Guest Mole Report post Posted November 26, 2002 I don't know if this is a topic already, but if it is, my bad. So what is your favorite Raw moment?? Mine would have to be when Mick Foley won the WWF title. When SCSA came out, by God, I thought the my house was shaking because the pop was so loud. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted November 26, 2002 Favorite Raw Moment... RAW IS QUAD! Either one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Brian Report post Posted November 26, 2002 Austin pulling Hart out of the ambulance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest tetsubeav Report post Posted November 26, 2002 That moment I saw Heyman in Lawler's commentary seat for one. Jericho's debut. The arrival of the Radicals. etc, etc.... too many to list Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Electrifyer Report post Posted November 26, 2002 I almost forgot that, seeing Heyman in the commentator seat was a mark-out moment. Bischoff returning and X-Pac returning, then ranting about Hogan and Bisch at WCW are also 2 of my favourite Raw moments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kahran Ramsus Report post Posted November 26, 2002 The Arrival of the Radicalz. Number two is Perfect sending Flair to WCW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Plushy Al Logan Report post Posted November 26, 2002 Austin brings in a beer truck DX Invasion Earthquake/Yokozuna feud Angle's milk truck Austin is crucified Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest CanadianChris Report post Posted November 26, 2002 Foley wins the WWF title Hart Foundation reformed Austin attacks Hart in the ambulance Jericho's debut Jericho wins the WWF title Benoit & Jericho win the tag titles Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest chirs3 Report post Posted November 27, 2002 Jericho's debut and his phantom title win are my two biggest. Foley winning the title is right behind that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted November 27, 2002 Oh my god, there is so many (in no order at all and may I parents got rid of cable in April of 97 and I didn't get it back til my parents got divorced and my Dad got it at his house. My mom didn't get cable back until we moved in December of 99): Benoit & Jericho beating HHH & Austin (never marked out for a match as a whole on Raw that much in my whole life). Jericho beating HHH for the WWF Title (I went fucking nuts) ECW Reformation (Never forget that in my life, a friend of mine was over and kept saying that we had to watch the Home Run Derby, but I said we must watch Raw. I'll never forget RVD & Dreamer coming out and I jumped right out of my chair and yelled "TOMMY DREAMER!!!" cause I couldn't see RVD. Then my friend mentioned it was RVD and were bouncing off the walls. Then the locker room emptied and they went face to face and JR paused for a minute and I yelled out 'ECW!!!!' and at that split second all the guys turned around and you know what happened from there. I was shaking for the rest of the night until they fucked us over with the Alliance BS. I think to this day it's still special, especially after what Tommy Dreamer said on Tough Enough 3 a few weeks ago about it. It's probably my favorite Raw moment, but I had only started watching Raw in late 96, so whatever.) Austin/Pillman Gun Incident (My first Raw ever. How could I forget THAT? I remember being scared shitless that night (I was 10 years old) and I couldn't sleep most of the night being afraid Steve Austin was coming to get me. It's the thing that hooked me to wrestling, too.) Bret/Bullshit Incident (I'll NEVER forget this. My dad was with me when he said "BULLSHIT" and I almost dropped dead afraid I'd never be able to watch wrestling again. It's kinda funny...2 weeks later my parents got rid of cable and I didn't watch wrestling again til early 98 when my parents got a divorce and my Dad got cable.) Austin beating Kane for the WWF title the night after KOTR 98 (I remember I was sad all day that Kane had won, but that night was so awesome with Austin winning.) Jericho Debuting (I still had no cable on at my mom's, so I basically watched it on scramblevision...I still remember watching the TV flash "JERICHO" on the titantron and the place going nuts. That was sweet. It would probably be higher on the list if I actually fucking watched it with full picture!) Kid Rock Desire Video (For obvious reasons. I jumped out of my seat when they showed Bret & Owen.) Foley winning the title (I was lucky and I was at my Dad's for this...I still say Austin's pop was the loudest least in the top 5. I remember jumping out of my seat when Foley got the pin. That was so still is watching on the Raw DVD.) I still have never seen the Raw when the Radicals debut because that was during the time my cable hadn't been installed at my new house. I should probably try to hunt down a copy of that. Austin/Bret/Ambulance (Last show of wrestling on TV I ever saw in 1997. I was at a hotel that had cable and we just happened to be on that night. I remember getting tickets for the House show in Portland, Maine the same day (June 7, 1997 tickets) and right after that my dad and I got in a car accident. The Raw made up for it, though.) Rock/Hogan Confrontation (Night after No Way Out...I was in shock after the whole confrontation they did and I was like "Holy shit, they are gunna make so much money from this"...then Rock got killed and I laughed. Oh well.) Montreal Raw (Night after Mania 18...both opening segment and Vince/Flair segments where mark out, especially at the loudest "You Screwed Bret" chant on TV since the screwjob.) Benoit vs. Angle, Cage Match (Yup.) Benoit putting Austin the Sharpshooter in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. (Holy shit. I almost cried when he did that cause I thought Austin was gunna tap.) Benoit's return this year (Went fucking nuts.) I'll update as I go. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Michael Joel Benoit Report post Posted November 27, 2002 My Top 10 Favorite RAW moments. My all time favorite is tied between Mick Foley defeating The Rock to win the WWF Title for the first time. The crowd went nuts when Stone Cold came out and I was crying after Mick won. The other would be Jericho and Benoit winning the tag belts on RAW IS QUAD. It was just a great feeling to see Benoit and Jericho going over HHH and Austin. The Rock and Hogan confrontation is #2. Austin attacking Vince McMahon in the hospital is #3. The Angle/Benoit cage match when Angle did that BEAUTIFUL moonsault off the top of the cage is #4. The 2001 RAW when Benoit took on Austin for the WWF Title in Montreal was just so emotional. I actually believed that Benoit would win the belt that night that's #5. 1-2-3 Kid beating Razor Ramon on RAW back in 1993 is another favorite of mine because it was so unexpected. It gets #6. #7 would be the Kid Rock Desire video back in February 2002 is another favorite because it reminded me why I love wrestling so much even when it is at its worse. #8 is the RVD/Eddie Guerrero Intercontinental Title match from this year. #9 is Jericho's debut. Honestly, my heart stopped for a second when his name appeared on the titantron. The crowd went bonkers afterwards and I was glad he interrupted The Rock. And finally, #10 is the ECW reformation. I was on cloud 9 when that happened. It was also shocking when ECW and WCW merged although I was hoping that the two would feud also in a three-way battle. Honorable mentions go to Milk-A-Mania running wild. RAW IS Owen. Jericho beating HHH for the World Title. Rock n' Sock This Is Your Life. The Beer Truck. And, the night Shane McMahon brought WCW. Man, RAW has had so many good memories. It's so sad to see what's its become now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest bravesfan Report post Posted November 27, 2002 I'm hoping for an updated "WWF/WWE Desire" video on the Tenth Anniversary Episode, complete with Lesnar, Demolition and more nostalgia... ...of course, it should still be set to "Lonely Road of Faith", Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Your Olympic Hero Report post Posted November 27, 2002 ECW reformation, because I was a big ECW mark a few years ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Mole Report post Posted November 27, 2002 I forgot about the Benoit/Jericho title win, I marked out hardcore when that happened. For some reason, I didn't see the Raw when ECW came back. I think I was out drinking or something. When I got home, I went online and read about it and was like NOOOO I missed it!! Ever since then, I never miss Raw. I always make sure it's recorded or I just stay home and watch it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins Report post Posted November 27, 2002 Sometimes, I wish Jericho kept the title in his phantom win over HHH. The crowd went INSANE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EL DANDY~! 0 Report post Posted November 28, 2002 You know what I marked over more than Jericho's title reign? How about TAKA MOTHERFUCKIN MICHINOKU making HHH sweat like a mofo. That was a ***1/2 match in my book, and DAMMIT, when TAKA hit the MDII, I was bouncing off the fucking walls. I hate Chyna to this very day for that, and thank gawd Chono kicked his face in... ECW reformation was my fave...and dammit, when they only showed Ross that fatefull night, and then panned left, to show PAUL E. DANGEROUSLY as the new announcer, I crapped my pants. Ho-ly shit... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest geniusMoment Report post Posted November 28, 2002 The night they panned left and showed Paul was my least favorite moment in wrestling history because I knew right at that moment that it really was over. There would be no secret investor or perfect television deal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted November 28, 2002 Had to be ECW. Just the kind of twist you didn't think they had in them. I know they fucked it up, but for about 30 minutes it was the best thing ever. Second fave: right after the ECW reformation, the crowd has just had a heart attack, the dust has barely settled, Ross is still apopleptic, and Scotty 2 Hotty's music hits. The worst piece of time management ever, but fucking hilarious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest saturnmark4life Report post Posted November 28, 2002 You know what I marked over more than Jericho's title reign? How about TAKA MOTHERFUCKIN MICHINOKU making HHH sweat like a mofo. That was a ***1/2 match in my book, and DAMMIT, when TAKA hit the MDII, I was bouncing off the fucking walls. I hate Chyna to this very day for that, and thank gawd Chono kicked his face in... ECW reformation was my fave...and dammit, when they only showed Ross that fatefull night, and then panned left, to show PAUL E. DANGEROUSLY as the new announcer, I crapped my pants. Ho-ly shit... Oh hell yeah, come to think of it that match was pure genius. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest geniusMoment Report post Posted November 28, 2002 The night cactus came back to msg was my favorite raw moment, mainly because I was a huge ECW mark. The ECW reunion was more depressing than exciting for me because I knew it would be nothing more than a watered down version of the extreme. Off the subject but my friends and I were playing murder, marry and fuck with the wwe divas and we got into an argument over who I picked. Murder, marry and fuck is a game where out of a group of women you must pick one to murder, one to marry and one to fuck. I picked Steph to marry for power, Jackie Gayda to kill and Dawn Marie to fuck. Do you guys agree with any of my choices Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
B. Brian Brunzell 0 Report post Posted November 28, 2002 Favorite RAW Moments: "Thank you for still letting me be your hero." RAW is OWEN "Crapper 3:16" Sabu's dive The Kid beating Razor Ramon The first RAW I ever attended on September 13, 2000. I had been watching the WWF since 1984, and didn't get to go to my first live TV show until 16 years later. It ruled. Sign of the night was "Mae Young Farts Dust." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted November 29, 2002 I'm watching Jerciho win the WWF title again....I still get goosebumps watching it. Edit: I just watched Linda McMahon announcing Austin's return for Backlash....and holy SHIT. That MIGHT be the loudest pop I've ever heard in my life. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Redhawk Report post Posted November 29, 2002 Yeah, JR went NUTS when she said "Stone Cold Steve Austin." As for my favorite moments... 1. The 10-man tag in Dallas, when Kane came back and kicked DX and the Radicalz asses. 2. When The Rock first did a Rock Bottom and a People's Elbow on Vince in 1998 (pre-Survivor Series). 3. Steve Austin winning the title from Kurt Angle in 2001 (I love Angle, but I HATE him as a babyface. Conversely, I LOVE Austin as a heel). Now, the last two are just little moments that are easily forgotten by most, but turned each guy into my favorite wrestler for the time being... The Rock: In 1999, the night after Backlash. Rock called out Shane, and after Shane called Rock "monkey crap," Rock took off his sunglasses and HUNG THEM ON HIS NECKLACE before verbally ripping into Shane. I swear, I thought that was the absolute coolest thing ever how he did it. Triple H: From 2000. Kurt Angle was in the ring, talking about how great Stephanie McMAhon was and how he was sorry she was saddled with a loser like HHH. When HHH's music hit and he stormed down to the ring, I was marking out for him. He really looked like the jealous husband-type there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MillenniumMan831 Report post Posted November 29, 2002 Had to be ECW. Just the kind of twist you didn't think they had in them. I know they fucked it up, but for about 30 minutes it was the best thing ever. Second fave: right after the ECW reformation, the crowd has just had a heart attack, the dust has barely settled, Ross is still apopleptic, and Scotty 2 Hotty's music hits. The worst piece of time management ever, but fucking hilarious. LOL! I actually remember that. Didn't he fight X-Pac? Oy! I think they did that to settle down the crowd for what they were to see later on that night . . . The InVasion . . (hurls when I see SMH purchased ECW, I mean What the Fuck?!?!? Nothing more than an ego stroke there.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Hogan Made Wrestling Report post Posted November 30, 2002 Big Moments: Austin vs. Tyson - a moment that transcended wrestling Hart Foundation reforms - totally awesome stuff and everything after it ruled too Bret throws a temper tantrum - classic stuff including a Vince/Bret fight and a huge pre-WM brawl to hype the show Cool Skits: Austin poors cement into Vince's car - just a great visual moment DX parodies Corporation - totally hilarious, and followed up by one of the Rock's best-ever promos as rebuttal Rock's funeral for Austin - this was really funny and put tons of heat on the feud Share this post Link to post Share on other sites