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Guest FeArHaVoC

Justin Credible, upset over jobbing

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Guest FeArHaVoC

Justin Credible, who was once a pet project of Paul Heyman, has been reduced to a virtual jobber in WWE.


Most undercard talent in WWE is frustrated with their lack of push, but none show it more than Credible, who is said to ‘wear his emotions on his sleeve.


He is said to carry himself like a victim backstage, and his physique and ringwork has suffered as a result.


Credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter



Ask for a release then, or get yourself fired.

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Guest Nevermortal

That's your pennance for your utterly horrible run as the ECW Champion in 2000.

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Guest godthedog

i don't really blame the guy. i mean, if i had my first tv appearance in god knows how long only to be totally SQUASHED by some new guy who stiffs the shit out of everybody & barely knows how to work, i'd be pissed too.

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Guest Anglesault
i don't really blame the guy. i mean, if i had my first tv appearance in god knows how long only to be totally SQUASHED by some new guy who stiffs the shit out of everybody & barely knows how to work, i'd be pissed too.

But if you barely know how to wrestle and are only employed because you were X-Pac's friend or whatever he is, you have no leg to stand on.

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Guest Mole

Yeah, I can't blame the guy either. However, it isn't like he is a good wrestler or anything. Granted, bad wrestlers are being pushed in the WWE, but they are taller then 6'0 and weigh more then 230lbs. What are those guys called, Vince's fetish kings? No, hosses, thats it.


Plus, the only reason you got to be on TV in the first place was because Heyman saw something in you, which NO one else did.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

Justin Tolerable shouldn't be on the roster. O'Haire, Damaja, Nova, etc. could all be in his spot and do a MUCH better job.

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Guest Anglesault
Justin Tolerable

I call him Justin Difference. I feel it fits his crowd reaction well.

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Guest kkktookmybabyaway

If he doesn't like it so much then leave. I won't notice.


And what a way to make a case for getting more of a push by letting yourself go...

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Guest HartFan86

It's not like Credible's going out of his way to try to get better. I'm sure if he put effort into trying to become a better preformer, it would pay off.

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Guest godthedog
i don't really blame the guy.  i mean, if i had my first tv appearance in god knows how long only to be totally SQUASHED by some new guy who stiffs the shit out of everybody & barely knows how to work, i'd be pissed too.

But if you barely know how to wrestle and are only employed because you were X-Pac's friend or whatever he is, you have no leg to stand on.

at least when you work with justin credible you're guaranteed to still be conscious and aware of your surroundings at the end of the match.

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Guest Youth N Asia
~Hides his "hardcore icon" t-shirt~ He that guy sucks! :ph34r:

Bah...I still have mine, but I have the green one, not the Hardcore Icon shirt.


Lord forbid they give him a chance to say two words on the mic...that's where they make their workers anyway. I like Credible, I know I'm in the minority, and I liked his run as ECW champ. And ECW was long doomed before he got the belt.

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Guest buffybeast

Justin Credible just sucks. He should be grateful that he's still receiving WWE paychecks. And letting oneself go physically and mentally is a sure-fire way to get yourself fired.

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Guest dreamer420

He doesn't deserve that treatment in my opinion. Of course he is getting the same treatment that all other ECW alum is getting (except RVD). The WWE views these wrestlers as some less and that really pisses me off. Same thing happened to Tazz, Lance Storm, Tommy Dreamer, Mike Awesome, Spike Dudley, and the list goes on and on.

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Guest buffybeast
He doesn't deserve that treatment in my opinion. Of course he is getting the same treatment that all other ECW alum is getting (except RVD). The WWE views these wrestlers as some less and that really pisses me off. Same thing happened to Tazz, Lance Storm, Tommy Dreamer, Mike Awesome, Spike Dudley, and the list goes on and on.

What about the Duds? I guess they are the exceptions.


Honestly though, many of the ECW alums were average wrestlers who stood out in a smaller league. Tazz hurt himself by becoming a fat, lazy slob in WWF. Spike is, IMO, where he should be on the roster. Tommy Dreamer is where he should be on the roster, too.


I will agree with you in that Mike Awesome never really stood a chance in hell from making it in WWF. Lance Storm, although he's getting plenty of tv time, hasn't been used properly. I won't even start on Raven.

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Guest kingkamala

I remember when he beat Dreamer for the ECW title and I just shook my head and said"I'm never watching ECW again." Well I stood by my word for about four months and tuned back in in August of 2000*sighs*

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Guest Banky
Justin Credible just sucks. He should be grateful that he's still receiving WWE paychecks. And letting oneself go physically and mentally is a sure-fire way to get yourself fired.

I find this quote rather ironic, you know, coming from an Albert mark. If ANYBODY has no place to be on the WWE rosters, its this waste of time. He'll never ever get over, why? Because he looks like a freak - and not in a good way. Fans will always remember him as the one with the hairy back and who who grunts like a rutting mule when he wrestles.


I see more upside in Credible than a lot of the WWE roster, but still, he isn't that great. I also don't agree with the assessment of him being on the Kliq and thus getting pissed on by the 'smarks'. Even if we was in the 'kliq" that'd mean he is a pretty good wrestler because they don't accept any low rate wrestling chump into their close circle.

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Guest bob_barron

I've actually witnessed Justin Credible winning a match.


He shouldn't be too shocked considering the wins he piled up as PJ Walker and as Aldo Montoya.

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Guest buffybeast
Justin Credible just sucks.  He should be grateful that he's still receiving WWE paychecks.  And letting oneself go physically and mentally is a sure-fire way to get yourself fired.

I find this quote rather ironic, you know, coming from an Albert mark. If ANYBODY has no place to be on the WWE rosters, its this waste of time. He'll never ever get over, why? Because he looks like a freak - and not in a good way. Fans will always remember him as the one with the hairy back and who who grunts like a rutting mule when he wrestles.


I'd have to disagree with this statement. Albert may not be main event material, but he certainly has a more marketable look, more charisma and more talent than Justin. And his freakish look can and has been used as a distinct advantage in presenting Albert to the general public. The reason why he is not more over is a result of the writing teams lack of creativity and vision for the lower card and not so much because of anything Albert has or has not done.


The wrestling fanbase is incredibly forgetful and has no regards for the past. Albert can and will move past his horrendous gimmicks of the past.


Justin, on the other hand, has an ugly appearance, has little to no charisma, non existant mic skills and is only passable in the ring. He made a pitiful ECW champ. He was only decent when he was teamed with Lance Storm in the Imact Players. And that was only because he had someone talented to overshadow all of his inadequacies.


Justin sucks, plain and simple. Albert does not.

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Guest razazteca
Even if we was in the 'kliq" that'd mean he is a pretty good wrestler because they don't accept any low rate wrestling chump into their close circle.

Kliq B Team = Justin Credible & Paul Diamond


Aldo Man-O-War should bring back the mask, without the piledriver he is nothing.

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Guest Nevermortal

Albert sucks, but is at a slightly lower level of suckitude.


At least Albert gets some reaction, even its Miguel Perez heat.

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He doesn't deserve that treatment in my opinion.  Of course he is getting the same treatment that all other ECW alum is getting (except RVD).  The WWE views these wrestlers as some less and that really pisses me off.  Same thing happened to Tazz, Lance Storm, Tommy Dreamer, Mike Awesome, Spike Dudley, and the list goes on and on.

What about the Duds? I guess they are the exceptions.

The Dudley Boys were pretty much damn lucky in that they came into the fed when the Tag Team Division was being reorganized to focus on Edge/Xian and the Hardyz and served as the transitional Big Bad while the WWE began the slow build to get E&C over as the Big Bad. And with the fans popping for the table spots, the WWF were able to transition the Dudleys into the division's top babyfaces when they turned E&C into uber heels...

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Guest bob_barron

I think Mike Awesome didn't get a push because of his sloppiness in the ring.


What about Rhyno? He got a pretty big push until his injury

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Guest Banky
I'd have to disagree with this statement. Albert may not be main event material, but he certainly has a more marketable look, more charisma and more talent than Justin. And his freakish look can and has been used as a distinct advantage in presenting Albert to the general public. The reason why he is not more over is a result of the writing teams lack of creativity and vision for the lower card and not so much because of anything Albert has or has not done.


The wrestling fanbase is incredibly forgetful and has no regards for the past. Albert can and will move past his horrendous gimmicks of the past.


Justin, on the other hand, has an ugly appearance, has little to no charisma, non existant mic skills and is only passable in the ring. He made a pitiful ECW champ. He was only decent when he was teamed with Lance Storm in the Imact Players. And that was only because he had someone talented to overshadow all of his inadequacies.


Justin sucks, plain and simple. Albert does not.

More charisma? You HAVE to be kidding. Oh grunting "Uhhhhhh" during matches is charisma, than you have sold me.


No no, Albert has shaved his back before, and everyone still makes cat calls at him. The WWE on NUMEROUS accounts has tried to get Albert over as both a heel and face - he has failed miserably at both.


I'll eat my own shit if Albert ever EARNS a higher role into the main event picture. They have tried everything to get this 'mastadon' over. He simply does not have the talent and ability to connect with the audience or have a good match.


I'd understand you'd think Justin Credible is ugly, but you cannot be saying he is uglier than Albert. Albert is so fucking hideous looking he'd turn Pat Patterson straight.

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Guest buffybeast
"More charisma? You HAVE to be kidding. Oh grunting "Uhhhhhh" during matches is charisma, than you have sold me.


Have you heard any of Albert's promos on Velocity? He's has charisma and is good on the mic. No, he's not Rock good, but better than Justin.


"No no, Albert has shaved his back before, and everyone still makes cat calls at him. The WWE on NUMEROUS accounts has tried to get Albert over as both a heel and face - he has failed miserably at both"


They've tried, yes. But they all encompassed his original gimmick and name. Albert needs a complete image overhaul.


I'll eat my own shit if Albert ever EARNS a higher role into the main event picture. They have tried everything to get this 'mastadon' over. He simply does not have the talent and ability to connect with the audience or have a good match.


Please don't eat yours or anyone's shit. It's unhealthy. And Albert HAS been able to connect with the fans. Again, have you seen any of his Velocity promos? He does a good job evoking a certain reaction from the fans. The WWE should build on that.


I'd understand you'd think Justin Credible is ugly, but you cannot be saying he is uglier than Albert.


Justin looks like a life sized penis. He's an ugly fuck. Albert is not.

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