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Guest So what? I liked bubble boy

Christian Music

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Guest So what? I liked bubble boy

I don't know about you guys, but I only listen to non-secular music. Have you heard todays christian music? If you have, which artists, groups do you like. A couple of my favorites are Jars of Clay, Rich mullins and DC talk.

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Guest Coffin Surfer

Underoath is my favorite of the Chrisitian themed music. A great progressive Hardcore band that dabbles in Black Metal and Melodic Death. Zao and the Hopesfall(No Wings to Speak of, anyway) are good as well.

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Guest Incandenza

Any musical genre that's more concerned with pushing a message rather than the song is bound to be crap. A band can be religious and not suck; Low would be a fine example of this (two-thirds of the band are Mormon). They treat their craft as art. Yes, there is non-secular imagery in their songs, but it's atmosphere and not preaching to the choir.

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Guest So what? I liked bubble boy
The theme song to Veggietales is pretty righteous, in every meaning of the word.

Ok. Funny little thing you have there about the niners. They won't need to comeback from 24 behind because they will be 24 (at least) ahead. :cheers:

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Guest razazteca

PAX tv has a music video show that I stumble on sometimes, some of the stuff is not that bad.

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Guest Edwin MacPhisto

I didn't know that Hopesfall was Christian.


Guess I've been more attention to the screams than the message.


RatsMilk is right, though. In all seriousness, "The Cross" is one of the most spiritual songs I've ever heard, especially from a man who on that same disc performs "If I Was Your Girlfriend."

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Guest treble charged

I've been told by someone that all music, besides Christian music, was evil, and you would go to hell for listening to anything else. And he said this with a straight face, too.

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Guest The Man in Blak

I thought Rich Mullins (the "Lullaby" guy?) was more of a folk artist, but hey.


At any rate, there are a sparse number of Jars of Clay songs that are listenable...but, past that, I really feel that the rest of Christian music is just a downright awful homogenization of current music, perfectly sanitized so that all the emotion and feel of the music itself is sacrificed for the message of tha LORD.


Icky icky BAD.


*cleans self after entering thread*

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Guest Dopey

I would have to go with DC Talk, for a modern Christian act. I still like the 80's Christian bands like The Lifesavers, Undercover, Red Christmas, New December, Vacation Heaven, and the Rez band.

Seeing that I was the lead singer of New December, I had to throw us in there.

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Guest Jack Tunney

Are Spiritualized a Christian band?Some of their lyrics make me wonder.But then again naming a live album "Fucked Up Inside" and doing LSD arent very Christian-like things to do.

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Guest NoCalMike

Well since I am a extreme metal fan.......I would have to go with Crimson Thorn as my fav. CHRISTIAN band......Living Sacrifice is decent as well and some say I resemble one of the band members.....haha.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I've got a cd called Ceremony by a band called Spooky Tooth. I don't really know anything about it other than that one song is just the lord's prayer put to music.

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Guest EricMM

While I wouldn't call them a Christian band per se, MxPx has a few songs that deal with their faith, quite a few actually. That's about as far as I go really.

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Guest spiny norman

Man In Blak, isn't Shawn Mullins the Lullaby guy? I don't know who Rich Mullins is though.


As for Christian Music, I really don't like it. I do find religious fascinating (as an agnostic) but I prefer if it was uswed more subtly, and I find Christian Music (from what I've heard) really doesn't have that subtlety.


And what's the go with the sudden influx of all the Christianity threads on this board? I didn't really expect it in Music folder. What's next? The Sports Folder!!?

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Guest red_file

I've always been rather partial to Petra, myself. If you don't pay attention to the lyrics they just sound like your average 80s hair band.

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Guest Incandenza
Are Spiritualized a Christian band?Some of their lyrics make me wonder.But then again naming a live album "Fucked Up Inside" and doing LSD arent very Christian-like things to do.

I'd say no.


As for Prince, HELL YEAH! Even better is his song "Sister," which is a new wave ode to incest.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk
I've got a cd called Ceremony by a band called Spooky Tooth. I don't really know anything about it other than that one song is just the lord's prayer put to music.

I don't think Spooky Tooth is Christian. They had a pretty sweet album cover featuring Jesus with his hand nailed to the side of his head.

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Guest So what? I liked bubble boy
They had a pretty sweet album cover featuring Jesus with his hand nailed to the side of his head.

What was the meaning of the cover?? If it is what I think, then Jesus wants to say, "Thanks for the laugh, you fool". We all know were fools end up. :(

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I think it was depicting Jesus as some sort of cosmic buffoon. But remember, God is a concept by which we measure our pain. So don't get all bent out of shape about it, and let's not have this thread turn into yet another theological pissing match.

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Guest Incandenza

I don't believe in magic

I don't believe in I-ching

I don't believe in Bible

I don't believe in tarot

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I don't believe in Hitler

I don't believe in Jesus

I don't believe in Kennedy

I don't believe in Buddha

I don't believe in Mantra

I don't believe in Gita

I don't believe in Yoga

I don't believe in kings

I don't believe in Elvis

I don't believe in Zimmerman

I don't believe in Beatles

I just believe in me

Yoko and me

And that's reality

The dream is over

What can I say?

The dream is over


I was the Dream weaver

But now I'm reborn

I was the Walrus

But now I'm John

And so dear friends

You'll just have to carry on

The dream is over

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Guest Incandenza

What a great song. Plastic Ono Band was the last thing I ever wrote about for the main page.

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Guest IDrinkRatsMilk

I remember that article. If I didn't already have the album, you would have convinced me to get it.

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