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Guest Slapnuts00

Thoughts on Week 24

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Guest Slapnuts00

Kinda mixed feelings on this one.


-One one hand, no one could be more happy that Elix, Daniels and LO KI! are back, although I have to question bringing back Lo Ki, who was so over as a face into a heel.


-I'm already sick of this S.E.X./NWO/New Blood shit. What is Russo's deal? He seriously has no new ideas, just recycles old ones. I mean the lack of music, the tearing up of the TNA logos, the ENDLESS beatdowns on weak faces etc. etc., BEEN THERE DONE THAT. It sucks that the roster is gonna be split into 2 sides, one thing I liked about TNA was that everyone sort of had their own feuds. O well, at least that means beat downs will now featuring Lo Ki and AJ Styles instead of the Harrises...


-Lack of wrestling on tonight's show was disappointing since there was really only 3 matches not couting an incunclusive tag team 3 way and a short a meaningless street fight. That said I LOVED the final 6 man tag match. These guys are just awesome, and the whole thing just had me really getting into it. Great match, even being a Lo Ki mark I was disappointed when Red lost since I was so into it.


-I'll admit I marked out when I saw the Road Warriors, but then it dawned on me that we'll have to see them wrestle...


-10 man X gauntlet was kinda a trainwreck but featuring some good action and got tighter at the end. Good stuff.


-David Flair? Color me apathetic. I guess Russo can continue is little father son thing...god it really is turning into WCW 2000 only with some good action on the side.


-What happened to the promised Percy Pringle interview? Wasn't it supposed to be shocking and reveal all and all of that? No explenation given on the air to not showing it...


-An OK show, not as good as last week because of less emphasis on wrestling and way too much Russo saturation but at least we got a hot 6 man tag match from 3 returning top X talents.


-Until January 8th, LET'S GO RED!

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This was the first one I've ordered in a while and while I was a little disapointed with the lack of wrestling, I thought it was a good show overall. The final six-man match is just an example of what's right in wrestling. Talented workers going out and working long matches and giving their all. I as well marked out for LOD but I seriously doubt they will add anything to the tag division. And I hope to Christ that Russo does not make this his personal playground to try and get over with the Internet crowd. All in all though a good effort tonight.

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Guest bob_barron

I missed the first 20 minutes but hear are my thoughts-


The LOD returning was AWESOME. I was marking out like crazy.


The 6-man match was terrific and was great stuff. Can't wait to see these guys when I go to ROH on the 28th.


If you own a restraunt in Percy Pringle's neighborhood you're doing good business.


David Flair returning was pretty stupid. I thought he was still with WWE.


I was dissapointed AJ Styles didn't wrestle.


The 3-way was pretty good and good lord does BJ James look gay

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Guest Tony149

I guess they figured if they're debuting the new set on the 8th, might as well do something with the old one. And pretty much everything in wrestling is recycled. So I'm not sure what you're complaining about there.

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Guest bob_barron

My only thought with Russo tearing down the set was: Why waste the money?


But if they are getting a new set then it's all good

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Guest Slapnuts00
I guess they figured if they're debuting the new set on the 8th, might as well do something with the old one. And pretty much everything in wrestling is recycled. So I'm not sure what you're complaining about there.

I'm complaining because it's such a tired concept that drags down the show, and Russo just shoves it down our throats. It was cool when the nwo did it but that got old. So what does Russo do? He REFORMS the nWo. Then he's brought back and has that WCW roster split into New blood and they do the same nWo style beatdowns on everyone else, and now the same crap is happeneing in NWA. There must have been at least a half dozen segments featuring Russo with his nwo/dx/newblood/sex cronies beating someone down, it's old and uninteresting and drags down the quality of the show.

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Guest bob_barron

The opening interview with Russo and Jarrett was alright- I marked out seeing Jeff again

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Guest bravesfan
There must have been at least a half dozen segments featuring Russo with his nwo/dx/newblood/sex cronies beating someone down, it's old and uninteresting and drags down the quality of the show.

And damn, that brawl between the Harrises and Hennig at the end was disgraceful. Luckily, Skipper and Daniels took nice shots, because both Harrises were sure to not sell anything. I still have no clue what Hennig was trying to do with that chair, as he was looking to gouge Ron's eye out with a leg or something. He barely had the mobility to lift the chair up...


But at least that boring trite beatdowns are not taking away from the in-ring product (at least not yet).

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Guest Raven_Effect01

OK show, but had little wrestling in it, though the 6 Man Tag main-event made up for it somewhat.

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Credit: Buck Woodward, 1popup.com


NWA: Total Nonstop Action for December 18th, the final show of 2002, began with a video package on NWA World Champion Jeff Jarrett, putting over how he has wrestled in England, Ireland, Scotland and Japan in recent weeks. They interspersed clips of Jarrett in action with comments from an interview conducted by Jeremy Borash.


Goldylocks was in the parking lot trying to interview Curt Hennig, who walked into the building and headed right into the ring. Hennig said he was going to wait until the end of the show to confront Vince Russo, but he ran out of beer in the lot, so he came in now. Hennig commented that he had sent Brock Lesnar to get him some more. Hennig called out Russo, saying he was "just a fan" and that he was going to take him out. Vince Russo came in from the crowd with the Harris Brothers. Hennig chased Russo around the ring, but Low Ki, Chris Daniels and Elix Skipper ran out and attacked Hennig. BG James went to the announce table, and started doing a Jim Ross impression, using all his cliches. Low Ki, Daniels and Skipper beat down Hennig, while the Harris Brothers ripped up the TNA banners at ringside. Russo took the mic and said "Welcome To Sports Entertainment Extreme". Russo screamed something at Mike Tenay, which was inaudible. Low Ki, Daniels, Skipper, the Harris Brothers, BG James, and Russo left through the crowd, while security came to the ring.


The TNA Girls danced. Mike Tenay said Russo told him "Screw The Gauntlet" before he left.


Goldylocks interviewed Bob Armstrong about what just happened. AJ Styles walked by, and Armstrong said that Styles helping Russo last week meant he was no longer welcome here. Styles said he was not with Russo, he just felt he deserved to be a heavyweight, and was going to keep after Jeff Jarrett until he gets a title shot. Styles walked off, with Armstrong following him.


The ten man Gauntlet to determine the number one contender in the X Division was the first match of the evening. The first two men in the match were Jason Cross and the Amazing Red. Another enters every ninety seconds.


We saw that backstage, Jeff Jarrett was beating up AJ Styles. Jarrett dragged him all the way to the parking lot.


Cross hit a monkeyflip on Red, and the two traded legsweeps for two counts. Cross missed a somersault legdrop, and Red hit a Red Star Press for a two count. Red hit a kick off the apron to the floor.


Tony Mamaluke was out next.


Mamaluke applied submission holds on Red and Cross. Mamaluke maintained control on both men.


Jimmy Rave was out next.


Red went for a sunset flip styles powerbomb on Rave, who slammed Red face first to the mat. Mamaluke knocked Cross off the top rope to the floor. Mamaluke hit a backdrop driver on Rave. Cross kicked Red on the floor.


Shark Boy was out next.


Shark Boy powerbombed Mamaluke as he was superplexing Raven. Shark Boy hit a second rope bulldog on Rave. Cross hit a pescado on Red. Cross suplexed Mamaluke on the floor. Mortimer Plumtree came to ringside and complained about Styles and Jarrett. Mortimer let it slip that he has not talked to Styles all week.


Kid Kash was out next.


Kash caught a Shark Boy bodypress and powerslammed him. Shark Boy came back with a pescado on Kash. Cross hit a somersault splash on Rave. Mamaluke broke up the pin for some reason.


Ace Steel was out next.


Steel hit a springboard dropkick on Rave. Rave rolled up Mamaluke from behind and for a pinfall.


Mamaluke is eliminated.


Rave hit a headscissors into a bulldog into a Crippler Crossface on Shark Boy. Shark Boy came back with a somersault stunner on Rave and pinned him.


Rave is eliminated.


Jose Maximo was out next.


Kash got a quick pin on Shark Boy.


Shark Boy is eliminated.


Kash hit a flying bodypress on Jose. Kash powerbombed Jose as he went for a rana. Kash slammed Jose.


Joel Maximo was out next.


Joel hit Kash with a enzugiri. Everyone was battling on the floor. Mortimer finally left ringside. Steel suplexed Joel Maximo on the floor. Steel whipped Jose Maximo into the guardrail. Kash hit Red with a chair. In the ring, Cross hit a spinkick on Steel.


David Young was the last entrant to come out.


Young hit a faceplant on Cross, and a powerbomb on Red. Young hit a double back suplex on both Maximos. Young suplexed Steel into the turnbuckles. Young hit a spinebuster on Kash. Young hit an Asai moonsault onto several wrestlers on the floor. Ace Steel hit a double springboard bodypress onto the pile. Jason Cross then hit a corkscrew plancha on the pile. Red hit a no hands backflip splash, hitting most of the pile. Kid Kash then hit a springboard somersault into the pile. Kash hit a springboard dropkick on Young in the ring, getting a two count. Kash hit a top rope rana on Young, then a tornado DDT for a two count. The Maximos hit a elevated DDT on Young, and Red hit the InfraRed on Young for the pin.


David Young is eliminated.


Steel hit Jose Maximo with a top rope DDT, as Jose went for a superplex and pinned him.


Jose Maximo is eliminated.


Joel Maximo rolled up Steel for a pinfall.


Ace Steel is eliminated.


Kash rana'd Joel out of a powerbomb attempt and got the pin.


Joel Maximo is eliminated.


Kid Kash and Red double teamed Cross for a time, then went at it with each other. Kash and Red had a nice exchange, with Red getting a two count with a spinkick. Red went to the top rope, and Kash joined him (slipping on the way up), and Kash press slammed Red from the top rope. Cross broke up the pin for some reason. Don West pointed out how silly it was to break up pins in an elimination match. Cross hit Red with a brainbuster. Kash hit Cross with a rana. Red hit Kash with a second rope DDT for a pin.


Kid Kash is eliminated.


Cross hit Red with a brianbuster, then hit the Crossfire (shooting star legdrop) for the pin.


Red is eliminated. Jason Cross is the winner, and the number one contender for the X-Division Title.


The TNA Girls danced.


They announced that, because Jerry Lynn was cheated last week against Sonny Siaki, tonight's match with Sonny Siaki vs. EZ Money was now a three way with Lynn involved, and the X Division Title on the line.


Vince Russo and his entire stable came to the ring from the crowd. Russo said the Nashville crowd was pathetic to a New Yorker. He ripped on the crowd, then introduced Daniels, Low Ki and Skipper as the newest members of Sports Entertainment Extreme. Russo said Low Ki was not booked by the NWA because they wanted him to commit to a 52 week contract. Russo said when Low Ki wants time off, he will get off with him. Russo said Daniels was not signed because his plane ticket was too expensive, since Daniels lived in California. Russo said he would pay for Daniels plane ticket. Russo said Skipper wanted more money, and he will give him more money, and "get him laid twice a day" for working with him. Russo then told BG James he saw him have compassion for his father last week, and that would not be allowed, and slapped him. Russo then called out Jeff Jarrett, saying he wanted an answer.


Jeff Jarrett came to the ring. Jarrett got in the ring, and said he would finally tell his story. Jarrett said Russo was a magazine writer, and had no business being in the ring. Jarrett said Russo hated wrestling, because he could never be a wrestler. Jarrett said Vince McMahon sent Russo to interview him his first day on the job. Jarrett said Russo called him every day while Jarrett was in WCW, begging him to bring him in. Jarrett said he protected Russo from Shawn Michaels in WWF and Bill Goldberg in WCW, saying both wanted to kick his ass. Jarrett, when talking about Goldberg, said "Scott" wanted to beat up Russo as well. Jarrett said he knew all about Sports Entertainment, pointing out the things he did in the past, including his "Good Housekeeping" match with Chyna.


Jarrett said three weeks ago, Russo spit in his father's face, and all of his peers. Jarrett said they would not have this show to appear on if not for the NWA and professional wrestling. Jarrett said without wrestling, Russo would be back in New York, selling televisions. Russo said Jarrett "lost his balls" and that he was a "daddy's boy" with no respect from the boys in the back. Russo said Jarrett was a laughing stock, and only he could get his respect back. Jarrett said he was never with Russo, and never will be, calling him a "pompous Yankee son of a bitch". Jarrett fought the whole group in the ring, running, grabbing a chair, and then attacking. He finally was overcome by the numbers, and the Harris Brothers hit an H Bomb, and Low Ki dropkicked him in the chest. Skipper hit Jarrett with the overdrive, and Daniels hit a double jump moonsault. Security came to the ring, and Russo and company left, throwing water at Don West.


The TNA Girls danced.


The non-title three way tag team match, with NWA World Tag Team Champions Brian Lee & Slash, with Jim Mitchell & Belladonna, vs. Chris Harris & James Storm vs. Ron & Don Harris. Percy Pringle was on the stage watching the match. Harris & Storm got a two count on Slash with a reverse atomic drop and superkick combo. The Harris brothers were not involved at all for the early part of the match. Storm and Harris knocked them off the apron while working over Slash, leading to a six man brawl on the floor. Back in the ring, the Harris brothers hit a chokeslam on Chris Harris, and an H Bomb. Athena ran into the ring, and attacked the Harris brothers (revenge for last week's attack). The Harris Brothers grabbed her, and the Road Warriors hit the ring and attacked them. Hawk and Animal cleaned house, and the crowd popped huge. They hit the Doomsday Device on Slash, and Animal powerslammed one of the Harris Brothers and Hawk splashed him from the top rope. The Road Warriors left, and Chris Harris pinned the Harris brother for the win.


As the Road Warriors left, Goldylocks interviewed them. Animal said "there's your sports entertainment, Russo" and Hawk said "We're still snacking on danger, we're still dining on death, and Russo, you're next." The Roadies then left the building.


Bob Armstrong was giving the roster a motivational speech, saying they need to rid the company of Russo and Sports Entertainment Extreme.


A video package on last week's match between Sonny Siaki and Jerry Lynn, where Siaki won the X Division title with the help of a mystery woman, was shown.


X Division champion Sonny Siaki vs. Jerry Lynn vs. EZ Money was next. Lynn and Money slugged Siaki at the first, then went at it. West pointed out that Money earned a title shot, and was really the one cheated, since now he was in a three way. The wrestlers broke up each others pinfall attempts. They did lots of spots where one wrestler would accidentally set up the other for a move by the third, then would have to break up the pin. Money knocked Lynn and Siaki down in corners, and dropkicked Siaki, but Lynn blocked it when he tried to same move to him. WWA promoter Andrew McManus was shown sitting at ringside. Lynn launched himself off Siaki's back into a tornado on DDT on EZ Money. Lynn missed a guillotine legdrop on Siaki, and Siaki slugged him, but Lynn gave him a stunner, sending him to the floor, then backdropped Money on top of Siaki. Lynn his a somersault plancha on both men. Money went for the Money Clip on Lynn, who ducked, and hit Siaki instead. Lynn hit a reverse DDT out of Siaki's fireman's carry, but EZ broke up the pin. Money hit a reverse piledriver on Lynn. Siaki hit an overhead suplex on Money for a two count. Money and Lynn hit 3D on Siaki. Lynn hit a cradle piledriver on Money, but Siaki broke up the pin. The mystery girl from last week came to ringside, and Lynn grabbed her, but Siaki knocked Lynn to the floor. Money grabbed Siaki for a suplex, but Siaki reversed it into the Siakolypse for the pin (although it seemed like a two count). Siaki retains the title in eight minutes.


Vince Russo appeared at ringside, and hugged the girl. Russo said he has had his eye on Siaki since this all started. Russo said he wanted Sonny to represent Sports Entertainment Extreme, saying he had a ton of promise in the business. Russo said he brought him a gift, saying the girl was all his. Jerry Lynn got back in the ring and attacked Siaki, but the girl hit Lynn with a low blow. Russo called Lynn "a washed up pro wrestler" as Siaki beat him down. The girl kicked Lynn low, and Siaki left with Russo and the girl. Apparently Russo is with Russo as well.


The TNA Girls danced.


The streetfight between Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. BG James was next. Killings did a rap against Russo's stable, and James attacked him from behind. James stayed in control for a moment, then Killings hit a leg lariat and flying forearm. The battled to the stage, and Killings hit an ax kick for a two count. They battled into the crowd, and James hit Killings with a trash can for a two count. James powerbombed Killings through a table for a two count. James hit Killings with a cookie sheet, and a plastic "wet floor" sign. James was going to use a ceramic sink, but Killings kicked him, and the sink dropped to the floor and shattered. Killings got back in control, but Low Ki, Chris Daniels and Elix Skipper attacked him with weapons. James then pinned Killings on the floor in about five minutes. Low Ki, Daniels and Skipper helped James to leave.


Bob Armstrong came out, complaining about Russo always attacking when the numbers are in their favor. The SAT (Red and the Maximos) came to the ring, and Armstrong dared Russo to send three of his men to the ring. Low Ki, Elix Skipper and Chris Daniels came to the ring, and we've got a six-man tag team match.


Low Ki, Elix Skipper & Chris Daniels defeated The SAT in twenty minutes. Everyone went at it at once, way too much to try and type as it happens. The SAT worked over Low Ki at once, hitting a series of moves on him, then the match settled into a tag match. Daniels tagged in, and the SAT, making quick tags, worked him over. Red hit a series of kicks on Daniels for a two count. Joel hit a powerslam on Daniels for another two. Joel backdropped Daniels to the floor. Elix Skipper came in, as did Low Ki, and the SAT put them in a crab/camel clutch combo, then Red topped it off with a dropkick. The Maximos hit a double bulldog on Daniels for a two count. Daniels mounted a comeback, and tagged Skipper, who pressed Red and dropped him across the top rope. Red got stuck in his opponents cover for a while, double and triple teamed. Low Ki hit a powerdrive elbow on Red for a two count. Red got a small package on Daniels, but the referee was distracted by Skipper. Daniels hit a long suplex, followed by an Arabian press for a two count. Skipper applied a stretch plum on Red, who broke out, but Low Ki tagged in and kept Red from tagging out. Red caught Low Ki with a DDT out of a headscissors. Low Ki went for a running Ki Krusher, but Red turned it into a headscissors, and sent him into the buckles. Red hit a sunset flip style powerbomb on Low Ki, but Skipper broke up the pin. The Maximos tagged in (actually they both tagged in at once) and the match broke down into a six way brawl. Jose hit a tornado DDT on Skipper, but Daniels hit a moonsault on Jose. Joel hit Daniels with Maximo Impact, but Skipper broke that up. Skipper gave Joel a brainbuster for a two count. Skipper tossed Joel to the floor and went after him. Everyone was on the floor. Skipper hit Joel with a corkscrew pescado. Red got a legal tag, and chopped Low Ki. He went for the sunset flip powerbomb again, but Low Ki turned it into a spinebuster, then hit a backbreaker. Low Ki missed a twisting moonsault. Red missed the InfraRed. Low Ki covered, but only got a two count. Joel pounded Skipper on the floor. Red floated out of a Ki Krisher, and rolled up Low Ki for a two count. Low Ki hit a kick for a two count. Don West was standing on the announce table, screaming "Go Red Go". Daniels got in the ring, but Red caught him with a rana for two. Daniels hit a powerbomb out of a back suplex, and tagged Low Ki. Low Ki went for a Mafia kick on Red, but he ducked and Daniels was kicked from the ring. Low Ki hit a handspring into a kick in the corner on Red, but Joel broke up the pin. Jose was pounding Daniels on the floor. Joel and Skipper were brawling on the floor. Red hit a spinkick on Low Ki, then hit the 718 (Rey Mysterio's 619), and a spinning faceplant for a two count. Red hit the Red Star Press on Low Ki, but Daniels broke it up. Skipper powerbombed Red, and Low Ki covered for a two count. Low Ki went for a Ki Krusher off the ropes, but Red escaped, and the Maximos grabbed Low Ki for the Spanish Fly, but Daniels and Skipper broke it up and hit the Last Rites and Overdrive on the Maximos. Red went for a top rope rana on Low Ki, but Ki blocked it and hit a Ki Krusher from the second rope. Low Ki rolled onto Red for the pin. Excellent match.


Vince Russo came back into the ring with BG James, and said they would answer the question as to why there are always tables under the ring. James said "because we put them there". The Harris Brothers put a table in the ring, as Russo ripped on Red verbally. All three members of the SAT were put on the table, but Curt Hennig ran in and attacked Russo's men. Hennig took off his belt and started whipping people. David Flair came in with an ax and hit Hennig with the handle, then put Hennig in a figure four leglock. Jeff Jarrett hit the ring with a chair and began cleaning house, hitting Low Ki with the Stroke, then hitting David Flair with the chair. Jarrett put Flair in a figure four. AJ Styles ran in and attacked Jarrett, while Hennig was beaten down by the Harris brothers. Jarrett was placed on the table, and Skipper and Daniels put him through it from the top rope. Russo took the ax and destroyed the TNA sign by the ramp, saying "The show has been brought to you by Sports Entertainment Extreme" as the show ended.

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Guest dreamer420

Now that was a show a tell you what!


The opening of the show where Low Ki, Daniels, and Skipper arrived and aligned with Russo was great and I'm glad TNA is putting those X Division talents together under SEX.


The ten man gauntlet was a great bout, although it did get a little sloppy at times with Young, Rave, and Steel. I was surprised to see Cross go over since he hasn't had too much exposure from TNA as of yet but I guess this was his big chance.


The segment with Jarrett/SEX was amazing and the heat and emotion for that was off the charts.


I did not expect to see the Road Warriors run in so I was marking out during the 3 way tag match that they interfered in. AMW is fast becoming one of the better tag teams in the world IMO.


The 3 way X title match was decent enough but I really wish Siaki wasn't champion right now. Lynn and Money carried him through that match, and I was really impressed with EZ Money tonight. He is improving by the day it seems like and he and Lynn worked really well together. BTW Dames, the chick who has been helping Siaki is not a hottie at all. She doesn't even compare to Trinity dude.


The street fight was a throw away but it help setup the main event nicely.


The six man tag was a brilliant match that had me on the edge of me seat the whole way. The SAT's looked amazing, and the SEX threesome looked good as well. Don West ruled during this match as I don't think I have ever heard an announcer get so into a match as he did. Easily a ****1/2 match and Red continues to impress as he had to have worked a good 40 minutes tonight.


The end segment with David Flair running in was a bit of a surprise. I knew the WWE had released him not too long ago but I didn't think he would have gotten picked up by TNA. It will be interesting to see what kind of a role he will play in TNA and hopefully it wasn't just his last name that got him the job.


This was probably the best show I have seen thus far form TNA and if they can keep producing product of this caliber, then they are destined for great things.

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Guest bob_barron

I was very happy I finally got to see it but part of me sad I want to get TNA till late February at the earliest.


The main event was tremendous and it makes me very excited I'm going to ROH on the 28th

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I liked the show tonight. I got to see two great long X matches. I'm glad Elix, Daniels, and Lo-Ki got their own match instead of the wild Gauntlet. I didn't mind the whole S.E.X. thing this time around. I guess it's because I missed the original formation of the NWO. At least hopefully, the X trio in SEX will be regulars on the show next year.

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Guest Zack Malibu

David Flair!!!


David FUCKING Flair is back!


Call me crazy, but I marked like a bastard for that. I always found the "crazy kid" gimmick campy yet entertaining, and I was happy to see him.


My only issue is that there are WAY too many people in Russo's group. I understand that Lo Ki and Daniels won't be there every week, so we need some good workers that would actually be around, but let's think logically:




Lo Ki


Kim Neilson

David Flair

AJ Styles (possibly)


All in one night? Sheesh, I hope this doesn't get to be like the NWO where everyone and their mother joins up.


Other than that, a great effort tonight. NWA is doing a good job making stars out of AMW and Red. Main event was off the hook, and was definetly one of the better matches we've seen in a while.

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Guest Zack Malibu

David Flair is great.


Remember the skits he had back in '99, like when he went crazy because The Maestro was playing the piano backstage. Maybe it had no relevance on a wrestling show, but that shit was funny.

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Guest bob_barron

Him attacking the mailman owned.


Anyway- I was very pleased with what I saw tonight and I hope these guys become competition for WWE one day

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Guest Zack Malibu

I'm still waiting on Sanders though. Is that too much to ask? The man has been backstage for the last 4 months! C'mon Russo, you saved his job before, surely you can find something for him to do now...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

That was one of the shows that I truly felt they got it "right".


2 20 minute matches on a TNA show? Who decided that...and give them a raise.


Good Battle Royal, AWESOME Main Event, The X title match couldn't compare to them...but what are you gonna do...Sonny Siaki is champion.


I enjoyed seeing the Road Warriors show up...but as someone said...now we have to watch them wrestle...


I am intrigued by David Flair and really wonder where he's heading in terms of storyline...but then I think...it's David Flair.


Best of all...they actually built up to Styles/JJ some more...and in a good way!


I question making Low-Ki a heel too...but it gives them a built in excuse to use these guys whenever they can now.


I was on the edge of my seat for that last match.


And Don West has grown on me.

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Guest bob_barron

Don West cheering for Red was a bit odd. Does he do this often or was this a first time?


I missed most of the battle royal but the main event was flat out fantastic. Styles v. Jarrett could be awesome- my friend better tape it

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

It was the first time he's gotten up and did that...but he has been cheering Red on from his seat for the last few weeks.


I thought it was neat the first time he did it...but the next two time he tried to start the chant it wasn't as neat.

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21



And they finally used my idea of having the first two people into a rumble be the last two!


I marked for that.

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Guest bob_barron



West wasn't too bad- he has improved greatly since Week 2 when he annoyed the piss out of me during the X match.


Did AMW win the titles?? What big names weren't there last night? I just wanna know who I missed

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I forgot about Rumble 95.


Stupid 60 second entrances...



AMW won the match but it was non-title.


As for who wasn't there...




I think that most people were there in some capacity. JJ and AJ didn't wrestle...but they were there.


Since I don't think we'll see HAll again anytime soon...I think that's everybody.


...oh...Brian Lawler but he never counts.

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Guest bob_barron

Okay cool- glad I got to see everyone.


I'll give my first ever full show a B+. The opening interview was a bit boring and Road Dogg v. Truth sucked- my only complaints

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

Yeah. They really need to learn from all this and keep Road Dogg away from the rest of the roster.


He just isn't any good.

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Guest bob_barron

Road Dogg looks soooooooo gay. I mean someone should tell him Billy-n-Chuck broke up two months ago

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