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Guest spiny norman

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Guest D'Lo White

6'0 and 135 pounds


I am a skinny twig, which is weird because I eat ALOT.

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Guest redbaron51

5'11" 205 pounds.


Most of it is muscle as I have 7% body fat (Fear Me Lugar!"

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170 lbs


Size 11 feet


34' waist


I guess that makes me a little thin. Don't know the rest, but I am only sixteen, so whenever I eat a lot, my excuse is that "I'm a growin' boy." Or a "HOSS~! in waiting". But yeah, being skinny kinda does suck, but at least I don't suck at sports:D

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Guest ShooterJay

Skinny doesn't automatically mean you're good at sports.


I have those exact same measurements, and with the exception of amateur wrestling and ice/street hockey, I suck at pretty much all sports.

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Guest Sandman9000

I have the body of a Samoan. Skin tone too.


A small Samoan, but a Samoan nonetheless.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 205 lbs.

Waist: 36

Hips: 40

Penis: 7 3/4"

Shoe: 11 1/2"

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I never said I was generally good at sports because I was skinny, but it does help since it gives you a good sense of conditioning.


Now, will someone tell me if you measure penis size by when it's flacid or not, because that's a topic.....


that I'm sure *others* around the board feel inadequate and insecure about :D

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Guest Sassquatch

"You're a HOSS BAH GAWD~!


Seriously, send an application down to Good Ol' JR, you should have no problems... "


- Your Paragon of Virtue



JR wouldn't let me because I would be just as tall as the Big Show and no one can be as big as the 7'2" MONSTER~!


Seriously though, there is no way in Hell I would want anything to do with being a pro wrestler. I have been approached by Indy promoters to work shows and even caught the eye of some WCW talent scouts who passed on through LA for a house show in August 1998 and offered me the chance to come down and train at the Powerplant. I respectively declined the offer and told the men to have a good day.


After having been a fan of professional wrestling for nearly 20 years, I know too much about the seedy side of the sport to actually be able to convince myself to go ahead and work for some of these scumbag promoters.


I have what I like to call an addictive personality. If I ever took the plunge and decided to use steroids or become a pain killer junkie, I would most likely wind up dead before the age of 30 face down in a pile of coke.


*tells JR where to stick it*

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Guest Sassquatch

It was an experience to say the least.


Being 19 years old at the time, I was unsure as to what to say at first. I listened to what the scouts were saying and after they were done talking I had already made up my mind and politely declined the offer to workout at the Power Plant.


As I was walking out of the building, I saw a fan wearing an old Brian Pillman Ticking Time Bomb T-shirt and I realized that I had made the right choice.


To this day I have never had any regrets about turning any scouts or promoters down for the chance to wrestle. It's just not worth the risk to my health or sanity for that matter.

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Guest J*ingus

Height: 6' 0"

Weight: 220 lbs

Waist: 39 inches

Shoe: between a 10 or an 11, depends on brand

One-Eyed Beaver-Hunting Trouser Snake: assumes a wide variety of sizes, but maxes out at around seven inches

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Guest The Camel


280lbs. (down form 315lbs. about a month and a half ago)

waist 42"

chest probably 48-50"

hips dunno, but my ass puts J. Lo to shame

shoe 13


I'm kindof a b.m.f.

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Guest The Camel
I'm 6'3 and 165 lbs.  Everyone complains that I look to skinny

:huh: ...... and you wonder why?

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

6'3 (but I slouch somewhat..)

215-225 lbs (38 or so.. waist)

12 1/2 or 13 Shoe size


I really need to go on a diet..

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Guest CED Ordonez

5'7", 161 pounds, 9 1/2 size shoe, 31 inch waist. Fairly legitimate runt of the board, it seems.

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Guest Some Guy

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 165-170 (I lost weight recently due to stress so I might be aound 160ish right now)

Waist: 31-2"

Shoe Size: 12-13 depending on the brand


So I'm tall and thin with big feet, but somehow i still manage to get pussy. :)

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