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Guest BillyTheStud

What Vince blames for RAW's low ratings

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Guest Blue Bacchus
Triple H's RAW Preview for Dec 2


RAW-uh comes to you-uh live-uh Monday night on The New TNN at 9/8 CT.


Last week-uh, Shawn Michaels' first-uh defense of the World Heavyweight Championship-uh turned ugly when I-uh, the former Champion, interfered-uh, leaving both HBK-uh and that other guy-uh lifeless in the ring.


You can imagine-uh that last Monday was not the last ruthless attack I plan-uh on making on Michaels-uh. Where-uh and when-uh will I strike next-uh? Find out Monday night-uh on the HHH Show-uh.


Also-uh the last time we saw-uh the World Tag Team Champions-uh, they were naked-uh. This was all my idea-uh. They wanted-uh Jericho to defeat Goldust-uh, but I insisted that this would-uh help his career more-uh. What great ideas-uh will I come up with for Jericho this week-uh? Perhaps I will make him-uh take a shower with Christian-uh, with sexy results-uh. Will a goat be involved-uh? Don't miss the HHH show when it kicks off at 9/8 CT on the new TNN-uh.

I'm in tears!


Incredibly Funny...

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Guest papacita
Triple H's RAW Preview for Dec 2


RAW-uh comes to you-uh live-uh Monday night on The New TNN at 9/8 CT.


Last week-uh, Shawn Michaels' first-uh defense of the World Heavyweight Championship-uh turned ugly when I-uh, the former Champion, interfered-uh, leaving both HBK-uh and that other guy-uh lifeless in the ring.


You can imagine-uh that last Monday was not the last ruthless attack I plan-uh on making on Michaels-uh. Where-uh and when-uh will I strike next-uh? Find out Monday night-uh on the HHH Show-uh.


Also-uh the last time we saw-uh the World Tag Team Champions-uh, they were naked-uh. This was all my idea-uh. They wanted-uh Jericho to defeat Goldust-uh, but I insisted that this would-uh help his career more-uh. What great ideas-uh will I come up with for Jericho this week-uh? Perhaps I will make him-uh take a shower with Christian-uh, with sexy results-uh. Will a goat be involved-uh? Don't miss the HHH show when it kicks off at 9/8 CT on the new TNN-uh.

< marks for goats...uh. :lol:

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Triple H's RAW Preview for Dec 2


RAW-uh comes to you-uh live-uh Monday night on The New TNN at 9/8 CT.


Last week-uh, Shawn Michaels' first-uh defense of the World Heavyweight Championship-uh turned ugly when I-uh, the former Champion, interfered-uh, leaving both HBK-uh and that other guy-uh lifeless in the ring.


You can imagine-uh that last Monday was not the last ruthless attack I plan-uh on making on Michaels-uh. Where-uh and when-uh will I strike next-uh? Find out Monday night-uh on the HHH Show-uh.


Also-uh the last time we saw-uh the World Tag Team Champions-uh, they were naked-uh. This was all my idea-uh. They wanted-uh Jericho to defeat Goldust-uh, but I insisted that this would-uh help his career more-uh. What great ideas-uh will I come up with for Jericho this week-uh? Perhaps I will make him-uh take a shower with Christian-uh, with sexy results-uh. Will a goat be involved-uh? Don't miss the HHH show when it kicks off at 9/8 CT on the new TNN-uh.

Rehashed Crap.

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

First of all, that is the same thing that was posted last week on this very board. The fact that it gets a reaction, and one of this much magnitude , shows just how obsessed with HHHate you people are. Were there not an abundance of HHH stories that were fresh to keep you all going that you had to post something old to get off on? Come on guys, you all are the masters of HHHate and yet you all are slipping like this?


Also, I found two things wrong with Agnes's "HHH Raw Preview." First, it wasn't funny in any way. Secondly, there were too many "uhs" and most of them were in the wrong place anyway. There should have been an "uh" after ring because that's one of the few words HHH drags out, such as....


"Austin-uh! You want to come in the ring-uh, and sing your little song. Well, you know what, I really don't give a crap!"


And it's even funnier that you all are raping the dead horse that is a two year old Rock joke. But oh well, carry on.

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Guest Angle-plex
First of all, that is the same thing that was posted last week on this very board. The fact that it gets a reaction, and one of this much magnitude , shows just how obsessed with HHHate you people are. Were there not an abundance of HHH stories that were fresh to keep you all going that you had to post something old to get off on? Come on guys, you all are the masters of HHHate and yet you all are slipping like this?


Also, I found two things wrong with Agnes's "HHH Raw Preview." First, it wasn't funny in any way. Secondly, there were too many "uhs" and most of them were in the wrong place anyway. There should have been an "uh" after ring because that's one of the few words HHH drags out, such as....


"Austin-uh! You want to come in the ring-uh, and sing your little song. Well, you know what, I really don't give a crap!"


And it's even funnier that you all are raping the dead horse that is a two year old Rock joke. But oh well, carry on.

I never saw anything like it before, so sorry if someone had already done something like it.


Who really gives a shit where the "-uhs" are? It's not like I wanted anyone to take the post seriously. In fact, nobody on this board takes any of my posts seriously. It's only a message board.

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Guest the pinjockey

Damnit man, learn your proper -uh grammar.


And I don't think the joke is that ridiculously old because they constantly provide more ammo for it. The joke may have been used a lot but it is still topical so who cares.

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Guest Angle-plex
Damnit man, learn your proper -uh grammar.


lo. We never learned THAT kind of grammer in school. I guess NYCTA Bus No. PA1767's school did, though.


NYCTA Bus No. PA1767: I got an "A" in "-uh"

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Guest Angle-plex

"-uh" Class


Triple H: GOD DAMMIT ANGLE-PLEX! You're putting them in all the wrong places!


::looks over at NYCTA Bus No. PA1767::


Triple H: Nice job on the "-uhs"..........

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

The jokes would be alot more funny if you could actually imagine HHH saying that stuff. But you can't because he doesn't use that many "uhs."

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Guest Trivia247

Sooner or later Vince is gonna crack mentally and he'll blame the fans for the low ratings..


Vince: Damn it! Im vince mcmahon, the deteroiated rubber stamping puppet to my Daughter's boyfriend HHH. We know whats best for you... Substandard wrestling and angles involving Necrophilla and seeing HHH every other segment..now thats DAMN Entertainment! You smarks just don't get it, stupid smarks stoooopid....


then they will cart Vince away in a big white butterfly net and cart him off to the funny farm.

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Guest the pinjockey

Just remember the two rules of -uh grammar.


1. After every third noun is an -uh


2. Remember to always conjugate the -uh

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

You don't have to pay attention to know that. If the man actually used that many "uhs" when he talked, I doubt he'd be where he is now. I'm sure all of the "uhs" are added for humor, but now that's taking away from what could be a mildly humorous satire.

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So EVERYBODY has to hear why we hate HHH...


It's not just a stupid "-uh" joke. The joke is the fact that HHH thinks people really care about him. I'm serious. You wanna know how many people cared about him as champion? About 3...wanna know how many people care that he's gonna be champ again>?


This just in to Vince...if HHH ain't working...*light bulb* USE SOMEBODY ELSE!!!! It's not rocket science my friend. If he isn't working...USE SOMEBODY ELSE.

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

Damnit! Stop arguing with me about "uhs" and read my well thought out and opinionated post about the RAW Ratings problem in the respective thread about three or four threads down!

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Guest Anglesault
You don't have to pay attention to know that. If the man actually used that many "uhs" when he talked, I doubt he'd be where he is now.

He has terrible matches and bores fans, and he's here. It's the ancient art of fucking the booker.

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Guest the pinjockey

That was uh well thought out post. You must have put uh bit of time into it. There is uh backlash against HHH from marks though. I watched with my roommate who is uh mark and he knew HHH was going to interfere and didn't give uh crap about the match because he knew it was coming. HHH is boring to marks and smarks alike.

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Guest Anglesault
So he's fucking Paul Heyman?

Wouldn't shock me. ;) Does Heyman write much for Raw?

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

The point is that Stephanie doesn't actually book shows, she's a writer (not a very good one). I'm sure she does slip a few good pieces in for her man, but if she had anything to do with the Necro angle, then her best help for him may be to just stay away from the pen and the book.

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Guest NYCTA Bus No. PA1767

I never said there wasn't any HHHate among marks, but it's not nearly at the multitude you all present it to be. You all seem to conveniently have a mark friends or cousin or whatever is convenient at the time that hates HHH. But there are many people out there that are still fans of the guy. 90% of HHHate comes from the net and 95% of that comes from this board.

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Guest MaxPower27
I never said there wasn't any HHHate among marks, but it's not nearly at the multitude you all present it to be. You all seem to conveniently have a mark friends or cousin or whatever is convenient at the time that hates HHH. But there are many people out there that are still fans of the guy. 90% of HHHate comes from the net and 95% of that comes from this board.

But it's funny. Get a sense of humor.


Now it's HHH's time to get buried by the net. He received fellatio from the net during his broomstick phase in 2000. Now, he gets shit on. Too bad.

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Sooner or later Vince is gonna crack mentally and he'll blame the fans for the low ratings..

That's a given. Hell, I fully expect when Vince returns for him to give one of his infamous "I'm VINCE MACMAHON! I BEAT TED TURNER! I BEAT THE GOD-DAMN UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT!!!!" rants in his first promo back....

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Guest Jobber of the Week
I found two things wrong with Agnes's "HHH Raw Preview." First, it wasn't funny in any way.


And it's even funnier that you all are raping the dead horse that is a two year old Rock joke. But oh well, carry on.

Will you be my new Special Friend? :)

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Guest RenegadeX28

I completely expected that. C'mon, its Vince, the biggest idiot in wrestling.

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Guest FeArHaVoC
The point is that Stephanie doesn't actually book shows, she's a writer (not a very good one)

You're right. The Writers think of who's in the storylines, the backstage segments, promos and matches for the night.


The Booker pretty much just helps plan it all out after it set by the Writers.

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Guest BobbyWhioux
The preview makes it sound like the show will focus only on Triple H and when he'll attack.



Well, then, that would mean that at least they've adopted a policy of Truth in Advertising. :)

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Guest The Czech Republic
NYCTA Bus No. PA1767: I got an "A" in "-uh"

Wow that one line is even funnier than the Raw preview!

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The preview makes it sound like the show will focus only on Triple H and when he'll attack.



Well, then, that would mean that at least they've adopted a policy of Truth in Advertising. :)

And I can't handle the truth anymore.

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