how last season, Palmer went up against Karl and the big money people who used their power to have Dr. Ferragamo killed? I'm not saying that Palmer is anything like them, but it's a tiny step closer.


Also, from the way Ensign Ro shuddered at Richard Armus's name, I think the reporter has a lot more to worry about than being held in some cabin for a few hours.


I'm not condemning any of this stuff, just pointing out one of the themes so far.

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Guest El Satanico

Oh i knew what you were getting at and that you aren't condemming the actions. Yeah the Kim comparison is the biggest reach, but i saw where you were coming from on the other two. I'm not saying that your point is total bullshit I just found the comparisons to be slightly flawed, but other wise good point.

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Mason should have called for Hazmat before he went in after he saw the big RADIOACTIVE symbol, or at least I think that would be standard procedure..


No one in security at CTU recognized Jack Bauer?


Why the hell did Kim call CTU after talking to Jack? Unless I missed something, she wouldn't have known that he was back with CTU..


How did the phones suddenly get clear at the end of the episode?


Man, I think I could nitpick this episode to death..Last year's episodes had some problems like this, but not this many in any one single episode..

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Guest areacode212
Mason should have called for Hazmat before he went in after he saw the big RADIOACTIVE symbol, or at least I think that would be standard procedure..


I think he would've, except that someone started shooting away at him before he could. There were only a few seconds between the time he saw the DANGER sign and when the guy started shooting.


No one in security at CTU recognized Jack Bauer?

He's been gone for 18 months, and there was only that one guard that look closely in the van.


Why the hell did Kim call CTU after talking to Jack?  Unless I missed something, she wouldn't have known that he was back with CTU..

She didn't, but she wanted to go somewhere for protection, and she knew she could trust Tony.


How did the phones suddenly get clear at the end of the episode?
I didn't watch too closely, but weren't they still using cell phones at the end of the episode? Remember Tony asked Paula to switch all priority calls to "wireless protocol"?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

If Kim wanted to be safe, why didnt she go to her Aunts like Jack asked her to twice..I know she might not have been safe there from the police but Jack told her she would be safe there. She could have figured out how to get to San Jose..


There was more security past the one checkpoint where they showed the 2 guards looking around and the one asking questions and stuff.


I guess that phone could have been wireless.

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Guest El Satanico
If Kim wanted to be safe, why didnt she go to her Aunts like Jack asked her to twice..I know she might not have been safe there from the police but Jack told her she would be safe there. She could have figured out how to get to San Jose..

Because she's a moron? Because her role is that of the "damsel in distress"?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Yeah, I know I know. One of the themes of 24 is that Kim is an idiot, so I should know better than to question why she does or does not do things..

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If Kim wanted to be safe, why didnt she go to her Aunts like Jack asked her to twice..I know she might not have been safe there from the police but Jack told her she would be safe there. She could have figured out how to get to San Jose..

She was with a child and broke...how could she get to San Jose? She figured something was wrong so she called CTU to find out what was going on with Jack. In Episode 1, he did tell her that he was at CTU...



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Oh, and how HARDCORE is Jack Bauer? CTU Blowing up completely overshadowed the fact that he sliced himself in the head! Jesus!


CTU blowing up.....WOW. That is all.


I love this show.



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Guest starvenger
She was with a child and broke...how could she get to San Jose? She figured something was wrong so she called CTU to find out what was going on with Jack. In Episode 1, he did tell her that he was at CTU...

Hey, if those guys on beg, borrow and deal could do it, why couldn't Kim?

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Guest areacode212

I just checked a map of California, and San Jose looks pretty far from Los Angeles. She probably didn't have the money to get there, plus she just wanted to get Megan to safety. I would've gone to CTU too.

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