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Guest Kibagami

PROMO: "Face to Face."

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Guest Kibagami

There are no quotes that can do justice to the bond that exists between brothers. There are no songs, there are no stories, there are hardly any words that can truly describe the intensity of such a relationship. It’s amazing that such a simple thing can be so very hard to put one’s finger on. Perhaps the best words are the simplest. Respect. Companionship. Honor. Trust.


But the pendulum swings both ways; there are painful consequences of this bond as well. Fear. Mistrust. Deceit. Envy...


And there is no deeper hatred than that of brothers.


Is there, Yuuichiro?


You no longer know who you are, brother. I suspect this Orochi of yours is a front, yes, but…this newest flight of fancy goes much deeper than anything I expected. You truly know nothing other than the fight anymore. All you have is the contest, the battle, the…the need to prove yourself. And through this desperate need of yours, you have become very formidable. Yes, formidable indeed. You would blame me, brother. You would thrust all your poor decisions, all your wasted changes, your losses, brother…you would thrust that weight upon my shoulders, not yours. You would lay that crown of thorns on my head before your own. And then? Then you would beat me within in an inch of my life –perhaps even further, given the chance— and you would think yourself exonerated from the past.


But life is not something you can undo, Yuuichiro. If the fight could purge men of their sins, my soul would be as pure as an infant’s. But it isn’t. Neither is yours, brother. No matter how long you stay in the light, your soul will always be stained just as darkly as mine.


You cannot accept that. You refuse to accept who you are, and this and this alone is where we differ. You say that inner peace has long eluded me. That is true. But I have always accepted who I am. Always. Everything I have done has been necessary to my survival, necessary so that one day I might have that peace I seek. One day, I will find that peace…I will snap its neck between my teeth…and then, and only then, I will be whole.


I thought you would understand that. I thought things would be different. But I was wrong. Now the peace you seek demands that you undo all my work, undo every single sacrifice that I have made to be who and what I am. That is something I cannot allow…but you are still my brother. This means something to me, something that may be completely lost on you. I swore to our father on his dying day that you, and you alone, I would look after – while you stayed here, in America, underneath the thumb of the Leper.


That is where we differ. I owe allegiance to no one. You owe allegiances to many. If Nekura were to walk through your door tomorrow morning, you would do as he commands. That is what I mean when I say that you are stained, Yuuichiro, that you are just as dark and just as soiled as I have ever been. You think your hatred of me— and of yourself— will propel you to victory and out of the darkness in your heart. That may be true, my brother. Your desire may be that much brighter than mine. I have fought for seven long years, and my body is beginning to fail me.


But the fact remains.


You have chosen the wrong match in which to defeat me.


I will not fight for Angel. I will not fight for Edwin. I will not fight for our father. And never again will I fight for you.


I will fight because it is what I know.


I will fight because I know, in my heart, that I am the best there has ever been.


I will fight because I can.


I will fight to destroy you, because, Yuuichiro, when you step into that ring, you are the competition.


I obliterate the competition.


I am Yuuichiro Kaesame’s brother. I am our father’s son. I am Angel’s lover, and I am the man who will bring the charlatan known to so many as Edwin MacPhisto to his bloodied, broken knees.


I am Nathaniel Kibagami. I am walking today instead of sitting in a wheelchair because four and a half years ago, I opened my eyes and decided I still wanted to fight. I decided that I would go anywhere, that I would pay any price, that I would do absolutely anything to prevent such humiliation from being visited upon me ever again.


And because of that decision, I am the man you see before you. Every scar, every tattoo, every bit of flesh and muscle and heart and ink and hate and desire to be the best there ever was…this is me.


I am Nathaniel Kibagami, and I own the man I have become more than you will ever understand, brother.


And because of that decision, I am other things, as well.


I am a sadist.


I am a murderer.


I am a psychopath.


I am the last of the Clan.


I am the Slaughterer.


I am the Silent One.


I am Silent, I am absolutely fucking deadly should I choose to be, and that will never change.


And you, Yuuichiro Kaesame, you, Thoth, you, Orochi, you are nothing next to me.


Reflect on who I truly am, Yuuichiro, before you step in the ring on Sunday. Remind yourself of all the brutality and sadism you know me to be capable of, should I deem it necessary. Nothing you have ever seen, nothing you have ever heard, nothing you have ever known can prepare you for what I will do to you for daring to disturb that peace I hold so dear. You are a stone at the end of a very long road, and I will kick you as far out of my way as I possibly can.


You ask for this match to receive redemption. I will damn you instead, Yuuichiro, I will damn you again, and again, and again, and again, and again.


You blame me for the mistakes you have made in your life. I will show you where the blame truly lies, Thoth. I will show you again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again.


You would finally give meaning to this empty fight of yours by defeating me, Orochi. I will beat you. I will beat you again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again…until you can fight no more. Until you can move no longer. Until you breathe your last, little brother, if that is what I must do, then I will do it, and you know that I have done this before.


Then know this, little brother…I am not afraid to do it again.


You dug your grave, brother of mine, when you challenged Nathaniel Kibagami. Before Sunday, before you reap what you have sown, find your peace. Accept yourself. Because this Sunday, you will know, once and for all, who you truly are. This Sunday, you will know how far one man can fall in pursuit of redemption. This Sunday, you will understand how far another man will go to receive his vengeance. This Sunday, you will find, despite all you have done, despite the masks you wear, despite how hard you fight, there are some challenges you are not ready to make. This Sunday, you will finally do battle with a man you cannot best. This Sunday, you will enter a fight you cannot hope to win.


Because this Sunday, in the ring you have come to love and hate so much….


…in that ring is the grave you have dug yourself, and I will lay you into it. It will be long, it will be hard, and I will never forgive myself for it. It will haunt me until the day that I die. I say this…because Sunday is not that day.


On Sunday, in front of the entire world, Nathaniel Kibagami will lay Orochi in his grave. And if that dpes not help you see the light, little brother…


…then in that grave…then the Silent One WILL bury you.

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Guest realitycheck
But the fact remains.


You have chosen the wrong match in which to defeat me.


I will not fight for Angel. I will not fight for Edwin. I will not fight for our father. And never again will I fight for you.

You'll pardon me if I shivered when I read that line.


A very powerful, and very excellent retaliation promo. <3 promo wars, and all that.


I love the way the character stances have turned, somewhat... You can feel, deep down, that Nathan is not a psycopath, he does still care about his brother, and he's doing this regrettfully... as much as he repeated differently. Though, that might be wrong, it is just my take. I've always felt when someone repeats a point, they're trying to convince themselves as much as someone else... :)


Regardless, great promo. Bravo to you, too, Silent.



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Guest 5_moves_of_doom

Wow, Silent's going to bury Thoth.




Great rebuttle promo Silent; some deep and twisted shit there, which will HOPEFULLY lead to a deep and twisted match. (Y) @ this being 10-fold better than Genesis' HIAC.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

Well, with Thoth's help, Silent has successfully turned the FreakyMeter all the way up to 11 tonight. Marvelous work, and I've got a match of the night for the PPV lined up in my mind, then.

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Guest Thoth

Well, fuck. Bury me? I could counter-promo, but I need to start the actual match.


But if you think I'm contrived, that I'm blind... well, everyone can see in the shining light...

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Wow, this was pretty slick, S.


If this is any indication of how good the actual match will be than i think we will be in for one hell of a doozy. MOTM quite possibly! This added tension should serve as a driving force to make the match all the better and far bloodier. One could only hope anyways.

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Guest Dopey
There are no quotes that can do justice to the bond that exists between brothers. There are no songs, there are no stories, there are hardly any words that can truly describe the intensity of such a relationship. It’s amazing that such a simple thing can be so very hard to put one’s finger on. Perhaps the best words are the simplest. Respect. Companionship. Honor. Trust.


Dude!!! Killer Post!!! :cheers:


And now, I have a bus to catch!

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Guest Powerplay

Breathtaking. I really like these internal monologue-style promos, and I think this instance is very fitting for it, since this is a psychological feud rather than a match-based feud. Again, the same stuff I said with Orochi's promo. I'm sure this will be a match of the year candidate if not the match of the year itself.

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