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Guest Super Pissed Smark

Holy mother of not again.

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Guest Super Pissed Smark

From 1bob courtesy 411:


"Vince McMahon's promo against Steve Austin last night during the RAW X special will likely end up being the foundation for another feud between the two when Austin does return. Triple H walking out after Austin won the Superstar of the Decade Award could also be turned into an angle between The Game and Austin."


What? Why? How? Whaaa I can't even find the words for how fucking ridiculous this is becoming. Just totally beyond any reason. I just, oh, that's it, I've had enough. I can't take it any more. AAAAAARRRGGGGHHHHH!



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I'm sure that trying to rework the feud that brought the WWE back to the top with the original players isn't the worst thing Vince cold do.


What would you have Vince do?


You heard the fans, they want Austin. If all goes well, they will get Austin.

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Who said those fans were smart? Just what we need... another hoss on the roster. Geez, isn't HHH enough? How 'bout a lil Mattamatics, hmm?


SC + H = -MC


SC= Stone Cold (duh), H=Hoss(es), -MT = Less airtime for Midcarders...if they even get any. Let's do another one...



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Guest HartFan86

I wouldn't mind Austin vs. Vince again....certainly better than the shit going on since he left. Austin vs. Flair was pretty good, it's just that it was surrounded by the homo ideas of Bradshaw as a main eventer and the nWo version 20349823098423.


I just hope Austin is the Austin from old, not of from what I saw eariler this year.

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Guest El Satanico

If we've learned anything about Vince over the last 6 years it's this...


If nothing else is working he will always fall back to top face or heel vs. a McMahon.


Top heel or face vs. a McMahon has been horrible the last two or three times that it's been done. But oh goody we may be getting another "new version" of that overplayed storyline.

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Guest Brian

I think it'll work because Austin will be with Bisch. Then, Bisch can win and they can actually do a real split rather than the half-assed incarnations. Then, Bisch can revert back to a heel and I think we'll get what they were originally going to do with Flair.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Austin vs. Vince isn't the answer right now. They could use it as a part of another feud but simply re-doing the Austin/Vince angle isn't going to help anyone.

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Who said those fans were smart? Just what we need... another hoss on the roster. Geez, isn't HHH enough? How 'bout a lil Mattamatics, hmm?


SC + H = -MC


SC= Stone Cold (duh), H=Hoss(es), -MT = Less airtime for Midcarders...if they even get any. Let's do another one...



Austin is considered a hoss now? When did this happen?

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Guest Dangerous A

Austin's not a hoss, but Austin vs any McMahon is not the answer. Austin vs HHH would be ok, but not great, and would be the only thing they could do with Austin because HHH is the only heel strong enough to challenge Austin. Either that or turn Steiner and that might not look so good because Austin can carry his own with a good worker, but when put in with a shit worker, look out. (watch Undertaker vs Austin from Backlash for proof)

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I think it'd be a hell of a lot better to put Austin On Smackdown. He can feuds with Angle, Benoit, Lesnar, Guererro (which was starting at the time he left). If they were to put him on Raw he has to be a heel. He could feud with Booker T, RVD, Jericho, or Steiner.

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Guest Angle-plex

Vince vs Austin & Bischoff could be good. Have Bisch get fired, then he can start a new "company" with Austin as his #1 star.

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I think it'd be a hell of a lot better to put Austin On Smackdown.  He can feuds with Angle, Benoit, Lesnar, Guererro (which was starting at the time he left).  If they were to put him on Raw he has to be a heel.  He could feud with Booker T, RVD, Jericho, or Steiner.

Problem is that Austin on SD would fuck up even more the already fucked up imbalance between Raw and SD.


If Austin goes to SD, you would have to ship Benoit, Team Angle, the Guererros to Raw to balance things out.


Simple thing to do is to ship Benoit and Angle (without Team Angle, who would just have to sink or swim on their own without mooching off of Angle's heat) to Raw in exchange for HHH and Flair and stick Austin on Raw.

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Guest El Satanico

Well by now it's pretty obvious that WWE isn't all that concerned with balancing out the rosters of Raw and Smackdown.


The balance between Raw and Smackdown won't factor into where WWE sticks him. The show Austin ends up on all depends on what storyline they give Austin on his return.

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Guest Vyce
Austin vs. Vince isn't the answer right now. They could use it as a part of another feud but simply re-doing the Austin/Vince angle isn't going to help anyone.



I can't believe some of you want Austin vs. McMahon, part 3985.


It's so tired and overplayed as an angle, that the actual words "tired" and "overplayed" do not describe it accurately enough. There is no word in the English language synonymous with "done to death" that exists to describe just how overdone that angle is.


And the alternative is Austin vs. HHH? Well, that's fresher - it's only been done about 2854 times before.


This is bullshit. Austin is gone for 6 months. They finally decide to bend over and take it up the ass and ask him to come back, and THIS is the best they can come up with????? Two feuds which have been done before, ad nauseum?


But then, I suppose that's all they can do. Who the fuck else is going to feud with, fucking Batista?

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Austin is considered a hoss now? When did this happen?


Watch some of his matches with nWo. Perfect examples: at one PPV (I forget which) he faced Big Show and Flair, with interferance from X-Pac, and still won. 3 on 1... I guess that would be acceptable. Then on a Raw, he was in a Lumberjack match, but his main opponent was Booker T. That's.....I forget how many, but it was more than 3, even with Arn Anderson's interferance. And yet, Austin STILL won. Now I know he's the top face and he's supposed to beat the heels, but geez, not THAT badly.

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Guest midnight_burn

Yet more proof this company has reached creative bankruptcy, they are incapable of new ideas.

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Guest Zero_Cool

There is a major problem with this..considering who on RAW is available to feud for Wrestlemania.


Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels are seemingly ready for Wrestlemania, unless...Triple H beats Steiner at RR, going over in the feud, and Michaels wins the Rumble, which sets up their "big" match at WM, which would really leave Jericho available..and damaged once more.


Austin/Jericho is a route they may go...however, the two just don't mesh that well in the ring...at least in a face Austin/heel Jericho form we saw earlier.

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Guest Brian
Austin/Jericho is a route they may go...however, the two just don't mesh that well in the ring...at least in a face Austin/heel Jericho form we saw earlier.

The story is Triple H had gottenm Austin really paranoid at the time and with the NWO coming in and his ex taking the kids, things fell apart. That whole period was incredibly shaky for him, moreso than just on a wrestling front and you have to take that into consideration.


I still say that they should just put him on SmackDown for Benoit, and send Rock and Undertaker to RAW to help things out. Throw in Goldberg and Vince will probably think RAW will be in the seven's.

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Guest RickyChosyu

Don't mesh well in the ring?


What would be an example of a main event pair that *has* "meshed well?" Angle and Big Show? Triple H and Shawn? I'm open for all examples in this area.


The problem, aside from everything people seem to want to throw on top of the issue is: can Austin still create the buzz he once did? It's well known that he was unmotivated, dreary, and borring as a face when he left, so what's the answer when he returns? Turn him heel? Another good point made on another board was that after being gone for so long, Austin's age will be far more obvious to fans expecting the good ol' rattlesnake back on on top.


Where do they go from here? Hogan/Austin? Rock/Austin? HHH/Austin? All of those are logical feuds that, while not near as lucrative as once could have been, (that's a statement that seems to get thrown around a lot these days) can still provide possitive business for the WWE. Personally, I would go with Austin/Hogan for mania since it seems the logical way to blow off their last "dream match" out of Hogan while building up the returning Austin. Then he can be left to lose to Super Heel Rock or Super Heel HHH with some momentum. Austin/Steiner is also a possibility, but with Scotty, there are no guarantees on any lasting value he'll have.

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Guest FeArHaVoC

I can't even try to figure out what the Fuck Vince and WWE are thinking anymore.


Austin will probably just go to Raw and Triple H will be shipped back to Smackdown where he'll eat up Team Angle, Benoit & Eddie until there is nothing left for him there. Then, He'll go over who ever the WWE Champion is, probably Lesnar since he is over due for a lose to Triple H.


Yes, that's the worst idea ever. But, that's WWE theory these days.

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Guest bob_barron

Austin v. Jericho have never meshed well in the ring even before Triple H was getting Austin paranoid or whatever you're talking about. They just don't click

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Guest MarvinisaLunatic

Well, you know we're getting Vince vs Bischoff first. Thats gonna be..interesting to say the least..

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Guest Pa|adin
Austin vs anything would be better then the shit they're running now

That's pretty much it, even if it is only a short term fix, however, bringing back Austin is something that will help in the long term.


I don't know what's gonna happen when the two are in the same ring, after all the trouble that austin caused.

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Guest RickyChosyu
Austin v. Jericho have never meshed well in the ring even before Triple H was getting Austin paranoid or whatever you're talking about. They just don't click

Thanks for repeating what he said, but that wasn't my question.


"What would be an example of a main event pair that *has* 'meshed well?' Angle and Big Show? Triple H and Shawn? I'm open for all examples in this area." - Ricky Chosyu, six posts ago.


And hate to sound pompous, but what planet do you live in that levle of compatability in the ring determines which wrestlers feud together? When has the WWE really cared about "the match that was produced" as opposed to "the buy rate that was produced?"


This is the company that is hosting the Royal Rumble. The one with Triple H vs. Scott Steiner for the belt. They don't *care* about how ugly or smooth it looks out there.

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Guest red_file
"What would be an example of a main event pair that *has* 'meshed well?' Angle and Big Show? Triple H and Shawn? I'm open for all examples in this area." - Ricky Chosyu, six posts ago.

How far back are you open to considering?

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Guest AlwaysPissedOff
Austin is considered a hoss now? When did this happen?


Watch some of his matches with nWo. Perfect examples: at one PPV (I forget which) he faced Big Show and Flair, with interferance from X-Pac, and still won. 3 on 1... I guess that would be acceptable. Then on a Raw, he was in a Lumberjack match, but his main opponent was Booker T. That's.....I forget how many, but it was more than 3, even with Arn Anderson's interferance. And yet, Austin STILL won. Now I know he's the top face and he's supposed to beat the heels, but geez, not THAT badly.

That's not a "hoss". Hell, damn near every big name face in the WWE has done that before and Austin is no exception.


Now guys like Taker, Kane, Big Show, Albert, Batista maybe, probably Brock too, and Rikishi are generally considered hosses.

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