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Guest DJ Jeff

Survivor Series Prediction Thread....

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Guest Anglesault
It's really Benoit and Guerrero; Angle, Knoble, and Mysterio; Edge, Lesnar, and Chavo as your three tiers.

At this point in his career, I can't see how you can even compare Brock to Chavo or Rey. Maybe Potential ise (Which I don't see) But based on sheer match outout, no fucking way.

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Guest snowfan
I would probably add Tajiri in the third tier as well.



I love Taijiri's work and wish they would stop with the comedy booking about him and let him just be a wrestler....


he speaks better English than Hunter...

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I used to watch it. I used to really enjoy watching it. It bothers me that it's sunk to the level when even I can't stand the show any more. I'm waiting for it to not suck, because I really do want to watch it, but not until they get their shit together.

I cant argue that Raw sucks at the moment, but waht about Smackdown?


The super 6 provide quality matches all the time, surely you must watch that?



Yeah, but the shitty two run around the main events fighting for the title. It bothers me (Even i can't totally explain why) That those two can go out there and have terrible matches and be rewarded with a world title feud, and the six others can have great matches and be stuck in the midcard.

I cant disagree that the main event scene sucks on SD aswell, but cant you just turn off 15 minutes early.


Despite the main event, you shouldn't be denying yourself the quality matches that the supper six put on every week.



(By the super six, i meant Eddy, Chavo, Edge, Rey, Angle and Benoit. Not necessarly because they are all at the same level - or even the six best workers on SD, even though in my opinion they are. But because, they have been working together on SD for the past few months and have been producing quality matches.)



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Guest RenegadeX28

Elimination Chamber Match

World Championship

Triple H© vs. Shawn Micheals vs. Kane vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Booker T vs. Chris Jericho

(I have no clue who is gonna win, but I have a feeling HHH isn't going to leave this match the champ. I have a feeling that Booker T is gonna win)

WINNER: Booker T




WWE Championship

Brock Lesnar© vs. Big Show

(I really don't want the Show to win. Ok, they built him up right, but Lesnar is the more entertaining champ. I can imagine these forums the next day if Show wins.)

WINNER: Brock Lesnar


Triple Threat Tag Team Match

WWE Tag Team Championship

Edge & Rey Mysterio© vs. Eddie Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit

(This is gonna be one of the matches I will be looking forward to. Some of the best SD talent of all time will be in this one. I am thinking Edge and Rey will win, but since The Guerreros haven't gotten the belts, it is their turn.)

WINNERS: Chavo and Eddie



Hardcore Match

Women's Championship

Trish Stratus© vs. Victoria

(Others have said that maybe Jazz will appear. It seems like the good idea. Another match I want to see. Other than Lita, no other WWE woman has bled. Victoria will win)

WINNER: Victoria



Cruiserweight Championship

Jamie Noble© vs. Billy Kidman

(Noble will finally lose his title. Time for a new champ.)

WINNER: Billy Kidman


6-Man Tag Team Table Match

Bubba Ray, Spike Dudley, & Jeff Hardy vs. Jamal, Rosey, & Rico

(Meh, whoever wins.......wins.....I smell the good side winning this battle.)

WINNERS: Bubba, Spike, Jeff


Goldust & The Hurricane vs. Lance Storm & William Regal

(MOST POINTLESS match of the night.)

WINNERS: Lance & Regal

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Guest CanadianChris

Elimination Chamber Match

World Championship

Triple H© vs. Shawn Micheals vs. Kane vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Booker T vs. Chris Jericho

Winner: Booker T. If HHH wins, I will be SHOCKED, as there's no one left for him to feud with if he goes over everyone on the RAW roster in one match. Booker T is probably the freshest guy on RAW right now, so he gets it.


WWE Championship

Brock Lesnar© vs. Big Show

Winner: Big Show. I choose to not be swerved by the "it's all a swerve" crowd. Pual E. will make the turn here.


Triple Threat Tag Team Match

WWE Tag Team Championship

Edge & Rey Mysterio© vs. Eddie Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit

Winners: Los Guerreros. Why not give it to the guys who haven't had it yet? Besides, if Rey needs surgery, they need to get the belts off the champs, and the Guerreros have more long-term tag team potential than Team Odd Couple.


Hardcore Match

Women's Championship

Trish Stratus© vs. Victoria

Winner: Victoria. Losers: The fans.


Cruiserweight Championship

Jamie Noble© vs. Billy Kidman

Winner: Jamie Noble. Upstart challenger gets non-title wins over champion leading up to big title match ALWAYS equals champion retains.


6-Man Tag Team Table Match

Bubba Ray, Spike Dudley, & Jeff Hardy vs. Jamal, Rosey, & Rico

Winners: Bubba Ray, Spike Dudley, & Jeff Hardy. No comments here, as I doubt I'll even watch the match.


Goldust & The Hurricane vs. Lance Storm & William Regal

Winners: Lance Storm & William Regal. Flipped a coin.

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Guest DawnBTVS



Triple H © vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Booker T vs. Rob Van Dam vs. Shawn Michaels

Who I Want: RVD or Jericho

Who Should Win: RVD or Jericho

Winner: Shawn Michaels



Brock Lesnar © vs. Big Show

Who I Want: Brock

Who Should: Brock

Winner: Brock




Trish Stratus © vs. Victoria

Who I Want: Victoria

Who Should: Victoria

Winner: Victoria



Jeff Hardy, Bubba Ray and Spike vs.

3-Minute Warning and Rico

Who I Want: Jeff/Dudleyz

Who Should: Jeff/Dudleyz

Winner: 3 Minute Warning and Rico



Edge & Rey Mysterio © vs. Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit vs. Los Guerreros

Who I Want: Angle and Benoit

Who Should: Los Guerreros

Winner: Los Guerreros



Jamie Noble (w/Nidia) © vs. Billy Kidman

Who I Want: Noble

Who Should: Noble

Winner: Noble



William Regal & Lance Storm vs. Goldust & The Hurricane

Who I Want: Regal and Storm

Who Should: Regal and Storm

Winner: Goldust and Hurricane

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Guest ISportsFan

Elimination Chamber (Shawn Michaels in 38 minutes)


Brock v. Big Show (Brock in 8 minutes - hopefully Brock and hopefully less time)


WWE Tag Titles (Los Guerreros in 22 minutes)


WWE Crusierweight Title (Noble in 8 minutes)


WWE Women's title (Victoria in 5 minutes)


Table Match (3-Minute Warning/Rico in 10 minutes)


Random Raw Tag Match (Storm/Regal in 7 minutes)



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Guest spiny norman

The Heat Match (or is it? Perhaps this was just to add intrigue to it all):


Uuuuuuummmm, Hurricane and Goldust, cos Goldust has actually been entertaining, so they'll reward him, right? RIGHT!?




I don't know what they can do here. Noble wins and there's no real challengers. Kidman wins and he beats Noble three times in a row. Eh, go with Noble.


THE Match:


I'm going Benoit/Angle here, as it only adds to their feud and is really the best booking decision.




Bleh. Go with Three Minute Warning, they can't take the bump.






Elimination Chamber:


Well, all signs point to HBK/HHH. But I think no matter how stupid everyone thinks Vince is, no matter how far his head is up HHH's arse, I just don't think he is that stupid. Booker has to win here, it's the only thing he can do.


The Other Main Event:


It won't be The Big Show. I don't hate him anywhere near as much as anyone on this board, only person I hate is HHH really (and have since his first Title win), but Big Show is just not a good move now, even if Brock is injured.


I really really hope it's a good show and the WWE lifts themselves.

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