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Guest bcu1979

(TORCH) Survivor Series Spoilers

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

I still don't think Show will win, but I've been worried about Michaels winning for a while now.


I will talk about the Show match only, since I actually care about it. I wouldn't be surprised to get some sort of DQ here, but I really can't see Show taking the title. Lesnar IS getting over, and having him job now is stupid. The only way Show should get it is if Lesnar has to forfeit due to injury. Show having the belt isn't too bad, but Lesnar shouldn't be jobbing to ANYONE until he gets Angle.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Well, that combined with reading that Meltzer said last week that Vince had decided to not go with a long Brock title reign has me a little afraid.

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Guest Hogan Made Wrestling

While Michaels winning is fine, Show beating Lesnar is beyond stupid and would be the worst booking decision of the year.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

They aren't as repspected as the Observer but I can't think of any glaring errors like over at 1wrestling.


Mainly because they always remind everyone that WWE changes placs all the time

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Guest converge241

How the hell did you get your Torch on a Thursday on a holiday week?


Id like to comment on topic

but i dont even want to think about one of those scenarios

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Guest bravesfan

...I won't believe it UNTIL I see it.


Fuck, the Torch will cover their asses either way if the outcome turns out like they reported.


That last sentence allows the Torch to spew bullshit and truth, yet blaming it on "Vince's mind changing many times before the PPV".

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Guest BionicRedneck

C'mon! Vince has tried Big Show before and it's failed. No one would be stupid enough to try it again, not even Vince McMa......


*looks back at Hogan World Title reign, 6 month rookie crowned champion, HHH introducing a 2nd World Title, Necrophelia Angle, Big Show push*


wait a minute... :(

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Guest Kotzenjunge

At least this doesn't possibly happen after I pay $35 for it. Bless sports bars for their $5 door charge and loud crowds.


Fo sheez,


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Guest RedJed

I can actually understand the logic in giving Show the title, since they are trying their damndest to give him (possibly) one last shot on maintaining a ME level with him.


With with the other match, it's just a slap in the face in number of directions to not even consider the other 4. In addition, the thought of actually keeping the title on Hunter is even more absurd, but I guess I'm not surprised.


Fuckin Vince...........argg. I would love to see the fans riot after the ppv in the arena if Show AND HHH both win. That might be the only thing to wake up whoever is really deciding on these finishes.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I also have been worried about HBK winning.


Anyway, what's so disturbing about these scenarios is that we would have to put up with the same crap again at the next PPV. WTF?


Vince: "Man, Survivor Series looks awful....let's try it again next month!"


With that said, there's no way in fuck Show is winning. They might go for the retarded "Not feeling it" finish, but no way will they take the belt off Brock and put it on Show.

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Guest BoboBrazil

Meltzer said last Wrestling Observer Live show that Vince was having second thoughts of Brock as champion and plans were changing for him not to keep the title until WM.

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Guest Samurai_Goat

You know, if there weren't so many ppvs, then they could actually build up feuds over time, instead of just throwing everything together.


Samurai_Goat: King of Obvious Observations

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Guest the pinjockey

Vince: Well Show you are out of shape, constantly ignoring our pleas to you to get in shape, and you are sucking a million dollars a year from us:


Show: Sorry, Vince whats my punishment


Vince: Well we are going to make you the first person to go over Brock Lesnar and give you a title run.


What are other people who constantly busting their asses to stay in shape and make an effort to put on a quality in ring effort when the laziest piece of shit in the company is actually a possability as champion.

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Guest snowfan
Let me just see if my feeble mind can grasp this concept...


Vince's big plan is to put all the wrong people over...


and then do rematches the next ppv.



He sure is a genius

just like Wile E. Coyote....


hey Vinny how's that acme dynamite taste???

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Guest The Last Free Voice

If BS and Shawn OR HGH go over TNA will have the most credible champ in North America. This gos down I give up WWE for good. :bonk:

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Guest snowfan
If BS and Shawn OR HGH go over TNA will have the most credible champ in North America. This gos down I give up WWE for good. :bonk:

the beginning of the end for me was when Mega-Slow HGH won the Rumble...

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Y'know, I was halfway through a snarky, profanity-laced tirade against Vince, the stupidest fucking genius that man has ever seen, then decided, fuck it, why even bother any more? This is just so beyond the pale.

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Guest Ram

The smartest thing to do would be to let HHH/HBK feud alone and have another two (Jericho/Booker) feud over the title. Two draws there, rather than wasting both the power of the title draw and the grudge return match draw.

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Guest goodhelmet

people, people, people... when has the fed done ANYTHING logical in the last two years? i mean seriously, they are lucky there is even an audience. if both of the scenarios happen (big show and hbk wins) would it really surprise you??? we could have prolly subbed the names of hhh and hogan earlier this year and had the same discussion ie. "there is no way they would put the belt on hogan" and there is no way jericho should lose the hell in a cell".


do not trust vince mcmahon to do the logical thing... EVER!!!!

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Guest Dangerous A

I will wait to hear what Meltz has to say on this as he's just a bit more credible, although Vince switching his mind 10 times 3 days before the show is now the norm.


I just wish more people could see that Vince's Vision for wrestling is not a very good one and that he is more lucky than good when it comes to coming up with a hot product.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
The smartest thing to do would be to let HHH/HBK feud alone and have another two (Jericho/Booker) feud over the title. Two draws there, rather than wasting both the power of the title draw and the grudge return match draw.

Normally this would be stating the obvious, but this is the WWE we're talking about so...



godd show, old man.

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Guest Dangerous A
Big Show ending Brock's reign of horror. That would be bittersweet.

But it would potentially fuck up Brock vs Angle for WM IF (and that's a big if right now) that's the plan for Mania.


Other than that, bittersweet, and not surprising of Vince since his ratings are up shit's creek sans a paddle and when Vince panics, he goes BIG!

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Guest Choken One

Hello! You're believing the word of TORCH? Who else aside of IBOB makes more shit up just to get hits? No one.

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Guest Anglesault
Big Show ending Brock's reign of horror. That would be bittersweet.

But it would potentially fuck up Brock vs Angle for WM IF (and that's a big if right now) that's the plan for Mania.

Good. If they are sending Angle in as a blithering idiot who may lose (If he's the heel), it's better that he doesn't main event.


Smackdown SPOILER(Yeah, not huge, but you never know)








Please, God, someone tell me I misread the spoilers and he doesn't flick Benoit's nose?

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