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Guest Vitamin X

It seems to me that the crowd is usually dead for Booker's matches until he hits the spinaroonie...not to mention he has probably one of the, if not THE weakest finisher I've ever seen..The fucking Axe Kick? Give me a break.


That thing NEVER looks like it hits, and while the Lionsault may not hit all the time, it's a viable cruiserweight move (which Jericho of course is). Booker seems like he jsut does a chop here and a kick there, spinaroonie, axe kick later I'm going home. Even when Jericho has been dogging it, he's still brought it and for the most part (up until his Undisputed Title burying reign where he got completely demoralized and has been slacking ever since except for the occassional good match) has done well in the WWE. He's gotten good, and more importantly entertaining matches with lesser-caliber workers than Booker has.


Not to say Booker sucks or anything, because I love his charisma and all, but in the ring you can't compare him to someone who was a success in Japan, Mexico, AND the WCW Cruiserweight division and trained in the HART DUNGEON~! on top of it all.


Then again, Test trained in the Dungeon so what do I know..

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Guest The Hamburglar

My point wasn't that Jericho rules the earth or anything. My point was that Booker has done absolutely nothing to indicate that he's better in the ring then Jericho. I personally enjoyed the Benoit-Jericho series, the Jericho-HHH Last Man standing and the Rock series. I was also mighty impressed with Jericho's match against Hogan. Can anyone point me to a Booker match in the last three years that was better then average? They both have shitty movesets, so that particular bone of contention is moot.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Booker has done plenty to show that he's a better worker than Jericho. None of it is great or even very good, but Jericho, especially in the WWF, has been mediocre and outright bad at times.


Booker isn't overly flashy, but he's smart in what he does and can often take in an audience just by doing his thing. Jericho's work may appeal to the "more stuff = better" type fans, but when they don't take the match anywhere, it doesn't really matter.


Booker = Average-good.

Jericho = consistently mediocre.


And I was enjoying the Healm's/Noble match until the ridiculous ending.

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Guest Your Olympic Hero
hehehe Noble could play the role of JT Smith in the original FBI

More like Tracey Smothers or Tommy Rich in the later version.

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Guest Vyce

Oh, he's going to be in the cruizer division is he?


Good, he'll have all of two weeks exposure on Smackdown before they have him doing Velocity matches with Funaki.


Did any of you believe Jim Ross when they said they were going to push the cruizer division? Yeah, me neither.


On another note......does this "cousin" storyline count towards Vince's enduring love of hillbilly / redneck characters?

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Guest RickyChosyu

It would appear so. However, this time, he's gone the opposite approach; not only is Noble a good worker, but he's a heel, instead of the usual loveable redneck that Vince used to push. Maybe it's an apology of sorts.

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Guest Goodear

The lionsault might be a good cruiserweight move, but Jericho hasn't wreslted as a cruiserweight for years now and even when he did, he was moved away from the lionsault finisher quickly to either the missile dropkick or the high angle Boston crab. Basically, Jericho basically makes contact with the top of his chest and basically rolls over the guy. By not coming down more flush, the impact of the lionsault was lessened to a pretty sad level. Honestly, it doesn't make enough of an impact to be a finisher (It would be like if Eddie beat guys with the slingshot senton).

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Guest Youth N Asia
Did any of you believe Jim Ross when they said they were going to push the cruizer division? Yeah, me neither.

I think he just says that every 4 months just to keep us happy. They could have 100 cruisers and never get the divison goning.


That's really the only thing WCW did really well.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff
That's really the only thing WCW did really well

Well, WCW wasn't afraid to push guys who came in from other companies (i.e. Raven, Lance Storm, to name a couple), unlike the WWE who insist on jobbing guys out in the pretense of "paying dues"

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Guest Youth N Asia

But after a while WCW got to the point where it would be X amount of top guys and no more.


How many title shots did Raven or Jericho get.


At least WWE seems to be getting ready for new main eventers within the next year or so.

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Guest Spaceman Spiff

Yeah, that was a problem. I was talking more in the sense of giving guys a push immediately when they came in from another fed (i.e. Raven & the Flock, Storm winning all those belts, Mike Awesome [at first, anyway]), rather than having them job and/or get stiffed by Ice Train for their first ~6 months until the fans didn't care about them anymore

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Guest Youth N Asia
Yeah, that was a problem. I was talking more in the sense of giving guys a push immediately when they came in from another fed (i.e. Raven & the Flock, Storm winning all those belts, Mike Awesome [at first, anyway]), rather than having them job and/or get stiffed by Ice Train for their first ~6 months until the fans didn't care about them anymore

How dare you speak the name of Ice Train on this board. You trying to give me Nam flashbacks?!


You should be more careful.

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Guest Brian

And they never went that far with the division anyways. It just got to the point where they were giving them time and letting them do spot-fu matches while they could care less.

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