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Guest Serrated

PROMO: A New Voice

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Guest Serrated

Loyal SWF interviewer Ben Hardy is seen walking down a corridor, microphone in hand, obviously winded by his own brisk pace. "This is Ben Hardy reporting live backstage," the announcer reports to the live audience and the television viewers at home. "I've just been informed that none other than ICTV champion and Magnificent Seven leader Tom Flesher has offered us a few minutes of his time to answer some questions about recent occurrences in the SWF." He quickly shoots a glance back at the lumbering cameraman following behind as he continues to hurry down the halls. "I'm on my way to the Magnificent Seven locker room right now, where Flesher is expected to emerge any minute."


Hardy finally stops at the end of the hall, where a plain wooden door has been spruced up with two large gold letters, apparently made of construction paper and confetti and taped haphazardly to the door: "M7."


"It should be any moment now," Hardy assures the viewers, and he knocks on the door for emphasis. "Mr. Flesher?"


Suddenly, without warning, the screen cuts out, replaced only by the too familiar "snow" image associated with a bad cable reception. After a few seconds, the image is replaced by a black screen coupled with a pair of ominous-looking Chinese characters. A bell tolls, and segues into a musical piece, the extended orchestral version of Nobuo Uematsu's "March Across the Snow." (Flashing back to Final Fantasy VI here.)


"The darkness is passing," a voice whispers from nowhere. "The clouds have begun to part. A new voice has arrived in the Smarks Wrestling Federation... a portent of things to come. A symbol for the new order... a trumpeter of his cause..."


As the voice speaks, the white Chinese letters on the screen begin to change color, fading to blood red.


"Be prepared for the revolution," the voice continues, "for Sigil has arrived..."


The black screen vanishes, to be replaced once again by the image of the door to the Magnificent Seven locker room. In a sharp contrast from the segment's start, Ben Hardy is now lying on the floor, head propped up against the door. Hardy is obviously, unconscious, with blood trickling from his mouth and one of his ears, bruised and battered beyond belief in a shocking, grotesque sight.


The door opens then from the other side, and Tom Flesher sticks his head out quizzically. "Hardy, are you out here yet?" Then he looks down and sees the mess in front of him. "Oh, my..."

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Guest Powerplay







Um, just stay away from me, okay? Nice promo and all, but........




You scare the hell out of me.

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Guest El Luchadore Magnifico

Kanji ownz j00 all.


Hey, as long as it leads to a new person, can't be bad. Very suspenseful promo.

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Guest WrestlingDeacon

It's the Memphis Eel wearing a kimono he stole from Benny Hana's. Weirdo.

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Guest Kibagami

I'm currently taking bets on which retiree this is.


Oh, and I guess it's a good promo or something.



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Guest Powerplay
I got five bucks on Stubby knowing who it is!


King had too good of a last match to come back now, so how about TBS?

*Judge smacks Johnny a good one.*


TBS is coming back as TBS. Duh :P . Next guess, please?

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Guest chirs3
"March Across the Snow." (Flashing back to Final Fantasy VI here.)




Who cares about the rest of the promo, IT HAS THE GREATEST VIDEO GAME MUSIC EVER!


I suppose the rest of it was ok too...

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I got five bucks on Stubby knowing who it is!


King had too good of a last match to come back now, so how about TBS?

*Judge smacks Johnny a good one.*


TBS is coming back as TBS. Duh :P . Next guess, please?

Damn it, every time i turn a corner your smacking me. We shall see come the next show on who has the upper hand. ;) <insert evil laugh>


Anywho, ok so how about........... umm lets see... OK I'll bite.. Judge's Savior?



My second guess... SCSA!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest Powerplay
"March Across the Snow." (Flashing back to Final Fantasy VI here.)




Who cares about the rest of the promo, IT HAS THE GREATEST VIDEO GAME MUSIC EVER!


I suppose the rest of it was ok too...

For a sec, I thought it was you simply because of the Final Fantasy music (Yeah, I read the "Best Gaming Music" Thread in the Video Games forum), and damnit it still could be him. But I don't think he's a coming back this soon.


Johnny, I'm hard on you because you aren't Main Event yet. When you begin MEing, I'll stop slapping ya, son :P.

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Guest Powerplay

*Judge slaps Johnny again. Harder this time.*


Damn, I'm susceptable to peer pressure, aren't I?

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Tis not TBS. TBS will be hitting people from behind with copies of the Shawshank Redemption, then going to a commercial break.

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