Guest EricMM Report post Posted January 4, 2003 Metal Gear Solid 2. I played it as a greatest hits. thought I was getting my money's worth. I think if I had skipped all the cutscenes, chats, and such, I'd have three hours of gametime, especially at the end. Worse yet, I would never sit and read a book that had such a convulated and confusing plot, let alone one that was so freeaking pretentious. Look, you have a giant robot. Leave it at that! But NOOOOOOOOO. The ending was probably the worst ending I've ever sat and played through. Considering Metal Gear Solid was one of my most favorite games, plot especially, this is just painful. Whos with me..? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redbaron51 Report post Posted January 4, 2003 what are you talking about.... MGS2 was an amazing story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted January 4, 2003 Yeah until the part after you do the sniper battle with Vamp when he has a hostage. Everything after that becomes STUPID Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest redbaron51 Report post Posted January 4, 2003 *spoiler who hasn't played MSG2* You don't like the whole idea of the re-creation of Shadow Moses??? That this was a big game all the way through, a big simulation set up by the Patriots... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Kingpk Report post Posted January 4, 2003 *More MGS2 Spoilers* I think he means the whole "controlling information" spiel the AI "Colonel" talks to you about before the final battle with Solidus. That seemed to me as just tacked on. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheZsaszHorsemen Report post Posted January 4, 2003 Biggest MGS2 Spoilers Possible What about the absoulutly retarded final plot twist that the Partiots have all been dead for 100 years? Is that just there to confuse us? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jimmy no nose Report post Posted January 4, 2003 I liked MGS 2's story. The plot twists were kind of overdone, but really Kojima just likes to throw people off constantly. If you can try to follow it along, which is hard, it isn't too bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Metal Maniac Report post Posted January 4, 2003 I hated the ending of FFVII...not that the storyline was bothersome, but WHAT KIND OF FINAL BATTLE WAS THAT? *The following could probably be construed as spoilers, but I think the game is old enough that you shouldve all played it by now anyway, so this was probably kind of a needless message, but whatever.* I mean, I put like an extra 15 hours into that game just for levelling up and getting all the goods, then beating the Weapons. And the Weapons were TOUGH SHIT. I took them out, then I head on in to the cave, which was pretty rough in it's own right. Then I get to Seripitoh (Whatever that fucker's name was) and it's like..."Here we go...this motherfucker has been raising hell...this is gonna be rough..." First off, I don't even know WHAT the fuck that was supposed to be. I expected, you know, A PERSON, but instead there's this giant...THING. Whatever. It wouldn't have bothered me as much if he had least fought back, however, I butchered him with literally NO trouble. Like, I just ran right through him. I was so dissapointed. Couldn't they have made him just a little powerful? Fer frig's sakes... Course, it could be partly my own fault, as I had my party built up so much that they pretty well all had 9999 HP and usually did about 9999 damage, with a 4X-Cut Materia. Except Barrett, who ALWAYS 9999 damage on every attack. I also had the whole KOTR set-up where summoning them gave me back HP and MP, but whatever... Bottom line, I expected a Mr. Dream, and got Glass Joe. Not happy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Will Scarlet Report post Posted January 4, 2003 Legend of Legaia - 5 endings and they all sucked. Amazing. Thousand Arms - Funny game, but the ending left a lot to be desired. It was forgettable and completely forgot about a few major plot points. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lethargic Report post Posted January 4, 2003 The endings to sports games always suck. Oh look, there's a picture of a trophy. Wow. It really sucked to go through 82 games in NBA2K3 and then the playoffs, only to get rewarded with the exact same picture of a trophy from NBA2K2 with no difference at all. Sports games take more to get through than any other game just on pure time alone. Football is only 16 games or whatever so that's not too bad. But to play all the way through a basketball, baseball or hockey season and not even get to see anything worthwhile is terrible. The only sports game that pleased me with a good ending is NFL Fever 2003. You get an extra surprise game and some special bonuses unlocked and things like that. Doing that makes you actually glad you took all the time to get that far AND encourages you to play another season to see what else you can get. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Man in Blak Report post Posted January 4, 2003 *** Yep, there's SPOILARZ ahead. *** Before we go any further, Maniac is right - FFVII gets the nod for the worst ending of all time, PERIOD. Let's just disregard the whole end-game, which could be bested by an autistic three-year old who plays by bashing his head against the controller. After grinding through a 40 hour RPG, I want some fucking character resolution, not some ham-fisted "artistic statement" that conveniently trashes almost every character for the sheer purpose of planting the seeds of Square's bizarre tree-hugging fetish in the minds of our children. For pulling out one of the all-time lamest bait-and-switch endings of all time, it was only fucking KARMA that virtually everything that Square touched for the next three years sank like the Titanic. BULLSHIT and BULLSHIT again. As for MGS2... ...well, come on. What did you really expect? Metal Gear Rex flying around like Voltron with a tail for no reason. Ocelot having conversations with his left hand. Rose. The downright bizarre incest angle with Otacon that basically destroys his character. Bosses like Vamp and Fortune running around on water and shrugging off rocket blasts like they're some kind of twisted gecko jesus. The entire simulation concept which, while is somewhat interesting, is such a pretentious slap in the face that I almost turned the game off right when I read it. Metal Gear Solid 2 might as well be a frickin' B-level anime, with Vince Russo in charge of the script. The patriot connection still makes absolutely NO fucking sense and, to this day, I still cannot divine exactly why Raiden and Solidus fight at the end, even after they both admit they're being played by the Patriots like dueling banjos. But, despite having one of the most bizarre and inexplicable plots ever to grace your television screen, I still maintain that MGS2: Sons of Liberty offers up one of the most surreal and insane 60 minute segments that I have ever played. (That would be the "naked Raiden" infiltration segment, with garbled communications from the Colonel AI about "infiltrating Outer Heaven" and a Wisconsin-State-Fair-ASS load of Metal Gears to fight off by yourself.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Angle-plex Report post Posted January 4, 2003 The patriot connection still makes absolutely NO fucking sense and, to this day, I still cannot divine exactly why Raiden and Solidus fight at the end, even after they both admit they're being played by the Patriots like dueling banjos. *SPOILERS* Didn't it have something to do with the Patriots having Olga's baby, and Raiden had to do what they said or they would kill it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted January 5, 2003 *SPOILERS* But, despite having one of the most bizarre and inexplicable plots ever to grace your television screen, I still maintain that MGS2: Sons of Liberty offers up one of the most surreal and insane 60 minute segments that I have ever played. (That would be the "naked Raiden" infiltration segment, with garbled communications from the Colonel AI about "infiltrating Outer Heaven" and a Wisconsin-State-Fair-ASS load of Metal Gears to fight off by yourself.) Oh make no mistake about it, when you were talking to the colonel and all of a sudden his image changed, and your radar was suddenly an image of something else, I thought it was pretty damn trippy, almost Eternal Darkness level. If they had just ended with the plot that MGS2 was supposed to be a recreation of MGS, that in order to make it perfect there had to be the real threat of nuclear destruction, thus if you didn't pass the test people would die, I'd have been fine with it. None of this Controlling Information spiel. None of this bullshit ending focusing on New York with Snake going on about controlling the future. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT!? **End spoilers** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KoR Fungus Report post Posted January 5, 2003 If they had just ended with the plot that MGS2 was supposed to be a recreation of MGS, that in order to make it perfect there had to be the real threat of nuclear destruction, thus if you didn't pass the test people would die, I'd have been fine with it. None of this Controlling Information spiel. None of this bullshit ending focusing on New York with Snake going on about controlling the future. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THE POINT!? **End spoilers** Oh come on, this from an anime fan? It's not at all unusual for Japanese stories to wind up with bizarre, convuluted endings that create more questions than they answer. The ending wasn't great, but all the twists were relatively interesting, even if some of the later ones were very unnecessary. Worst ending ever? FF9 hands down. MGS2's ending was so much better than FF9's that I'm not even going to waste time with a comparison. As for the game, it's short, but so was MGS. The replay value comes from getting the dog tags in order to unlock everything, and just enjoying the great stealth gameplay and playing around with the environments. I didn't think it was a disappointment at all (except for the last 15 minutes of the ending), and imo it was GOTY 2001. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Paul Stanley 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2003 Donkey Kong Country- The ending is really awesome now, but the first time i played it i thought i won..FAKE ENDING, and it caught me unexpected and i lost. Now as i think about it, it's BRILLIANT~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EL DANDY~! 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2003 Oh MAN I so fucking disagree with you guys on the ending for FFVII. It ENDS like it should. You just whooped Sephiroth's ass. Without his powers, he is just a common man, although the star part makes no sense. Red XIIIs taking over the world do, because he's smarter than human beings. I loved it. I think it was a good ending. It wasn't mega-spectacular like the game itself, but the ending fit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TheZsaszHorsemen Report post Posted January 5, 2003 I thought GTA3 was overrated but even I have to admit it was GOTY 2001. MGS didn't deliever as far as amount of gameplay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted January 5, 2003 *****SPOILERS***** Oh come on, this from an anime fan? It's not at all unusual for Japanese stories to wind up with bizarre, convuluted endings that create more questions than they answer. The ending wasn't great, but all the twists were relatively interesting, even if some of the later ones were very unnecessary. No coincedence that I was getting a total Eva vibe from the ending of the game, except Eva did it better, and had built up to it. And when I'm watching a movie, it's almost acceptable to read text for 30 minutes. Not in any videogame. I never even PLAYED final fantasy 9 and the ending I saw was awful, but at least it was willing to be less than 10 minutes of text. One of the reasons MGS2's ending was so bad was that I was stupid enough not to hit X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and skip every conversation, because I was afraid I'd miss something *hah!* good. Most of the game was fine, and if I skip the cutscenes I'll probably have a good time. But I can't remember playing a game that was so badly written since maybe Xenogears. And when you're having chu-chu crucified, it's pretty bad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest the pinjockey Report post Posted January 5, 2003 You want trippy, try playing the last part that Man in Blak was talking about after playing for about seven straight hours, sitting in the pitch black dark with all but the TV off and honestly thought I was losing it and that my console was actually having problems. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Youth N Asia Report post Posted January 5, 2003 Final Fantasy for the NES...took forever to get my levels up to about 35, then all you get is a text ending. Text endings are the worst Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest KoR Fungus Report post Posted January 5, 2003 No coincedence that I was getting a total Eva vibe from the ending of the game, except Eva did it better, and had built up to it. And when I'm watching a movie, it's almost acceptable to read text for 30 minutes. Not in any videogame. I never even PLAYED final fantasy 9 and the ending I saw was awful, but at least it was willing to be less than 10 minutes of text. One of the reasons MGS2's ending was so bad was that I was stupid enough not to hit X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and skip every conversation, because I was afraid I'd miss something *hah!* good. Most of the game was fine, and if I skip the cutscenes I'll probably have a good time. But I can't remember playing a game that was so badly written since maybe Xenogears. And when you're having chu-chu crucified, it's pretty bad ***SPOILERS*** Bah don't bash the writing of the entire game just because the ending was bad. Up until the shocking swerves started, it was perfectly fine. You can't tell me that Solidus killing Olga and then destroying all the Rays wasn't beautifully done. I was totally into the plot the whole way through, and while I certainly admit that they did a bad job of tying it all up, for the most part I thought the writing was pretty damn good. The length of the ending didn't particularly bother me. You weren't just reading text the whole time, you also got some pretty damn good video. Solidus reaching up at the George Washington statue, grasping at the freedom that he wasn't able to obtain, was good stuff. Yeah Kojima screwed it up by reverting to that gene nonsense (he needs to get over his obsession with genes, sigh), but at least the plot resolved itself, for the most part. Compare that with FF9, where they didn't even try to explain the final boss nor how Zidane survived. At least MGS2 felt complete. Eh shrug, maybe it's just that I like videogame plot more than most people. I've never had a problem sitting through 30 minutes of plot, as long as it's good. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted January 5, 2003 *****STILL SPOILERS!***** The thing is, I agree, most of the game was FINE, in terms of writing. Not MGS1 fine, because for instance, MGS1 had Psycho Mantis, and Psycho Mantis posssesing Meryl, and it had a good concise plot that, while it definitely got a little weird at the end (golf war syndrome?) didn't leave it's bounds. MGS2's ending CLEARLY soured me on the game as a whole. Maybe that's not fair, but that's how I felt when the game was over, and Snake was telling me about passing the torch on, or some shit. Some useless shit. It just felt like them addressing digital age P2P information exchange, or the American culture of Truths, or all the other stuff at the end was just useless. The point of the ending to anything is to draw someone in and cap off the story. I don't personally feel that what happened at the end of the game had anything to do with the beginning, or middle. It was just added on. And for crying out loud, I want to hate the last boss if I'm going to kill him. I want to feel that I am accomplishing something by killing him and saving the world. What the hell did killing Solidus accomplish? How did I save the world? What happened to Arsenal (sitting in the midst of New York or WAS it since there weren't even any people until they suddenly reappeared.) What happened to all the nukes, and what happened to anything else? That's one of the main issues I had with that game. The other one, (as someone said) was that they totally villified all of the Emmerich family. He slept with his step mom which caused his father to kill himself, and his sister in law wants to have sex with him and AAHHHH no! this is NOT Springer, why do that to Otacon? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Renegade Report post Posted January 5, 2003 Oh MAN I so fucking disagree with you guys on the ending for FFVII. It ENDS like it should. You just whooped Sephiroth's ass. Without his powers, he is just a common man, although the star part makes no sense. Red XIIIs taking over the world do, because he's smarter than human beings. I loved it. I think it was a good ending. It wasn't mega-spectacular like the game itself, but the ending fit. Your the first then. The ending to FFVII blew beyond anything i could have expected. Then again the game went down through the mid point of CD2 *spoilers* I mean when I learned that Sepiroth was actually in the crater the whole time and he actually didnt kill Aeries, and that he actually lost to a pussy Cloud with one stab, I really counldt give a shit about Sepiroth anymore. Then we get to the ending, holy clears the bad from the world, suggesting that all human kind has been removed and everything is green and nice and pleasant...what is that about? Every characters story is killed right there, after all the development you get jack to conclude it with. Hell Square might of just as well had put a black screen with white writing saying "They all died in their sleep and thats it" for an ending. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Respect The 'Taker Report post Posted January 5, 2003 Biggest MGS2 Spoilers Possible What about the absoulutly retarded final plot twist that the Partiots have all been dead for 100 years? Is that just there to confuse us? What do you exactly make of that? I thought possibly it is a tie in with the next installment of the series that they will be making (if there is another one on the horizon). It's is unbelieveably hard to grab the concept of a political powerhouse party running a country when it's been extinct for the past century. Eh...where's the creator of Metal Gear when you need him... ...better yet, where's his English interpreter? UYI - Rates MGS2 best game E-E-E-E-E-EVER made Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Metal Maniac Report post Posted January 5, 2003 You know, I forgot to mention this about FFVII... *SPOILAHZ~!* Was anyone else totally not impressed by Aeries' death? I mean, Christ...When I first saw it, I literally though to myself "No big deal, I'll just cure her when I get a chance, and be on my merry way." But apparantly, when they die THIS time, they can't be ressurected. I dunno, maybe I'M nuts, and your characters were only "unconcious" or whatever when they got killed in battle, but somehow, after losing characters left and right but bringing them back with no problems, I don't see how losing one in a video clip is any more important. Annoyed the piss outta me when I realized that she was *very* dead. It just seemed kinda silly to me. Though I must confess that I had a REALLY hard time following that damn game's storyline, to the point that I'm really not sure what happened at the end of the bloody thing. Hell, I don't know what half the game meant. I'm all for a good storyline, but I mean...I'd like a storyline I can follow without having to have a FFVII Cliff's Note's right next to me. And as far as the VERY final battle goes, I can see the logic in having a Seprioth (You'd think I could spell that by now) vs. Cloud, one-on-one battle. Hell, I can see why they would want it to end with the Omni-Slash. But would it have been THAT hard to just program the battle so that it can only END with Omni-Slash, but you don't get it right away? Like, just have the battle go, one-on-one, make it fairly rough, and all you gotta do is last long enough to nail the Omni-Slash. I dunno, I woulda found THAT more satisfying then "Hold on for a second there Sep, I gotta get pissed first..." Now, onto Metal Gear Solid (The SPOILAHZ~! rage on): First off, I could hardly follow THAT storyline, because of all the weird twists and turns. Secondly, I expected that the game would be more "true-to-life" as it were. Like, plausible situations and such. I didn't expect that I'd have to fight some schmoe with a bird on his shoulder carrying a friggin' gun that was bigger then ME. That alone was kind of a dissapointment. Then the ending itself was some sort of "life message" or some BS - It's been a while, but if I remember correctly, it just goes into this rant about how you have to live life to the fullest, or something. It was really cheesy, I remember that. I don't want that kinda crap at the end of a game - I want "YOU ARE AWESOME~!" on big bold letters scrolling across the screen and a fireworks display in the background fer chrissakes. I wanna be congratulated, not lectured. Finally, there was this one thing that pissed me off to no end... Here was this gigantic, hulking machine that posed a threat to the entire world, and could not be stopped by any single army. This thing had the power to rule the world... SO HOW IN THE NAME OF HOLY HELL CAN ONE MAN TAKE IT DOWN BY HIMSELF????? It's possible I missed something in the storyline, but I blew the thing up (Fuck, that was hard) and just sat there thinking about how GREAT and TERRIBLE this thing was, when it couldn't kill A SINGLE PERSON. Ugh...See, this is why I stick to Tony Hawk games. None of this "story" BS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted January 5, 2003 Yes in battle in FF games I believe your characters only get knocked out. I don't believe they die. I enjoyed both games. I enjoy trippy endings that take a while to figure out. *cough*Xenogearsplot*cough* It's a lot better than defeating the bad guy and being like "Oh look this is the castle with the real princess! And she made me a cake!" Oh and the ending sequence of MSG2. Yes I did it alone in my room in the dark at 3 am. I thought I was going to be killed by a demon or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest EricMM Report post Posted January 5, 2003 *SPOILERS* When the Colonel was speaking in tounges right before you got your clothes back, I had been playing for hours, sleep deprived, I thought I was going insane. When he started speaking about MGS1, and then other MGS stuff, and then Japanese, and then even more random shit, while his image got totally cracked out, THAT was good. The ending however, had nothing to do with that... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BorneAgain Report post Posted January 5, 2003 Spoilers!!!!!!!!!!!! Hell, I've thought about the ending to MSG2 so many times, and the damn thing still doesn't make any sense. Were these weird creatures controlling the Patriots? Is the Rose that Raiden hugged the same one who was belittling him over Codec? Where the hell is Olga's baby? And what the fuck does all this controlling information crap mean?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Your Paragon of Virtue 0 Report post Posted January 5, 2003 I remember taking forever to finish Tomb Raider on PS, only to be rewarded with Lara Croft jumping around like an idiot. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted January 6, 2003 Well it happened subtely at first at the end of MGS2 with the colonel. Like when he started acting weird and you could faintly see the skull behind his face, that was freaky. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites