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Guest Suicide King

CRIMSON card for Nov 29th!

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Guest Suicide King

SJL Crimson Card, Friday November 29th, for those with Thanksgiving plans

Due: 3pm Friday Eastern

Send To: 5_moves_of_doom (god help us all)

Arena: The Ervin J. Nutter Center in Dayton, Ohio!




MVS vs. Arianwyn Rivenstone

- The cocky MVS was jumped by a new duo appearing in the JL, the Disciples of Discord. A furious MVS went to CC and demanded this match. We said, “Sure.” But to make sure nothing untoward happens, Arianwyn’s partner is not just banned from ringside, not just banned from the arena, but in fact banned from the STATE of Ohio. So no double-teaming… from the newbie anyway. J

- Match Description: It’s hardcore. Falls count anywhere. No DQs, no countouts.

- Word Limit – 3500

- Send to Tod deKindes



”Hollywood” Spike Jenkins vs. Janus

- Have fun, Spike. We hear Janus is angry about not being the #1 contender to the European title…

- Match Description: Standard.

- Word Limit: 4500

- Send To Longdogger_Pete



Wildchild vs. Ejiro Fasaki

- Hee hee hee! This will be good!

- Match Description: Umm… it’s a scaffold match. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

- Word Limit: 6000

- Send To 5_moves_of_doom




Judge Mental vs. Fugue vs. Johnny Dangerous vs. Insane Luchador vs. Dace Night

- This M7 thing has got to stop, and it’s got to stop right now. Let’s see if the Judge can get order in THIS courtroom! Will his stablemate stay loyal with the belt up for grabs? What about perpetual-thorn-in-the-side Dangerous? The ever-unpredictable Insane Luchador? And perhaps most of all, what about the red hot Dace Night, looking to leapfrog right on past the Euro division into the main event?

- Match Description: All five men start in the ring. To be eliminated a person must be thrown over the top rope and have BOTH feet touch the floor. A combatant must be eliminated twice to be out of the match. They will then be escorted to the back by a phalanx of refs. No DQs or countouts, but don’t go nuts.

- Word Limit: 8000

- Send To: Suicide King

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

TNT booking....







God Why?








God Help Us All (All = Me)

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Guest Suicide King

That would be me. It just looked like you were having so much fun Z... I couldn't resist. ;)

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

NOTE: Anyone who no-shows, or writes a match less than like, 50 words, is soooo fucking dead come Friday.


That is all.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
NOTE: Anyone who no-shows, or writes a match less than like, 50 words, is soooo fucking dead come Friday.

And happens to be named Spike and hates Fight Club

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Guest Suicide King

lol... that's the spirit. and speaking of no-shows, exactly why did you tell Fugue to no-show his match, chucklehead?

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Guest Dace59

Why do I get an idea for a promo about insurance policy?

And we well remember what insurance was in CZW kiddies. (Distants sounds of a motor whirring into life)


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::Johnny shoots the state of Ohio::



Anyways, cool card King, but we are back to Ohio. I was trying to get you guys to travel around more, but oh well. It's King's homeland, and he booked.

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Guest Listen2Reason

But to make sure nothing untoward happens, Arianwyn?s partner is not just banned from ringside, not just banned from the arena, but in fact banned from the STATE of Ohio.


Now THAT'S a stip. :D


I want promos people, and lots of them. Dismissed!




NOTE: Anyone who no-shows, or writes a match less than like, 50 words, is soooo fucking dead come Friday


...uh. Yessir.


and speaking of no-shows, exactly why did you tell Fugue to no-show his match, chucklehead?


I've sent some PMs hopefully clearing this up. Anyone with more concerns please PM me directly.


...incidentally...great card. B-)

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
NOTE: Anyone who no-shows, or writes a match less than like, 50 words, is soooo fucking dead come Friday.

And happens to be named Spike and hates Fight Club

Yes, you're just SCREAMING for a no-show punishment match, aren't you Spike? Spike vs. Tyler Durden [written by Silent, of course] in a Fight Club rules matchup, anyone?

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

So is that me kicking the shit out of myself...



or is Silent just made up hallucination of my mind and is going to kick my ass when he is really me which made me in the WF...






Fight Club Sucks....



Carry On.

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Janus no win Euro title shot!

Janus mad!


*/Hulk imitation*


Annnyway. Let's see. It's me and Spike. (Damn, I keep thinking Spike Dudley, then I look at his stats :P)


Let's see....4500 words. I can improve that much. Hopefully. I nearly made 3000 words last time. :D


I'd call a promo, but I did give Janus low charisma. ;)

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Guest TheBostonStrangler

Janus, just because you have low charisma is no reason not to promo. My old character had lousy charisma, and I had a promo almost every show. Just don't talk that much. Maybe have a conversation with a friend or brooding or something. When you have low charisma, it only means you can't be the Rock, going out there and having millions.....AND MILLIONS...of fans like I do.


And TNT, do NOT screw this up. I swear, if I have to post some horrific show that you booked, you are SO dead.

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Guest Ace309

Guys, please remember, this is an E-FED. As such...




Also, <3 the JLCC making efforts to push the M7 as a threat. :wub:

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Guest Goodear

I'll be heading out of town on Wednesday untill Sunday... So prepare for a WRITING FLURRY! VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins
wait.. Spike isn't in the Thanksgiving Gravy Bowl match?

It was that "Leon Sharpe....who?" comment that ticked you off enough to give TNT some booking idea's, wasn't it?

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Guest DiabloIIFreak1010

A promo? No problemo, King, consiter it on it's way.



Hehehe. Matt's bag of tricks begin...:D

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
And TNT, do NOT screw this up. I swear, if I have to post some horrific show that you booked, you are SO dead.

Uh... *cough* I'll try to keep the wacked-out joke matches to a maximum of one, TBS. ;)


- Taylor "Must... Not... Go... Gimmick Crazy... Ugh..." Thompson

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Dace Night is a fucking sweet name.


I really like the JL right about now. Everyone has sweet names, sick finishers, and TNT is posting shows. Bodacious.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Oh, right, before I forget to ask...


Can someone [maybe King or Crusen?] send me a list of the current ACTIVE JL roster? I think that I got it mostly down, but I don't want to accidentially book someone who's not active, or do something similarly stupid.



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Guest Tod deKindes
I (...) want to (...) do something similarly stupid.



I think that ship has sailed, Brick.

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Guest 5_moves_of_doom
I (...) want to (...) do something similarly stupid.



I think that ship has sailed, Brick.

Ahem, Todski, who's beaten you 4 times?


Thank you, sit down.

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