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If I were a wrestler...

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Amaze me with your idea of you as a wrestler.


Gimme us the works:finisher,signatures,attire,music ,etc.


Just be sensible.Spare us witht eh 897 finishers and virtually impossible manuevers( Crucifix powerbomb to brainbuster off the turnbuckle). The more logical the better.


Hey, for all you backyarders( like me) you can even illustrate the gimmick you've once portrayed.


Have fun

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Maybe they wouldn't get points for jumping through flaming tables?


The thing I hate is that most people I know think those guys are so cool or wicked or whatever, when they see them on DirecTv. They don't realize those things are edited, and how crappy they really are. Just watch them bend over for like 30 seconds waiting for a kendo shot or some shit. Huzzah...

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Guest Ravenbomb

I'd be Jamie (K)Nobles cousin and brother, Jimmy Bo Bob Frank Dave Jeff, and my finisher would be the Cattle Mutilation

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Guest Daddy X

I hope when I'm having my first matches next year I can run with this gimmick, although the promoter will probably do whatever he wishes with me.


Name: "Shooter" Shane Daniels


Gimmick: Very small in stature but can hit extremely hard and has the fighting spirt to carry him through beatings. A submission and takedown expert who can put down a big man within seconds. And don't be suprised when the "shooter" takes flight.


Music: Mega Man 2 - Bubble Man (Mix)


Moves: Basic kicks, punches, and takedowns. Comfortable on the mat. Works a very realistic style that slowly builds up to big high impact moves. If the crowd is patient enough they will be cheering by the end of the match no matter who they are.


Another adaptation of the character is "Superstar" Shane Daniels who is very cocky but mixes a more American style in as opposed to the Puro style of "Shooter"

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Yeah, it is, but remember the dumber topics at WrestlingTalks' backyard board?


Oh, and I backyard (none of that hardcore BS, mind you, I just fuck around with some friends now and then), and the reason I don't join the school wrestling team is because I'm not a fan of my high school, be it the athletic department or the administration.


As for the topic raised:

Name: Andrew Crow

Manager/Valet: Jason Crow (or somebody with the gimmicked last name of "Crow" to act as an older brother/cousin)

Gimmick: The loser. All his life he's been an outcast. Depressed, bleak, doesn't get out much...but actually very charming. His manager, older brother Jason, has always had a commanding role in Andrew's life, and beats on Andrew when he loses a match (which he usually does BECAUSE he takes Jason's advice mid-match).

Finish: Probably a facebuster variation, or a twisting senton off the top.

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