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Guest kingkamala

(in William Shatner voice)Too....many.....newbies

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Yeah. I like alot of them but some of them have a broom up their asses.

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Guest Banky

CWM, do you know why my 'alter-ego' was banned? I don't want him back I just want an official reason.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I think it was saying that he was a troll before, which may have led some mod to think that it was a previously banned person.

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Guest Banky
I think it was saying that he was a troll before, which may have led some mod to think that it was a previously banned person.

Huh, I see. Thats not fair. They should've checked before banning someone like that. I was definatly expecting a more valid reason because I couldn't think of *1* rule I broke.

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Guest Banky

Can Nash flow like Cena? Cena is the illest motherfucker in the company. Quite honestly, I don't think there isn't anyone who fears Cena - except Chevy Chase.

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Guest Incandenza

My only complaint about WDI is how the moment someone criticizes it, a handful of people get EXTREMELY pissy. Can they not handle having someone piss on their supposed paradise? Other than that, they seem alright.

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Guest Incandenza

Oh, and I see no reason for Banky being banned. Both Evenflow and The Czech Republic have had alter egos banned in the past, yet they're still here.


Carry on.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
My only complaint about WDI is how the moment someone criticizes it, a handful of people get EXTREMELY pissy. Can they not handle having someone piss on their supposed paradise? Other than that, they seem alright.

Yeah they freaked on BX for that.

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Guest DrTom
Anyways friends, I'll most likely be banned for admitting to being this character so thanks for the good times. If for some surprising reason I am allowed to stay on, then I'll see you all soon.

Spare us all the martyr complex. It's quite unbecoming.


Alter egos with troll tendencies get banned. If you'd like to avoid the perception of being a troll, perhaps you'd like to whisper to the voices in your head that they shouldn't go around hinting that they're trolls, or have been trolls in the past.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I'm actually interested in hearing more about Axl Holmes.


Also, I did get banned. Not the name, but my IP, and since that happened in SC where I'm on Ethernet and thus have a static IP, I was blocked from accessing the board for a few days. You won't believe what I had to do to get Dames to unban my IP...

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Probably XXX-rated.


I have an equation for it:


Dames' tongue + asshole = RATINGS!!!


(you can also say "slobberknocker" if you want to get sick about it)

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Guest Banky
Anyways friends, I'll most likely be banned for admitting to being this character so thanks for the good times. If for some surprising reason I am allowed to stay on, then I'll see you all soon.

Spare us all the martyr complex. It's quite unbecoming.


Alter egos with troll tendencies get banned. If you'd like to avoid the perception of being a troll, perhaps you'd like to whisper to the voices in your head that they shouldn't go around hinting that they're trolls, or have been trolls in the past.

Give me a break. Everyone called me a troll, I was playing along. Find me one piece of evidence of me being a troll, please. If you don't find evidence, NWOOW should be unbanned due to unsubstantiated reasoning.


And I was being quite serious about my goodbye. Of course, Dr. Tom would know better than me anyway.


Also, don't patronize me with your little spiel about me responding to the little voices in my head. I could care less if anyone thinks I'm a troll, all I ask is for valid evidence if/when I get banned. But now you'll search and tomorrow when I'll wake up I will be banned.

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Guest evenflowDDT

I'm still interested in Axl Holmes, because I never frequented WDI.


As for what I had to do to get unbanned... well, let's just say I "exercised poor taste". It wasn't a slobberknocker, but it was INTENSE~! I certainly was a "blood freak" by the end though...

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Guest SP-1

An experiment . . . were you trying to see how easily one can get banned, Banky? Or were you pursuing it for another reason? I mean, that might sound like I'm being a smartass, I'm not. I'm genuinely curious.


What were you trying to do?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Seriously, a show of hands. Does anyone honestly give a fuck about this situation one way or the other?


Well, I don't.

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Guest SP-1

It's not that I care, really. The gimmick wasn't that great, especially not by Banky standards, in my opinion. Could care less about the banning itself.


But Banky's statement that it was an experiment of some sort has my interest.

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Guest EL BRUJ0
Quite honestly, I don't think there isn't anyone who fears Cena - except Chevy Chase.
Chevy vs. Cena would tear the hiz-ouse down.

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Guest EL BRUJ0
I'm still interested in Axl Holmes, because I never frequented WDI.


Evenflow, first click here to see who Banky was spoofing with the Axl Holmes gimmick.


Then click here for the actual spoof.

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Guest Banky

It was an experiment to see by just having a lame name if people would automatically NOT take you seriously. I immediatly got called a troll and such simply because of my name and beliefs. That was my experiment.


"Seriously, a show of hands. Does anyone honestly give a fuck about this situation one way or the other?"


Then why the FUCK! are you in this thread? Get the fuck out if you don't care. No one made you click on it. No one made you read it. No one made you respond to it. If you don't care, get lost. Honestly.

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Guest The Hollywood Fashion Plate

You know, I might have to take this matter into my own hands and run a Smark Rumble myself... *pauses pensively*

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Guest kingkamala
You know, I might have to take this matter into my own hands and run a Smark Rumble myself... *pauses pensively*

Screw the Newbie Royal Rumble let's have a Smark Royal Rumble! But how do we pick the numbers? Who's going to win it? I'm not against jobbing as long as I can go ape shit on whoever eliminates me ala The Undertaker with Maven at Royal Rumble last year. I elect Metal Ed as #30 for this Smark Royal Rumble.

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Guest Midnight Express83

Rumble needs to be pre planned. Battle Royal is easier. That is the easiest way to do it.


BTW: Anyone who gets banned for having a gimmick poster shouldn't bitch about it. Just be glad that they weren't banned. This is a message board. Whats with the pointless drama?

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Guest Banky
BTW: Anyone who gets banned for having a gimmick poster shouldn't bitch about it. Just be glad that they weren't banned. This is a message board. Whats with the pointless drama?

He wasn't a GIMMICK POSTER! He was me with a different name - thats all. I said I liked the nWo, thats it. Just for that reason, I got verbally bootfucked. As I said, it was an experiment and showed how pigheaded some people can be.


Uh oh, you must be a gimmick poster too, you like the Midnight Express. Wait, but it is socially accepted on the IWC to like them. The nWo should be hated by everyone because all smart marks MUST have the same uniform beliefs about everything involving the business.

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Guest EL BRUJ0
Whats with the pointless drama?

We're saving it for somebody's momma.


(that somebody being one EIW EandC)

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Guest Banky

EIW wouldn't last a second any place where he isn't in control. Because his temper tantrums and painfully unfunny humor wouldn't be accepted by the masses. Sadly enough, I think that guy is the biggest problem with the place. And yes, Blake is a total tool and I do not apologize for the slandering of his punk ass.

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