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The Dames

Oh, you KNOW the deal...

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Guest Pegasus Kid

You and I differ greatly on match ratings so I'm not going to bitch about that too much EXCEPT for that tag titles match which I thought you praised way too highly. I was reviewing this show up until that tag match and after what seemed like at he millionth minute of The Church smoking out Storm I said "FUCK! FORGET IT!" I really wanted to like that show; especially after that AWESOME opening video, which (for guys like me who are a bit out of the loop) was a great way to introduce the SEX vs TNA plot.


I'm surprised you didn't touch on that fact that Cross (despite being in his third match as you pointed out) outright carried Siaki through that match. Siaki basically had to stand and/or lie there and Cross did everything around him. That kid'll be great one day assuming he doesn't kill himself doing one of those insane bumps.


On a last note; I found it odd that you said Jarrett had it easy against Daniels when Daniels pretty much got 90% of the offense in and lost to a surprise Stroke.


Good review.

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Guest nikowwf

Do you think the lack of quality wrestling tonight was an abberation, or a confirmation that russo is sinking his teeth in?



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Guest Pegasus Kid
Do you think the lack of quality wrestling tonight was an abberation, or a confirmation that russo is sinking his teeth in?



I blame the lack of quality on the talent to be honest. If you look at the matches:


- Opener basically consisted of mid level indy talent and you got exactly what you'd expect from that caliber.


- X-Division had a hard worker carrying a lazy ass with charisma to something watchable


- Tag titles ran FOREVER and the match quality can be placed mainly on the Church not knowing how to kill Storm while keeping the crowd into it.


- Truth and Lynn carry two sandbags to something not even watchable


- Jarrett basically let XXX run him over until the finishes of each match.


If you cut the crap talent and put the good talent in matches then you get good results. The poor matches this week are a product of what happens when you have poor workers attempting to carry the match (tag belts) or guys that aren't great doing exactly what you'd expect. I hardly blame the booking. All the matches got the right amount of time and the angles were set up beforehand (tag belts) or with sufficient reason behind them (Jarrett's issue with XXX from the previous show).

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Guest Lord of The Curry

So can somebody explain the Mike Sanders love to me? Really, because the guy is basically an average worker with good mic skills. Nothing special in my book.

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Guest kelloggs

It's about damn time Mike debuted. I'm a Sanders mark and willingly admit it. I agree that in ring he's an average worker, but on the STICK~! as Dames put it, he's gold. He just has an innate charisma about him, combined with a very solid heel gimmick.

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Guest Slapnuts00

It was an ok show, not one of their best efforts though. I really liked the tag title match, a good blowoff to that feud but the show had way too many run ins and DQs, they need to give it a rest...

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Guest Kotzenjunge

The run-ins and generally inconclusive endings were REALLY starting to piss me off.

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Guest dreamer420

And who cares? What did he do that was so great in WCW? Had a bunch of matches with being the commish on the line, and let the Natural Born Thrillers without wrestling most of the time. He is easily the most overrated wrestler in the business right now as he had done very little with his career except having good mic skills and being friends with Kevin Nash.

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You and I differ greatly on match ratings so I'm not going to bitch about that too much EXCEPT for that tag titles match which I thought you praised way too highly. I was reviewing this show up until that tag match and after what seemed like at he millionth minute of The Church smoking out Storm I said "FUCK! FORGET IT!"


I'm surprised you didn't touch on that fact that Cross (despite being in his third match as you pointed out) outright carried Siaki through that match. Siaki basically had to stand and/or lie there and Cross did everything around him. That kid'll be great one day assuming he doesn't kill himself doing one of those insane bumps.


On a last note; I found it odd that you said Jarrett had it easy against Daniels when Daniels pretty much got 90% of the offense in and lost to a surprise Stroke.


Good review.

When it comes to match ratings, a lot of people say that I'm usually too harsh. I agree with you 100% on The Church though, they couldn't keep the crowd into it and I was getting tired of Storm as face in peril after over 3 minutes or so. Other than that, I was really digging the false finishes towards the end.


I've said it a few times in my reviews prior that Siaki's usually carried by all of his opponents. At least he is able to be carried...should have mentioned that, thanks.


In my opinion, it never looked as if Jarrett was in any danger against Daniels and the match was short...most likely because they knew that they needed to hurry the 3 matches along to get to Dusty.



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I'm a Sanders mark....he's not great in the ring, but he can improve. He's one of those guys who can just earn REAL heel heat with his mic skills and that's important to me. He just oozes charisma and I was DYING for that man to come into TNA.



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Guest dreamer420

Does anyone know what role Mike Sanders will be playing in TNA? Heel announcer? Wrestler? Mouthpiece for Russo?

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Guest Slapnuts00
Does anyone know what role Mike Sanders will be playing in TNA? Heel announcer? Wrestler? Mouthpiece for Russo?

Well Tenay and West have the announcing covered, and Russo doesn't need any one to be his mouthpiece, believe me! So I guess he'll wrestle!

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Guest dreamer420
Does anyone know what role Mike Sanders will be playing in TNA?  Heel announcer? Wrestler? Mouthpiece for Russo?

Well Tenay and West have the announcing covered, and Russo doesn't need any one to be his mouthpiece, believe me! So I guess he'll wrestle!

He was acting like a mouthpiece for Russo last night.

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Mike Sanders is not average! He's above average!


I think once the newcomers are in for SEX, things will get settled down a bit. Like the past few TNA weeks is to establish SEX and the debuts of some guys.


Kill me if you must, but I like the whole angle, though. Don't really care if it is sorta like NWO.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Oh, I definitely like the angle too. I especially like the added angle of AJ Styles trying to get a title shot, but not aligning himself with either SEX or Team NWA.


And this feud should really showcase just how good The Truth has gotten in the past year. I already watch his matches intently due to his blatant presence, and his promo's against SEX should be killer.

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Guest dreamer420
Oh, I definitely like the angle too. I especially like the added angle of AJ Styles trying to get a title shot, but not aligning himself with either SEX or Team NWA.

I just hope it doesn't lead to AJ joining SEX in the near future. The story will work much better is Styles is kept away from the SEX stable. I wouldn't even mind if he feuded with them as a heel vs heel kind of thing either.

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