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Guest Leena

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Guest SP-1

I think it's right to trust the people that are writing for the site, too. And I'm not saying that because I entertain the idea of doing it, I say that because I believe it's needed. Altering that because of the actions of one person is not needed, however. In my opinion. Trust breeds comfort, and comfort will ensure that everyone will be in a zone to provide their better work for the site.


In my opinion, anyway.


-SP, who is tired . . .

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Guest DrTom

TSM uses completely different posting software, but only someone designated as an "Editor" can modify or delete someone else's posts. "Trusted Writers" can only affect their own material. It's a good system, and since only a very few people have the editorial rights, it works very well.

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Guest The Man in Blak

There's a level of trust...and then there's a level of general common sense. Leena shouldn't have access to bps's stuff, nor vice versa, trust or no. And while I do respect the idea that comfort helps ensure better results from the writers, I don't think that simply sending articles to someone to be posted is such a horribly irritating thing. I don't know exactly how articles are posted there but, for example, 411 Video Games certainly didn't allow us to fidget with other people's stuff and I definitely enjoyed not having to worry about posting my stuff.


All in all, when you open the door for someone who's robbing your house, how you can say that it's not partially your fault?


I'm not saying that Leena should be totally cleared of all charges or anything, or that the act itself wasn't unacceptable, but I don't see how you can throw all of this on her.

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Guest DrTom
All in all, when you open the door for someone who's robbing your house, how you can say that it's not partially your fault?

Agreed, MIB. Staff writers shouldn't have access to anything written by someone else. It doesn't excuse them for messing with it, but the rights shouldn't be there in the first place. It's like a network: you have to manage the rights effectively, because there's ultimately only one person who has to clean up the mess when those rights get abused.

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Guest MrRant

I can change it but then Tom and such would be having some issues with posting. That and when I get the site redesigned it will be different.

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