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Who is your least favorite poster...

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Guest subliminal_animal
I'm just wondering, that is all. Is there anyone here that is well known and liked, but you are just irked by them or their posting habits?




for me it is that ghey poster bubble boy a complete tool who in the hell would admit to liking bubbleboy and then be proud of it !!! proud of what a boy in a bubble oh yeah real original and all to funny

I've never read a Bubble Boy post, but I think this guy is Bubble Boy. "all to funny" is a nice phrase, though.


for me it's the one and only bubble boy that guys blows


I like this guy in a silly, platonic way.


He's only pretending to be dumb, you know.


The guy is a complete pyscho, ask anyone from WDI, he now says he hates it but he'd bother anyone remotly connected with WDI trying to get back in and when he was in acted like a nut.

I bet he talked about rape and killing people a lot.

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Guest wolverine

Totally agree, L4W. I hardly ever use that term since it sounds so goddamn stupid, especially considering half the people saying it probably don't even know that they're saying "Pro" as in professional.


"Hey I've got some pro questions!" What, as opposed to amateur questions?

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