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Guest FeArHaVoC

Justin Credible, upset over jobbing

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Guest Army Eye

Credible was NEVER even given an opportunity to succeed in the WWE. I'd be mad too. He 'paid his dues' for a long time and got absolutely nothing. Meanwhile other people get failed push after failed push after failed push. (Albert for example)

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Guest FeArHaVoC
Albert HAS been able to connect with the fans. Again, have you seen any of his Velocity promos? He does a good job evoking a certain reaction from the fans. The WWE should build on that.

Don't forget, "Velocity" Tapings are some of the first matches of the night, so the Fans are "Hot."


Bring Albert out Two Hours into the show and watch what happens.

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Justin looks like a life sized penis.  He's an ugly fuck.  Albert is not.

My God! That's the funniest thing I've read all week.


Perhaps the WWF could team Aldo and Albert up and call them Balls and Shaft, seeing as Jusstin looks like a "life sized penis" and Albert looks like a nutsac come to life.

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Guest buffybeast
Credible was NEVER even given an opportunity to succeed in the WWE. I'd be mad too. He 'paid his dues' for a long time and got absolutely nothing. Meanwhile other people get failed push after failed push after failed push. (Albert for example)

Why bother pushing someone if you don't think they have the tools to succeed? I suspect Justin was only hired in the WWF to appease Paul.

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Guest Banky

I can't believe anyone is debating pro-Albert is any situation - EVER. This guy has never had a good match, good interview, or anythign resembling heat. He rode Scotty 2 Hotty's friggin coatails because he couldn't manage to do anything better with himself.


And don't play this I'm full of shit, and I'm eating other peoples shit for following their belief on Albert because plain and simple, he is terrible. The guy has NO redeeming qualities whatsoever.


Of course, I am debating with an Albert and Hugh Morrus mark named Buffy Beast so I'd rather be wrong than right in her eyes.

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Guest buffybeast
And don't play this I'm full of shit, and I'm eating other peoples shit for following their belief on Albert because plain and simple, he is terrible. The guy has NO redeeming qualities whatsoever.

Oh Bank please. The full of shit comment was said in jest, for Christsakes.


I'm not saying that Albert should beat HBK cleanly in the middle of the ring for the world title. But I don't think he sucks and that he could be used better. I DO think Justin sucks and should be grateful he has a job. That's all.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Meh, this is no tragedy to me.


Justin Credible is useless and I find it no coincidence that ECW lost its TNN deal after his 2000 title run.

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Guest LaParkaMarka
It's not like Credible's going out of his way to try to get better. I'm sure if he put effort into trying to become a better preformer, it would pay off.

You know what? He was actually working quite hard on Heat a while ago. His matches were decent, his facial expressions were amusing, and it was pretty obvious he was putting a fair bit of effort into his matches. And it didn't exactly get him anywhere.


Credible isn't a great worker or anything, but he is no worse than, say, Bull Buchanan or Big Show or any of those useless lumps. Except he's never gotten any kind of meaningful push, while those guys have. So yeah, I totally agree with Army Eye here.

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Guest deadbeater

Sorry, this guy can't do a promo without saying a curse word every second word. And he had the undeserved monster push in ECW that should have been reserved for Rob Van Dam.

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Guest Respect The 'Taker
He is said to carry himself like a victim backstage, and his physique and ringwork has suffered as a result.

Like Credible can AFFORD to lose any more in-ring ability. The guy sucked to begin with.


Go away, Credible



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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I was an ECW mutant...and even I don't care about Justin Credible.


He should be happy he's getting a paycheck for 3 minutes of work a night.

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Guest bravesfan
Credible isn't a great worker or anything, but he is no worse than, say, Bull Buchanan or Big Show or any of those useless lumps.

I'm content with the fact that at least ONE of these useless lumps are leaving, maybe TBS and Mark Henry will take the hint as well...

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Guest buffybeast
When was the last time Justin Credible won a match???


Anyone, anyone?

Probably during his X-factor days.


I thought that group could have been a decent mid card faction had they handled it properly and Xpac stayed healthy.

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Guest Nevermortal
Justin looks like a life sized penis.  He's an ugly fuck.  Albert is not.

My God! That's the funniest thing I've read all week.


Perhaps the WWF could team Aldo and Albert up and call them Balls and Shaft, seeing as Jusstin looks like a "life sized penis" and Albert looks like a nutsac come to life.

They could be managed by David Spade!


It'd make miillllllliiiooonnnnnnsssss...

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Guest geniusMoment

Its funny, I thought the impact players were a good tag team. Since Storm and Justin have broken up I feel they are one of those teams where the entire team is greater then the individual memebers, much like the eliminators. I say team them together with Dawn and call them the Impact Players again, use Lances old ECW music and see if they can get over as a tag team. I didn't hate Credible in ECW but I didn't think he deserved to be pushed over everyone at cyberslam 2000. I was there and the crowd groaned, not in a good way, when he beat dreamer for the belt.

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Guest bob_barron

The last time I saw him win a match was on HEAT in June of 2001 when he faced K-Kwik. But does anyone seriously know?

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Guest Repo Man jr

I think in his first singles match when he came back he beat a jobber on Heat. That was when he had his old jean shorts over tights with socks over tights look. I like that better than his new tights. Since then it's all been down hill. Since Vince hired and pushed the guy when he was 19 you'd think he would of liked him a bit, but I guess not.

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Guest kingkamala

He won matches against Ron Waterman at house shows in February 2002, according to my resources(Thanks god for old house show reports on wrestlingobserver.com!)

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Guest razazteca

Justin Credible & Albert Strike Back, maybe add Rico to form a trio and you have the Hair Bear Bunch.


Really they should go back to tag teams, add a double team finish and they should be a better team than 3MW.

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Guest bob_barron
He won matches against Ron Waterman at house shows in February 2002, according to my resources(Thanks god for old house show reports on wrestlingobserver.com!)

House shows don't count though. Credible did win a couple HC Titles on RAW though if you want to count that.

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Guest Youth N Asia

Justin can be a good heel...a Tully Blanchard like heel. And him and Storm were an excelent team in ECW, they worked off each other very well.


I'd rather see him on tv every now and then, rather then seeing that waste of space Rikishi doing the same predictable match on Smackdown every week.


And he was over as a heel in ECW...people hated him.

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Guest Nevermortal
Justin can be a good heel...a Tully Blanchard like heel. And him and Storm were an excelent team in ECW, they worked off each other very well.


I'd rather see him on tv every now and then, rather then seeing that waste of space Rikishi doing the same predictable match on Smackdown every week.


And he was over as a heel in ECW...people hated him.

X-Pac heat.


I couldn't stand when he was on. I always changed the channel.


ECW fucked up so much in 2000. The worst was without a doubt the utterly retarded Scotty Anton bullshit.

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