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Guest cynicalprofit

Most painful injury you had

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Guest cynicalprofit

My most painful injury.....tie, when i smashed both of my knees rollerstaking, and getting physically kickedout the first story window of a club house and landing on one of my knees.

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Guest Sandman9000

Broken wrist that didn't heal properly.


K.O.ed from a chairshot.


Broken glass and thumbtacks in body.


And various ballshots, inadverant and adverant.

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Guest The Electrifyer

My worst injury is nothing compared to you guy, a bruised bone in my right foot.

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Guest kane3212321

Dislocated knee cap, believe me those jolts of pain running through my leg where it was were the most pain I have ever felt in my life.

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Guest MaxPower27

- Severely sprained right knee that kept buckling over and over.


- Hit in the junk with a hockey puck

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

tore my ACL and dislocated my thumb at the same time, that was the worst. The ACL tear was the more painful of the two, but together they were agony.

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Guest CanadianChris

Shattered my right elbow after doing a Superman dive off my bike. Required four and a half hours of emergency surgery (where they removed bone chips that were floating dangerously close to some major blood vessels and nerves), one large metal plate, two big pins, about a dozen small screws, and eight months of physiotherapy.

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Guest T®ITEC

Uhm.. Just a bone bruise on my right tibia.


Damn, you guys are sick. Also, YOU'RE HARDCORE~! YOU'RE HARDCORE~!

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Guest Sandman9000



::Smashes lightbulb over head, taps artery, goes to hospital::

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Guest dreamer420

I broke my leg on a ferry taking me and two friends to Vancouver to see a Canucks playoff game. After breaking it (I was pissed drunk BTW) I walked off the bus in Vancouver, walked to our hotel, walked to the game, couldn't take my shoe off over night, and came home the next day in pretty rough shape.


My ankle was so black by the time i return home that it almost made me sick looking at it.

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Guest treble charged

I broke my leg playing hockey. It was the only time I ever lay on the ice hurt and needed the ref to blow the whistle. Last time I ever played organized hockey, too.


Doctor was a moron, too, and I was in a cast from March 6 to June 1.


Worst part of it was, I had tickets to a Leafs/Sens game that night, and had to watch it on TV while my dad went there with my friend. And there was a penalty shot. Worst day of my life, from a completely selfish point of view.

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Guest papacita

I've never had a broken bone (that I know of). I hurt my index finger slap boxing in 11th grade, fucked up my right knee playing basketball senior year, and fucked up the other one doing a fisherman's suplex on my friend a few months later.


Edit: I fell and scraped a deep hole above my lip back in 4th grade. Forgot about that...

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Guest dreamer420

I also broke the tip of the bone off my right ring finger and it hurt like a bitch too.

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Guest redbaron51
tore my ACL and dislocated my thumb at the same time, that was the worst. The ACL tear was the more painful of the two, but together they were agony.

ACL/MCL tears you don't want to hear about, now a PCL, just kill yourself

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Guest Angle-plex

I've never been seriously hurt in my life, which is shocking considering I play hockey and took Karate for quite a while.

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Guest Ravenbomb

broken tooth. The tooth hurt AND the part where it was broken was sharp as hell, so it was constantly stabbing my tongue

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Guest Ace309

Compound fracture of the left forearm.


I was in a wrestling practice drilling with one of the coaches, and we were going full-on. He apparently thought I had more experience than I did and Germaned me. I was prepared to take the bump on my back, but he twisted me at the last second. I was wrestling 95 kilos/209 pounds at the time, so I weighed about 215, and it all came down on my outstretched left arm. When I came to, I was on my back, with the left arm extended. Wrist and elbow flat, you could have gotten 3 fingers under the break.


That was a Monday night. They set it Wednesday morning in surgery. I now have a plate on each bone, held on by a total of nine screws. It still bothers me (in fact, it's aching right now) and I broke it on May 4, 1998.

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Guest Will Scarlet

I fell down the stairs and bruised my shin pretty bad once. I was then forced to watch A League of Their Own because I was too injured to get the remote.

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Guest bravesfan

A fracture of my left wrist, and a broken nose.


Everything else is VERY MILD in comparison (bruises, sprains), except for that time I kicked that glass cup....uh, I'll save that story for another day.

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Guest dreamer420

Has anyone ever taken a cast off too soon and that injury doesn't heel properly? I broke my hand a few years ago and removed the cast myself after a short period and it still bothers me to this day.

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Guest Grenouille

Playing football I sprained my ACL or so the trainers told me. A week later they told me I was fine and was playing again, but that's probably because I played in a city not unlike the one in the Go Tigers documentary.


I also took a stray 12 pound shot-put to the chest which gave me a large bruise and hurt for a few minutes.


Other than that I've been pretty lucky.

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You guys suck...I walked on a broken foot for THREE HOURS. Didn't even know it. Hurt like hell...but didn't even know it. Broke the 5th metatarsal, and DAMN did it suck on crutches...UGH.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk
Has anyone ever taken a cast off too soon and that injury doesn't heel properly?

I did that once with a broken arm when I was 13. I broke the arm again a few days later.

Interesting story actually, after the second break, there was some kind of problem with insurance, so I had to go to some ghetto hospital. The cheap ass cast they gave me started falling apart a couple weeks later, so my dad got a bucket of plaster and a steel rod from the hardware store, and plastered the rod to the cast to hold it together. I ended up cutting that cast off myself as well, but I made sure it had healed properly that time.

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Guest Gathering Moss

I pulled my groin and then somebody thought it would be hilarious to hit me in the nuts. In hindsight, it was pretty damn funny. I cut my index finger in half. I also got a stabbed by a few jacks. Yeah that's right, motherfucking jacks.

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