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Guest Flyboy

The Annoying Voices In Music

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Guest cartman

I totally hafta agree with the Cradle Of Filth singer...Oh my GOD that voice pierces my ears. The music itself is awesome just get rid of that high pitched scream!


Macy Gray I cant stand. Period.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Here's a name that should start some debate.


A singer that annoys the hell out of me:


Bruce Dickinson.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

It drives me nuts. As does every other power metal vocalist. I can't STAND high pitched vocals like that.

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Guest Madmartigan21

Many that I would agree with have been mentioned. I'll now target some rock legends that bug me to death.


- Kurt Cobain

- Neil Young

- Janice Joplin

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Guest Flyboy
I'm going to do you one better, AoO.


Power metal vocalists are ghey.

:o :o :o


OMG!! EL BLUJO replied to my topic!! With his catchphrase! *marks out*

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Guest Kinetic
Who's Bruce Dickinson? Someone new?


Fo sheez,




This is no laughing matter, however. You're about to be pounced on by ravenous dogs.

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Guest godthedog

that's blasphemy mentioning mccartney. when he wanted to, that man could WAIL. 'helter skelter', 'why don't we do it in the road', 'i'm down', 'oh darling' and others show that he was a great screamer. not as great as lennon, who could put everything into the vocals & just scream his guts out, but pretty damn impressive.


neil young's a horrible singer. horrible. but i still love him.


lou reed's voice is pretty bad technically, but it's got a lot of personality that i like.


britney spears is incapable of singing. she just kinda whispers and breathes, and somehow people mistake it for music.


the lead singer of ac/dc (whose name escapes me for the moment) pisses me off to no end. i cannot stand that man's voice. it's so grating and loud, but there's nothing behind it. i might like ac/dc, were it not for his "i'm a dying cat" voice.

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You're probably thinking of Brian Johson. I swear, he sounds like he's got throat cancer thesedays. His voice sounded good on Back In Black, but that's about it. AC/DC Live is one of the worst live albums I've ever heard, thanks to the God-awful vocals of Mr. Johnson. At least Angus sounded great.


I sure hope you weren't talking about Bon Scott though.

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Guest Matt Young

I'd have to say that Macy Gray, Celine Dion, and Bjork get my nominations. One guy who just annoys the fuck out of me with his voice and queerness, although he admittedly is a better singer than the aforementioned 3, is Justin Timberlake. Just the way he acts, his fake 'black' accent, and his goat-like bellowing makes me want to puke.

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Guest The Metal Maniac
Who's Bruce Dickinson? Someone new?




No, he's DED, because he's so dead there's not time for the A.


Bruce Dickinson is the current lead singer of Iron Madien, quite possibly one of the greatest rock bands of all time, and he has been since 1983, minus a short gap in the 90's where he chose to pursue a solo career and Blaze Bayley took his place.


He's been nicknamed the Air Raid Siren for his singing talents. That is to say, he's often high-pitched, but not to the extent of say...Rob Halford or King Diamond.


HOWEVER, I must say that I can honestly see how some people wouldn't like his voice. I myself don't like some high-pitched vocals *CoughcoughKINGDIAMONDcough*, and so I can easily see how someone like AoO, who's used to a more death-metal vocal style (Very low and guttural) would dislike it.


If you don't like the man's style, that's one thing, but to not know who he is? You is so ded...


But hey, personally, he's my favourite singer, but then again, I'm your typical power metal mark, and it's generally the concencus in the power metal community that Dickinson is the best of the lot.


Whatever floats your boat.


Though I must say - I would like King Diamond so much more if he didn't shriek every 3 seconds. The guy's voice, when sung at a lower tone, is awesome, but even *I* get sick of someone screaming in my ear eventually. Halford has the same problem sometimes, I find. It's like they shriek to show off that they CAN, not because it adds to the song.

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Guest Sassquatch

Jello Biafra.


I just can not stand his voice.


"Too Drunk To Fuck" just annoys the piss out of me when I hear it.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Oh God, 'who's Bruce Dickinson?' that was kinda sad for a grown man. Ja Rule has comic value, as do shaggy and the guy from creed, so i'll leave them out. Matt Bellamy from muse is a fucking pussy, as is the guy from ash, and i've never liked cobain either.

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Guest redbaron51

James Labrie annoys me at times.


Yes Neil Young is a horrible singer, but I can tolerate him more than McCartney.


The only reason why Halford can sing so high because he gets analy raped by young men :)

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Guest Kinetic

I have no problem with Neil Young's vocals. There are some songs--"Mellow My Mind," for instance--where he fails miserably at hitting high notes, but that stuff is kept on the album for dramatic purposes. His voice has gotten a little gruffer with age, but it still rings true to me.


And Bjork...I won't even comment on that. She has one of the top five voices in music today, in my opinion.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Would I be even deader to everyone if I said I still don't give a crap despite Mr. Dickinson's seeming prominence that escaped me?


Fo sheez,


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Guest saturnmark4life

well, it's fair enough, i can imagine how you feel swamped with metalheads all the time. Anglesault hadn't heard of kylie, for example. (though i really, really thought he was joking) But then he likes aerosmith so nevermind him.

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Guest saturnmark4life

Edit: the metal maniac (who's probably more qualified than me on metal) already said who bruce Dick-In-Son is, but i'm drunk and only just noticed.

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Guest The Metal Maniac

Hey, I had never heard of Kylie until I starting coming back to this board. I think I saw one of her CD's in the record store once...maybe.


And Baron: It's not rape if you enjoy/request it.

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I HATE the singer of Creed. I FUCKING hate that voice.


Oh, and Bruce Dickinson rules as does James Hetfield, especially during the Black Album.

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Guest saturnmark4life

You know, I often forget that whilst kylie is HUGE in the UK, she is nowhere near as big in yankee-land.

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Guest Kinetic

Were it not for Kotzenjunge, Kylie Minogue would be of no consequence to me. I've heard of her outside of the board--in fact, Pitchfork did a tongue-in-cheek review of her latest record on April Fool's Day--but I never paid her any attention until he started putting her in his sig and so on.


I'll say that I hate that typical radio rock voice that's emerged in the last couple of years, i.e. deep and not particularly tuneful. Scott Stapp is definitely an example.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

And you will learn of her even more on the way to the Gathering, believe you me.


(giddy laughter)


Fo sheez,


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Guest Flyboy

Well, if I was on the trip, you would be listening to Eminem, Kinetic.


So consider yourself lucky.

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Guest Kinetic

As would I. I actually like Eminem to a certain extent, so that wouldn't be so bad. I'm probably not as lily white as you'd like to imagine, Flyboy.

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