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Guest Leena

What do you think of me?

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Guest Snakebyte
I'll make the thread kewl again...


OMG, there's this raver thing and I'm gonna go to it even though it's 23423342 miles away.  I'm gonna drive there with my imaginary friend in the BLACK MANTA~ which picks up all da fine hunnies, FO SHEEZ~!  Never mind that they're online hunnies, and that they hate me, but I'll work my charm on them.  


ESTABLISHMENT~:  cool you rock mna

Hmm. As my first post, I'd like to say...



I am not imaginary. My name is Thomas, Spoon's Cobra driving friend, and I'd like everyone to welcome me.

Just to break the ice, I mark for: Paintball, Raves, Techno, not wrestling, good music, and Mustangs! Imports suck. <---period.


I've probably annoyed enough people already. I'll see you on the boards!


Um, bye.

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Guest Big McLargeHuge

It's nice to see this place is expanding beyond being a wrestling board.

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Guest J*ingus
Seriously, the "established" group on this board are the saddest fuckers I've seen on a board in a while. You think you're trolls, and you're just really dumb, and horribly unfunny except to the handful of retards who get their kicks by posting mindless garbage to clowns that have high post counts.

:( ::hides post count under his hand::


-Jingus, Honorary Establishment Member

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Guest Incandenza

I'm still confused by the "you think you're trolls" line. She's trashing us, but saying we're not trolls.

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Guest godthedog

didn't leena ask to be in the establishment just a couple days ago? and wasn't she pissed off at everybody here like a week ago?


and isn't it an oxymoron to mark for techno AND good music?

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Guest LooseCannon

And isn't it odd to not "mark for wrestling," and yet still use the lingo?

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Guest Snakebyte

Just to lay the ground rules, techno is good music, but it is not the only kind of good music.

Hey. Kotz uses the lingo, and I like it, so NYAH! Wrestling isn't bad or anything, it's just not for me.

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Guest Snakebyte

Kotz is sitting right here, and he wants to know "who the hell said Jingus was in the Establishment?"


And he's telling me to withhold comment on Kylie, as he says Spiff just wants to call her "Butterface."

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Guest godthedog

see, that's where the problem is. techno is not good music.


but i suppose you could like good music AND like techno separately as something else entirely. so, i'll withdraw my comment. carry on.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
And he's telling me to withhold comment on Kylie, as he says Spiff just wants to call her "Butterface."

That's OK. You can tell me later, when Kotz isn't around, that you don't like Kylie.


<whisper> It'll be our secret </whisper>

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Guest Snakebyte

Yeah, Kylie's alright. I'm just not obsessed like he is. He dances like a fruit at the bowling alley whenever she comes on. Grrr. I usually have to burn a ricer afterward just to forget about it.

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Guest evenflowDDT

Sup Snakebyte, any friend of Kotz' is a friend of mine... at least until you do something REALLY REALLY REALLY bad. But I doubt that'll happen.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
Yeah, Kylie's alright. I'm just not obsessed like he is. He dances like a fruit at the bowling alley whenever she comes on. Grrr. I usually have to burn a ricer afterward just to forget about it.

Why am I not shocked?

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Fuck off!!!!!


I even requested her at the club tonight and GOT MY REQUEST!!!! I was sooooooooooo happy.


Oh, and fuck you Leena, stop bothering me on AIM, in keeping with the topic of the thread.


I'll tell about my AMAZING Halloween night in General Chat, but for now, I need to pass the FUCK out, because I'm tired as a bitch.


Fo sheez,


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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Hmm...I'm not too happy that she can pick football games better than me, but its only week 9 coming up, so theres 9 more weeks of football to be picked..

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Guest The Man in Blak
I always thought Leena was a pretty good, non-annoying poster.


Of course, areacode, you always thought I was a good poster too and we've seen how everyone around here is so receptive to what I have to say.


But that's never stopped me before, has it?




Alina & SmarkTalk - For the most part, you're all decent people but you tend to fly off the handle a little bit. You all need to sit down and have some cocoa...'cause you're really just shooting mindless volleys like passing ships in the night. How about either coming to a resolution or just laying it all out in one big flaming match? Keep this petty sniping shit up and this whole thing will supplant Risk/RobStone as the most insipid message board feud in the last eight months.


Oh, and starting up the 462nd "What do you think of me?" thread isn't going to do you any favors, Alina.


Loose Cannon - Klebold and Harris would have walked into their school and shot everybody whether teachers were thumping the bible or not - the aggression was more of a reaction to the kids that caused it and the culture that appeared to make it acceptable (at least to insane people).


Oh, and for the Establishment: It's been done. The whole clique (as expected) is hype, even as a joke. If you're going to take the Established Poster joke, which is actually a bastard child between Anglesault, Treble Charged and myself (that, in itself, is fairly disturbing), at least do something better with it other than creating some cheap Bingo Club that wishes it were the Water Buffalo Lodge. The gPc this is not...fo' SHEEZ.


Oh, and Banky. You're k00.

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Guest LooseCannon
Loose Cannon - Klebold and Harris would have walked into their school and shot everybody whether teachers were thumping the bible or not - the aggression was more of a reaction to the kids that caused it and the culture that appeared to make it acceptable (at least to insane people).

Hey don't tell me man. Tell Bill Bennet.

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Guest MrRant

SmarkTalk? I think anyone from there who would be mad at her would be because she DELETED 2 of bps's articles because she was upset that his stories were getting more hits and she thinks he is her nemisis. I am upset because of that and the fact that she seems to think she should have deleted my whole ENTIRE site.

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Guest The Man in Blak
SmarkTalk? I think anyone from there who would be mad at her would be because she DELETED 2 of bps's articles because she was upset that his stories were getting more hits and she thinks he is her nemisis. I am upset because of that and the fact that she seems to think she should have deleted my whole ENTIRE site.

And who gave her the authority/power to do all of said deletions?


</rhetorical question>

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Guest MrRant

Everyone has the power to edit their own articles. I could just make everyone submit it to me and not let them edit it at all. But trust would be a big thing I would imagine.

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