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Guest Kingpk

Think your government sucks?

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Guest cartman

The Democratic States of Blaspemy

"Rape the Rich to feed the Poor"


UN Category: Democratic Socialists

Civil Rights: Average Economy: Developing Political Freedoms: Good


Location: The TSM Alliance


The Democratic States of Blaspemy is a small, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its compulsory military service. Its hard-nosed population of 12 million are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.


The enormous, socially-minded government juggles the competing demands of Education, Law & Order, and Social Welfare. The average income tax rate is 38%, but much higher for the wealthy. A small but healthy private sector is dominated by the Information Technology industry.


All tarrifs have been abolished, euthanasia is legal, it is illegal to make racist remarks in public, and showpopotamuss are considered a delicacy. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Blaspemy's national animal is the showpopotamus, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its currency is the maseta.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I was trying to be diplomatic, people. And Strong Bad went off and did all of that without me even knowing about it until those Gay Alliance people told me about it.


Although a war sounds like it's interesting, to read at least.

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Guest Gimmick Poster.com

I posted I was going to invade on the slow ass message board over there. That's warning enough. Besides, they were pissed at us first, for no reason, except that we wouldb't support their issues and form an Alliance with them. Why not invade them and wage a war (of words)? It's better than just sitting around.

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Guest areacode212

Son of a bitch...someone already took the name I wanted (SHODAN), and they even have a custom SHODAN flag. Hopefully that person forgets about the game after 21 days.


OK, here's my nation:



(this doesn't reflect my rl politics)


Is anyone going to read this Jennifer Government book that the game is based on?

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Guest evenflowDDT

Depending on how much it costs, I'd read the book. Although it'd have to wait until next quarter since I'm already several days behind in my reading for class this quarter.

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Guest evenflowDDT

But... I don't visit the games folder? Damn you areacode, forcing me to expand my horizons and whatnot.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Location: The TSM Alliance


The Rogue Nation of Grindcore is a tiny, environmentally stunning nation, notable for its absence of drug laws. Its compassionate, intelligent population of 5 million have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.


The medium-sized government juggles the competing demands of Social Welfare, Defence, and Religion & Spirituality. The average income tax rate is 15%, but much higher for the wealthy. An almost nonexistent private sector is dominated by the Trout Farming industry.


Crime is a problem, probably because of the country's utter lack of prisons. Grindcore's national animal is the roach, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the joint.




Just so you all know, I'm running drugs through your countries.

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Guest HollywoodSpikeJenkins

Location: the South Pacific

The Republic of Spike Jenkins is a tiny, environmentally stunning nation, remarkable for its absence of drug laws. Its compassionate, intelligent population of 5 million are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.


The enormous government juggles the competing demands of Education, Social Welfare, and Healthcare. The average income tax rate is 37%, but much higher for the wealthy. A tiny private sector is dominated by the Beef-Based Agriculture industry.


Crime is moderate, and the police force struggles against a lack of funding and a high mortality rate. Spike Jenkins's national animal is the dog, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the money of hollywood.




Drug Laws = BAD

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Guest Kotzenjunge

I leave for a day and the thread is moved! I've probably got eight more telegrams from the Gay Alliance people.


DAMN YOU NEW X-BOX FOR MAKING ME FORGET ABOUT TIME!!! I was up until 6 this morning playing Sega GT 2002... so tired...

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Guest TheArchiteck

The Rogue Nation of Archscryption

"No riches without pain you lazy scum!"


UN Category: Iron Fist Consumerists

Civil Rights: Few

Economy: Good

Political Freedoms: Rare


Location: The TSM Alliance


The Rogue Nation of Archscryption is a small, environmentally stunning nation, renowned for its compulsory military service. Its compassionate, cynical population of 18 million are kept under strict control by the oppressive government, which measures its success by the nation's GDP and refers to individual citizens as "human resources."


The enormous, corrupt government juggles the competing demands of Social Welfare, Defence, and Education. The average income tax rate is 25%. A robust private sector is led by the Automobile Manufacturing industry, followed by Basket Weaving and Retail.


Genetic researchers have been expelled, gambling is outlawed, citizens are barcoded to keep track of their movements, and punitive tariffs protect local industry. Crime -- especially youth-related -- is totally unknown, despite the fact that it is difficult to make it through a day without breaking one of the country's many laws. Archscryption's national animal is the legendary black lion, which frolics freely in the nation's many lush forests, and its currency is the imported vodka.

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Guest areacode212
How does war work in NationStates? I thought it didn't exist?

The way I understand it, you have to roleplay your wars (in the forums, or via telegrams or whatever), so there's no actual in-game war system.

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Guest The Electrifyer
How does war work in NationStates? I thought it didn't exist?

The way I understand it, you have to roleplay your wars (in the forums, or via telegrams or whatever), so there's no actual in-game war system.

Thats so gay that even the gay alliance would be ashamed.

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Guest Kahran Ramsus

The Empire of Kahran


UN Category: Corporate Police State

Civil Rights: Outlawed

Economy: Thriving

Political Freedoms: Outlawed


Location: The TSM Alliance

The Empire of Kahran is a tiny, economically powerful nation, notable for its barren, inhospitable landscape. Its hard-nosed, hard-working, cynical population of 5 million are ruled with an iron fist by the corrupt, dictatorship government, which oppresses anyone who isn't on the board of a Fortune 500 company. Large corporations tend to be above the law, and use their financial clout to gain ever-increasing government benefits at the expense of the poor and unemployed.


The small, corrupt, moralistic government devotes most of its attentions to Law & Order, with areas such as Social Welfare and Religion & Spirituality receiving almost no funds by comparison. Citizens pay a flat income tax of 4%. A substantial private sector is led by the Soda Sales industry, followed by Beef-Based Agriculture and Furniture Restoration.


Crime is a problem. Kahran's national animal is the grizzly bear and its currency is the dollar.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

Anyone gotten the same issue twice yet? I just got Organ Harvesting again, it was my first issue also.


Oh, and roleplaying the wars is fucking STUPID. Sheesh, I could just say "My country has fired a gigantic rubber chicken at your country and flattened it. Oh, and we had sex with all of your mothers. They were disappointing. Oh, by the way, I win."

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Guest Will Scarlet

I have had a few of the same issues twice. Heck, I believe I ended up getting one about corporations giving money for elections like three times. I finally took a stance in hopes of getting it out of the way.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

The strange thing is that I didn't dismiss it the first time, nor have I dismissed any issue so far. I feel I always need to take a stance on everything. After all, I need to have a country worthy of being the TSM Alliance's UN Delegate.

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Guest The Electrifyer

That happened to me with the last two issues I had. An organ donation one and the nudity one, which was my first issue.

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Guest areacode212

How did you manage that in less than a day? I guess I never realized how well that Repo Man philosophy works.


And yeah, this game would have been a lot better if they had implemented some kind of in-game war & economy system. I can enjoy a certain amount of role-playing (I'm "playing" SHODAN from the System Shock games), but I get bored when you have to role-play everything. Just let me launch nukes & send spies without having to write out a whole fucking fanfic about it.

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Guest CED Ordonez

Does anyone have the link to Earth:2025? I can't nuke the beejeezus out of anyone in NationStates, and I really have the urge to go nuke the beejeezus out of somebody.

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Guest The Electrifyer

Earth: 2025 has far more things that a real country would do. I still like NationStates, but Earth: 2025's war options are much more fun.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Well with nationstates...you can just spend a few minutes with...(unless you RP)

Earth 2025 requires a lot more attention.

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Guest EricMM

Is Earth:2025 as fucked up as Nationstates? I've spent the last 20 minutes trying to decide on one of my issues, but it often says page not found or something...

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Guest areacode212

Earth: 2025 has a much higher learning curve. I think once I get used to it, it'll turn out to be pretty easy, but it takes a while to figure out what's going on.

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Guest Kotzenjunge

NationStates is perfect for me, because I really can't stand strategy games. Also, the black screen of the site is less psychologically pleasing than the white screen of NationStates.

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Guest areacode212

I wonder if your population increases at a faster rate if you approve the human cloning issue.

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